View Full Version : To use or not to use Warp Feed?

04-06-2004, 12:35 PM
I've been out to the game for sometime. Since my brother has enlisted me in a game here in 2 weeks I have to hurry in up grading my old RT. If one has to use a Halo B to keep up with the warp feed then why not just use the Halo B by itself? My gun is a blender! I take it that the level 10 bolt is going to correct this problem. So if that does it. I can raise the imput pressure from 600-650psi to something like 750psi and finally use the reative trigger like it was ment to be! I need to feed it though. I like the JT slammer on my revi and hate to loose it. Will it keep up with an x-board in short bursts with a 12v warp?:confused:

04-06-2004, 12:43 PM
you dont have to use a halo with a warp. I have a old 12v revy feeding my warp and I can shoot at 15 BPS full auto on my spyder. now, its a given that you can only shoot about 10 round bursts before you eat up the balls in the little hamster wheel. but once you stop shooting it will catch up. I have never had a problem with my revy not keeping up.

and yes, the LX bolt will do wonders for keeping your gun from being a blender. ti should stop chops all-together if it is setup correctly.

04-06-2004, 01:01 PM
Alrighty then. I found a warp cheap and it would sure save some coin over buying a Halo.

04-07-2004, 02:42 AM
where did you find the warp cheap?

04-07-2004, 10:29 AM
A revy will easily be able to keep up with your firing rate, especially if your RT is an older version and you havent been playing for a while. Personaly i dont like the warp. It gets in the way and puts my gun off balance, but thats just personal prefrence and thats up to you to decide.

04-09-2004, 01:35 AM
A revy will easily be able to keep up with your firing rate, especially if your RT is an older version and you havent been playing for a while.

Are you saying that my RT and I are slow? :eek:
Well anyway I bought a Halo. I still wouldn't mind the Warp, but for now just a standard set-up will do. I'd still like to try one out sometime. Maybe someone will have one on the 24th when I'll be playing next. Thanks for all your imput...

04-19-2004, 12:43 PM
No im not implying that you have a slow ROF. Just saying that with an RT it realy isnt posible to go more than 16 BPS mechanicaly. I know the RT has the fastest recharge rate of any mechanical gun, but with the way the trigger is designed you really cant go all that fast on it without the HAIR trigger set-up, which i dont even think is out yet.

04-22-2004, 10:33 PM
Once you're going over roughly 15-16bps, you'll want a Halo instead of a Revy. For a while, I did not believe that people were actually outshooting revy/warp's... then I was doing it myself... EVERY string. Highly annoying, because it screws up your string at the worst times. Starts feeding too slow, LX kicks in which wastes more time... not very desirable.