View Full Version : My movie theater rules

04-06-2004, 11:53 AM
-Cell phones OFF. Even though your cell phone is on 'Silent', your annoying blue screen is really annoying. If your cell phone rings, it gets confiscated.

I can't stand cell phones in theaters. And the people who have conversations.

-No babies. Even if it's a Disney film, keep your crying smelly baby at home. If you get past security, your baby will be confiscated. And then punched in the face.

-No kids in R movies. Kids get scared. Crying is very annoying. 'Punch In The Face' rule applies here as well.

-No kids will be in the theater past 9pm. All PG-13 movies must end by that time.

-No hanging out at the theater.

-No arcades or games at the theater. This encourages kids to be at the theater. And most kids just pretend their playing and get the joysticks greasy. But it's cute, right?

-Chew with mouth SHUT or your food will be confistaced, and you will be forever be on the concessions black-list.

-No slurping. Your drink is empty.

-If you are going to sneak food in, make sure it's quiet.

-When eating movie theater box candy, know how to prepare it. Open bag, empty contents back into box. Discard bag. Buffoons.

-No talking. Don't ask "Who's the killer!?!?"

-Leave shoes on. Your feet smell.

-Don't put weight on my seat or kick it. Any slight movement on the seatback is very annoying.

-Commercials will no be played prior to the movie.

-Groups of teenagers will be told to shut the hell up upon entry. You are not cool. You are not tough.

-Movie Guys will leave their laptops at home.

-Popcorn will have REAL butter.

04-06-2004, 12:02 PM
I guess I'm a 'kid', but if you ever start a movie theature, I will be sure to frequent it. You just listed all the reasons why I dont go to the movies :p

04-06-2004, 12:04 PM
no sleeping in the theater cause from this list
you ovious dreaming :)

04-06-2004, 12:34 PM
This rule list you have compiled only fuels my hate for teenagers, and in fact being one. Just keep in mind not all teenagers are retarded and do said things, namely me. :)

.... and none others...

Edit: Go personman.

04-06-2004, 12:41 PM
I was in a movie and someones cellphone rings... Sounds kinda close... Anyways, that always gets to me.
The chick I was there with started looking around confused-like (I thought she was looking for who had the phone... like me).
Then she reached into her purse and retireved a ringing cell phone.


She paused for a second to see who was calling. :confused: WTF, Just turn it off, woman. Its simple.


Then she answered it

:mad: :mad: :mad:

I didnt hang out with her much after that.

04-06-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
I didnt hang out with her much after that. LOL!! :p Good call.

And that's pretty good nippinout, I'd definitely frequent your theatre. :)

04-06-2004, 02:24 PM
i ask one more thing (other than additional punches in the face), is that tickets stay UNDER 2 figures. im not paying 10 dollars to see 'club dread' you bastards.. that was directed to my local theater

04-06-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Brak
i ask one more thing (other than additional punches in the face), is that tickets stay UNDER 2 figures. im not paying 10 dollars to see 'club dread' you bastards.. that was directed to my local theater
the most I've ever seen for a ticket is 7 something... And I think thats steep for some movies. If I had to pay 10 per ticket, you wouldnt get me near a theatre...

04-06-2004, 02:58 PM
I just was at a movie theatre



04-06-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

...and bludgeoned. I prefer bludgeoning.

04-06-2004, 03:16 PM
Thordic's Scale of Movie Pricing:

Base Movie Price: $2.50

Every 100 people killed bloodily: + $0.50

Each Lesbian Scene (at least one must be hot): + $1.00

Each Boob Shot: + $0.50

Full Frontal (Female): + $2.00

Full Frontal (Male): - $5.00

Pirates/Robots/Zombies: + $2.00

Hero has shotgun and chainsaw-hand: + $2.00

Midgets: + $1.50

Each Car Chase (w/ explosions): + $1.00)

Each Car Chase (w/o explosions): -$0.50 (Who wants to see a car chase where something doesn't blow up?)

Copious Use Of Laser Beams: + $0.75

Each Touching Moment That Makes Your Girlfriend Go "Aww!": - $2.50

Stars Freddy Prinze Jr.: - $1.00

This needs more tweaking, but I definitely think a scale like this would be necessary in a perfect theatre.

04-06-2004, 03:20 PM
or you can avoid the whole mess and do what i do, wait for the dvd to come out. if you dont like it you can always sell it and get some of your cash back. try that at the box office. while there are a few movies that are just made for the big screen, 99% of them work just fine on my tv and i dont have to be annoyed by punk teenagers at home, at least not for 9 more years. ;)

04-06-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Midgets: + $1.50

what would you charge for a midget lesbian scene? and what about if one was a robot that exploded upon completion of the act? im guessing +$10? is that fair?

