View Full Version : Should I....?

09-30-2001, 02:22 PM
Ok, what would you do in my situation? I'm a freshman in college and you're not allowed to have paintball markers on campus (or any airguns). My parents just sold my trusty old Volvo and are getting my sister a Civic, so I have no means of transportation anymore. I have put almost all of my life savings into my mag. I could sit here and list all of the parts on it but I don't think you care or want to read it. Anyway, it's been sitting in my room collecting dust. I'm thinking of either selling it now(because I can't play anymore) and using the money to buy an acoustic guitar, or hold on to it for four years and then get back into paintball. If I was to sell it then I would probably buy a new marker in five years. So....what would you do?:confused:

09-30-2001, 02:30 PM
When I buy things like guns, I don't sell them even if money is tight. Because I know that down the road I'll regret it if I sold one of them. This is just me, but if your Mag is something you really don't want to part with, then keep it. I'm sure you'll go home in the summer and be able to play, but if not, I'd keep it just because it's special to you and you'll never be able to get back what you put into it. Just do what you feel is right.

09-30-2001, 02:40 PM
BlackVCG; Quite a profound and prophetical answer... though I would have to completely agree with you *hugs his 'mag fondly* :D