View Full Version : Blade Trigger for Emag or Future Emags?

a person
09-30-2001, 03:15 PM
I was wondering, does AGD make a blade trigger for the Emag?
I dont think they do, so will you make one? Will they be an option on future Emags, Modular Emags, Emag Extremes, etc?

09-30-2001, 03:19 PM
At present, AGD does not make the blade trigger for the E-mag, believe me I tried. As for what the future may bring, only the great AGD would know....

09-30-2001, 03:35 PM
Tom, will you be making the blade trigger for the EMag???

a person
09-30-2001, 03:38 PM
Ive noticed something else, maybe someone else has to or has already stated this(if so sorry I try not to be redundant at any time), that they are trying to produce a lighter gun.

Mr. Kaye was pointing the new things that were in the works and I find it interesting...

Delrin bolt-lighter
Aluminum Valve Assembly(I think he said that?)-lighter
Modular Bodies(I know it is AGD Europe but same difference)-lighter

If you add up how much lighter that would be you gotta a light mag!

Another thing, if any AGD techs or AGD read, will you be showcasing anything at the World Cup? or did you reveal everything you wanted to show at the ZAP IAO?