04-06-2004, 03:25 PM
Well it just keeps adding up, and I would hope at a theatre such as this, you would be gratious enough to add in a tip if a movie was shown that was of a level of awesome that included exploding robot midget lesbians.

At that point you go back and hand them a $20 on your way out.

04-06-2004, 03:27 PM
i need to get into the movie business.

04-06-2004, 03:27 PM
So by that scale, Thordic you could actually make money if you went to a Chick-flick with Freddie Prinze Jr's first full frontal nude scene at the not-so-violent end to a car chase.

04-06-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
So by that scale, Thordic you could actually make money if you went to a Chick-flick with Freddie Prinze Jr's first full frontal nude scene at the not-so-violent end to a car chase.

Well you'd have to pay me for sitting through that crap, and any theatre that shows it deserves to go out of business.

04-06-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
So by that scale, Thordic you could actually make money if you went to a Chick-flick with Freddie Prinze Jr's first full frontal nude scene at the not-so-violent end to a car chase.

there had better be some exploding lesbian robots involved in this flick. or else i will be involved in a violent exploding car crash.

04-06-2004, 03:55 PM
lmao, this is a funny thread. so this theater would basically be full of aoers. :D

04-06-2004, 05:31 PM
do you show any movies for males?

04-06-2004, 05:38 PM
i would def go to your movie theater, i cant stand being interrupted watching movies. but if the whole theater is empty, and its just me and my friends in there an no one else---then u better believe im gonna goof off and make noise and have fun. but thats only when i go to the movie theater closest to me, which has like 5 screens. then on the other hand, the one a little further away, is much bigger, much nicer, goes undergound for like 3 stories, is VERY expensive, ha like 20 screens, and just about every new movie...these people get the movies when u hear "only showing at select theaters"

04-06-2004, 06:45 PM
The last time I saw a movie was like 2 summers ago, come to think of it, none of my friends even go to movies. The theater by us is 8.50 I believe for a ticket, a little cheaper for students though...its got 30 screens

04-06-2004, 06:57 PM
I dont think our theatre should allow middle age woman couples. I.E, 2 30-50 year old women-friends enter theatre. We kick them out. They are hands down the most annoying moviegoers to put up with.

04-06-2004, 07:09 PM
-Groups of teenagers will be told to shut the hell up upon entry. You are not cool. You are not tough.

damn right...im 15 and i hate those kids...especially the little kids that do it and try to start a fight

but the worst thing is when you go and sit in front of a 5 year old...and he kicks your seat non-stop through out the whole movie

04-06-2004, 07:22 PM
nice rules-me like

04-06-2004, 09:46 PM
At the last movie I went to (Master and Commander, good btw), there was this "family" I guess you could call it. Maybe friends, anyways they had a small kid or two (baby maybe?), and they were sitting right behind us. They couldn't get one of the kids to shut up and almost got kicked out (I was for it). After a lengthy talk with an usher or whoever was in charge one of the woman (who had a small kid) came back to her seat. She seemed very pissed, calling the movie theater employee various obsceneties. I wanted to get up and punch her in the face and tell her she deserves it. But being a semi-nice-and-tolerant-kinda-guy, I didn't. The movie employee was absolutly right, she should have been kicked out of the movie with her entire party...

Oh, and I like the movie, besides the random red dots that would flash up on the screen (in the middle) every 10 seconds or so (for 1 frame). Now that, was hella anoying. Your probably not going to see me pay to see an other movie if it has those in it. I'd rather "aquire" it from somewere else (irc). I don't know about you, but my eyes have become sensetive to high(er) framerates because of my constant use of computers, I it is very obvious to me when there are things like that in one frame. Films like that don't deserve my money, even if they are very good.

04-06-2004, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Hero has shotgun and chainsaw-hand: + $2.00


Ash rules!!!!!:D

Should be allowed to use said chainsaw on people who talk!


04-06-2004, 10:22 PM
Ash vs the exploding robot midget lesbians!!!!!

04-08-2004, 10:06 PM
im into the punch in the face rule...and the slight pressure on the back of seats!! thats the worste, a nice consistent TAPPING is better then a slight irritating pressure...gee.

i like tictacs
04-09-2004, 12:21 AM
my theatre charges 10.50 a ticket, on top of the RAPE for food and drink.

04-09-2004, 12:42 AM
What about people that go in with video cameras to share with their kazza folks? :confused: :D

04-09-2004, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Rather
What about people that go in with video cameras to share with their kazza folks? :confused: :D I dunno about the man, but I'd be okay with it, so long as it's not in the least bit distracting to anybody in the audience. If so, camera's confiscated... and they get a punch in the face. Better yet, they get punched WITH their video camera... heh... heh... :p

04-09-2004, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by i like tictacs
my theatre charges 10.50 a ticket, on top of the RAPE for food and drink.

Thats when you smuggle a buffet into the theater to compensate. The higher the ticket price, the more food you have to smuggle in. Its a rule.