View Full Version : blow through helps regulate air pressure?

04-05-2004, 09:45 PM
Does a front grip with air fittings made any sort of difference in the air supply regulation?

A kapp, for instance, does it make a difference with HPA or co2? I ask because i see damn near everybody has one.

other than aesthetics, does it help at all?

04-05-2004, 09:50 PM

04-06-2004, 07:53 AM
The gas through grip can help CO2 a bit as it adds surface area to the gas line to help prevent condensation which results in liquid. For HPA it offers no benefit. Mostly, people just use them for asthetics and as a fore grip. Using a gas through grip means the hose doesn't have to loop up past the grip frame.

04-06-2004, 11:10 AM
not to be picky, but it adds volume, not surface area.

If you are running CO2, i'd say you want to have it in addition to an anti-siphon professionally installed on your tank.

04-06-2004, 12:39 PM
not to be picky back, but he was talking about the surface area of the gas line.(as a function of co2 turning to liquid) not the volume of the gas line. the more surface area you have the more likely you are to not have liquid in the gun. (this is the idea behind x-chambers)

04-06-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by craltal
not to be picky, but it adds volume, not surface area.

If you are running CO2, i'd say you want to have it in addition to an anti-siphon professionally installed on your tank.

Not to be picky, but it adds both volume and surface area. ;)

If running CO2, it will make somewhat of an expansion chamber, but a very poor one. Basically it will give the CO2 a little more chance to expand since it will have to make at least 2 90 degree bends and travel a farther distance to get to the valve. However, when compared with a real multi-chambered expansion chamber or a vertical regulator, it does very little good to help regulate pressure.

04-06-2004, 12:49 PM
We use gas-through foregrips so your gun doesn't look like this. Also gives you a solid place to hold with your not shooting hand.


or like this:


Here's my gun with a 32 Degrees Gas-Thru grip. Looks a lot better and it's more comfy.


04-06-2004, 12:56 PM
I nominate this Mag for LONGEST hose in the world. He really needs a gas-thru.
