View Full Version : Viking questions

04-07-2004, 11:48 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm in the middle of my '04 gun search and determined to stick to one gun for at least the season... I'm looking at a lot of options, so please don't say "get this or "get that" here.

What I'm wondering is this- I saw a new '03 stock viking for $650... is this a good deal? (it's totally stock) how reliable are vikings as far as maintenance? what should i add to it?
(I'm not sure what board it has). Any problems with warranties or replacement parts now that they are being dicontinued? not every company can be as good at service as AGD.


-and mags are in the running- as soon as Tuna writes me back! ;)

04-07-2004, 12:00 PM
Just remember that AKA will be not making anymore Vikings after this current run.

The only thing I would say is I wouldn't buy an electronic marker without eyes (or Level X if no eyes available).

Good luck!

04-07-2004, 12:26 PM
They're not making them anymore, but from what I understand, they will still make parts and sevice the Viks. Eyes arent that expensive (assuming you have a compatible board and the body is pre-drilled. There are places that perform that service for you, tho)

Personally, I never owned a vik, but from what I hear, they're about as trouble-free as mags most of the time.

650 seems like a good deal to me... Make sure it has WAS board and is compatible with the Eyes (WAS board, body pre-drilled, etc) Also, recently AKA switched solenoids in their markers. Ask if it has the new noids.

04-07-2004, 12:36 PM
If it has WAS board and humphreys it's not to bad, if it doesn't then its not a good deal.


04-07-2004, 01:19 PM
man, that's what i love about AO... quick informative responses. Thanks guys, I'll think abou tit and see if i can find out about the board/etc.

04-07-2004, 05:09 PM
Vikings are built like tanks (Period). No maintenance (just a few drops in the asa), Great AKA service, basically everything about the marker is a 10.

Find out if it has WAS and if its drilled for eyes, if it doesn't have WAS get the Chaos board cause no FSDO and just as fast as WAS and you don't have to deal w/ JD. See if it has a razor trigger also, the stock blade trigger is kinda poopy.

04-07-2004, 05:18 PM
Where is Steelrat when you need him eh? He loves his Vikings and Excals. I would aggree with what was said above.

AKA seems to make rock solid markers. The only thing I hear is that some of the '04 Vikings have a bolt/ball detent issue that is causing some chopping for some people. It's not a problem for the '03' or the Excals as I understand though.

04-07-2004, 06:39 PM
viking all the way make sure its wased or chaosed or its milled at least for the eyes
vikings are bar none the most reliable electro out there
and the word fast doesn't even come close describing their rof
as stated earlier vike=perfection

04-08-2004, 11:28 AM
They fixed the 04 bolt issue with a special slotted delrin bolt and provide new springs for the detents. You just send in your old one and they replace it for free... Just pay for shipping on your end.

Not an issue with the 03's. The "all-stock" 03 typically means a nelson board, no eyes, stock neck, not drilled to accept eyes (sides of body need the eye holes drilled out, a tapped hole for a eye cover screw required for each side and the main tray notched to run the wiring.)

Dan Voils, an AKA tech does this and calls it a full meal deal. Unfortunately Mr. JD is not selling Dan any WAS gear so you'll have to wait for the new Choas boards to come out to fully upgrade the Viking. In the past it was $234 or so to do the drill/tap/notch + buying the board, eyes, eye covers, etc.

You'll need either the Nelson Datalink for changing the ROF, dwell, etc. or the Equalink cable for WAS boards to make certain adjustments. Most adjustments on the WAS board is made via the trigger, not the Equalink.

New to AKA myself, but the AKA forum on PBN is rather informative. Picked up an 04 Featherlight and an 03 Excalibur there. The Vik rips and the Excal is enroute.

These days $650 for a stock 03 isn't above and beyond the going rate. With the higher demand, NO supply = very steady resale prices. Been seeing markers going beyond retail for used even.

Good luck and hopefully you'll be part of the AKA family too. And just in case, I have 3 mags and only 2 AKA's so I am an AGD family member, too. ;)


04-08-2004, 11:41 AM
oh, yeah... if you get the vik, contact bartman on AO and ask for a norider;)

Lowest rise available...:D Its crazy how short that thing is.

04-08-2004, 12:09 PM
well like they all said already
you really want eyes.
650 for a stock is good. but many people would recommend was or chaos board with eyes.

many people blame (AKA "proved" that its the WAS board) the was board for being the cause of FSDO with the viks and excals. maybe so, but all i know is mine doesn't have it.

many people also recommened the SCM LPR. some people have had problems with it, i haven't yet.
they say the only *real* benefit from the SCM is its more consistent when firing strings of paint

i also heard that with WAS board you want the MAC noids isstead of the newnoids. not sure how true this is however.

new noids - better efficiency on battery, less dwell, quicker

also, razor. never tried stock one. but i switched out the old frame and replaced it with a evolve frame so.

but yeah
they're very nice, realiable, and very efficient.
lot of peopel get over 2000+ shots off of a 68/4500 fill.

never really have to take it apart, just get some extreme lube from AKA, and oil it up before every game and you're good to go

04-08-2004, 12:15 PM
vikings are excellent markers. I myself have owned 2, well, still own one. I sold my mag for one. though, im not sure I should be admitting that to this crowd :)

as squid said. these are built like tanks. very reliable, very efficient, very fast. with a WAS board and the breakbeam eyes, these things are more or less unstoppable. as many have said, 04's are no longer made. last I heard, the last production 04 has been done, I believe it went to prarie. I could be wrong though. either way. vikings = http://www.fallingaway.com/dwn/images/emoticons/thumbsup.gif just like a mag, little oil in the ASA, youre good to play for a day.

as far as service goes, in my experience with AKA, they are just as good for service as AGD. replaceent parts, no problem, even though the viking and excal are no longer in production, they still make parts for them.

also, check the pics.. can you tell me that this isnt the most sexy marker you've ever seen:

http://www.fallingaway.com/img/dc_viking/dc_vike_resized_2.jpg http://www.fallingaway.com/img/dc_viking/dc_vike_resized_3.jpg http://www.fallingaway.com/img/dc_viking/dc_vike_resized_4.jpg

and thats a BP no-rider on there.

04-08-2004, 12:20 PM
Joey D - that is REALLY nice.

and thanks to everyone.. good info!
I'll check out the stats of the one I saw.