View Full Version : weve got a non believer

04-06-2004, 09:43 PM
i was talking to one of my buddies online, and he tells me how he thinks paintball looks like it would be gay. i was like " oh yeah thats why its ranked in the top 3 in extreme sports" well now i have to find the info to back that up. so im askin ao for a little help.

04-06-2004, 09:47 PM
They've got alot of fast-paced videos you can watch. That'll change his mind.

04-06-2004, 09:50 PM
if nothing else works stick your tongue out at him, or if you are feeling really saucy....the middle finger...just kidding.


04-06-2004, 11:54 PM
Ask him if he's afriad to get hit.

This is especially useful if he plays first person shooter video games, where you can only pretend to be shooting people.

04-07-2004, 12:02 AM
...who cares? ;)

04-07-2004, 08:01 AM
its waaay more popular than knitting, skittles and pie eating. The three most dangerous extreme sports out there.

Is paintball an extreme sport? Theres no air, fast speed, we don't collide with each other, theres no wheels, mountains etc.....

04-07-2004, 09:12 AM
Well...we do shoot each other.

I'm just glad I found an extreme sport I can do without dying - now my son can think I'm cool again (lol).

04-07-2004, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Bolter
its waaay more popular than knitting, skittles and pie eating. The three most dangerous extreme sports out there.

Is paintball an extreme sport? Theres no air, fast speed, we don't collide with each other, theres no wheels, mountains etc.....

Hi, I'm here for the Pie?

No, but paintball is extreme in the idea that it's a different style of sport from other competitive sports (football, baseball etc).

04-07-2004, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Bolter
its waaay more popular than knitting, skittles and pie eating. The three most dangerous extreme sports out there.

Well that depends on what kind of pie you are eating!:eek:

You could be allergic and die. You perverts get your mind out of the gutter! ;)

04-08-2004, 10:48 PM
I had a friend that was just like that, smack talking about paintball. Then we took him balling once out at Skirmish, and that was all it took: he was as hooked as the rest of us. He bought a marker the next day. All it takes is a solid day of play on a good field to make a true believer.