View Full Version : Doc Nickel & The A4

04-07-2004, 02:58 PM
Doc's Patented Hype Analysis on the new A4 Fly:
by Doc Nickel

The Fly can cycle and fire paintballs faster than any other paintball marker.

-As far as you know. And hey, you think you can actually pull 23 BPS without "cheating".

Due to its design, the Angel has a shorter firing Cycle time than any other paintball marker.

-We're not gonna tell you just how short, 'cause then you might find out we're lying.

Angel-Eyes works differently to other eye systems.

-They use an 820Nm IR LED, rather than a 800Nm IR LED*.

There is no fixed ‘delay’ built into the cycle time.

-But we're not gonna tell you which delay, 'cause, you know, delaying the firing cycle 'til a ball drops is sort of the whole point of an eye, but hey, "no delay" sounds good. Expect the PBN noobs to be parroting the "no delay" part as why the Fly will be better than anything else.

Angel-Eyes uses new technology to replace the traditional delay used by all other eye systems, further increasing rate of fire.

-Actually, we're using the new technology to replace our earlier antichop technology that, even though we hyped it out the gills, worked about was well as a sack of wet cats.

'Laid Back’ Slayer trigger

-Which is like every other trigger out there, but with a cooler name.

External Vernier Trigger adjustment, with Toe positioning

-We put little wheels on the setscrews. "Vernier" sounds more high-tech than 'dial-a-bounce'.

Smoother Firing Cycle.

-We're pretty sure anyway. Trust us.

Modified gas galleries[...]

-We drilled bigger holes.

[...]allow the Fly’s LPR Pressure to be set way below 50psi, reducing bolt impact and allowing the use of very fragile paint.

-Except that our Patented RotaBreech still forces us to position the boltface away from the ball, allowing the bolt to "impact" the ball, not accellerate it with the bolt.

6 modes of fire

-None of which you can use in a tourney, but are included like the built-in thermometer, to attract the noobs who judge a markers' performance by the number of shiny objects it has.

21 De-bounce settings from Tournament Legal to ‘Oh My God!’ (where permitted)

-We wanted to call it "Adjustable Cheat Mode" but W.A.S. had copyrighted the term already. "Where permitted" meaning "whereever you can get away with it".

Ultra Safe Store Demonstration Mode – The Fly will dry-fire at an insane rate, to offer the store customer a true reflection of its awesome firepower, but will not fire if a ball is present.

-It's actually a software bug, but the marketing guys managed to figure out a way to call it a "feature".

Modified Anti-Jam Twin Anti-Double-Balls. These new pivot action detents are specifically designed for force feed loaders, with extra snap-back to ensure only one ball per cycle enters the breech.

-We added another ball detent with heavier springs. We had to, since so many people with HALOs were having loader-induced feed problems. And don't even get me started on the COPS and Sensi...

Low-Rise Twist-Lock feed.

-You know, like every other gun on the market today has.

Large volume chamber, offering working pressures under 175psi.

-Because, as you all know, lower pressure is better. It makes the ball go farther, more accurately, lets you shoot faster, reduces recoil in total contradiction to the laws of inertia, and makes the ladies flock to you like a magnet.

14" Infinity Barrel

-That's what we call our honed aluminum tube, which is, of course, better than anyone elses' honed aluminum tubes.

Patented 90 Degree Space Frame.

-Damn those people ripping off our design by using 90.1 degree frames!

Custom Fly Back-plate.

-It has a picture of Jeff Goldblum engraved on it. Bling-bling!

Smaller, Lighter design.

-Smaller by 3/32" and lighter by fifteen grams. Hey, on this one, we're not actually lying!

Introduction to Angel-Eyes - A break-beam Optical system like no other.

-Well, except for the ones used on Intimidators for the past three years, the ones the RaceGun has been using for two, and the ones Curt came up with over five years ago, but hey, the noobs don't know that, so we can rewrite history and get away with it.

Angel-Eyes - A dynamic pro-active operation that constantly self-adjusts to the feed rate of your loader, to guarantee a no-chop operation.

-You know, just like the eyes in X-Mags, Raceguns, E-blades, Intimidators, Gabriels, Matrixes, Bushmasters, Shockers and Impulses.

But also NOT like that COPS or Sensei crap we tried before!

Due to the Fly’s rechargeable Metal Hydride power supply the Angel-Eyes break-beam is so powerful it can sometimes be seen with the naked eye.

-Whuzzuh? I'm going to have to have a word with the marketing department...

It will see through paint, grease, dirt and debris.

-And sometimes, it can even see through the ball itself, but the marketing guys assure me that's not a drawback.

No other eye system can match the Angels EyeQ.

-Except, you know, the eyes in X-Mags, Raceguns, E-blades, Intimidators, Gabriels, Matrixes, Bushmasters, Shockers and Impulses.

Only the finest optical components have been used, to ensure Angel quality.

-Just as the finest piezoelectric components were used in the COPS system. Ah hell, we buy in bulk from Digi-Key like everyone else...

A profiled flexible polymer cover prevents damage from paint or impact.

-It has a plastic cover. Which is, of course, better than the heavy metal covers used on Vikings, Excals and Intimidators.

The Powerful Angel-Eyes system is controlled by the new Fly Board, the fastest, most intelligent and user friendly board ever devised, with achievable fire rates up to 31bps*

-We wanted to use the term "Artifical Intelligence" but W.A.S. had copyrighted that one too.

*Governed only by loading system.

-And if you replace our Govnair reg with one that can actually keep up, and if you set the Self-Cheat mode, er, the debounce mode to zero.

This new technology is packed tightly into the smallest, lightest Angel ever.

-I'd have to check, but I think we said that one already...


* I don't actually know, I'm just raggin'. Posted on Mar 11, 2004, 2:27 PM

04-07-2004, 03:10 PM
He just owned the Fly A4 and WDP. Nnnnnnnniiiiicccccceeee.

04-07-2004, 03:14 PM
I guess...that's cool.......:rolleyes:

It's advertising, everyone does it, you could do it with any marker ad.

04-07-2004, 03:22 PM
Do it to an AGD ad. ;)

Or at least the specs on the Xmag box. :D

AGD's probably one of the few companies that doesn't overhype something. With AGD, a spade is a spade. Not a diamond crusted spade.

04-07-2004, 03:23 PM
doc is really really into it when it comes to technology, although he really needs to hire a few stooges to answer his phones, cause i emailed him 2ice, about 3 and 5 months ago, and i dont blame him cause he gets so much work, but still, im waiting on getting a trix milled ;)

04-07-2004, 03:31 PM
Yeah, Doc is right, instead they should of said this...

"Buy the all new Fly A4. It isn't much better then the A4 besides the break beam eyes, but hell shouldn't we have put those in our guns 2 years ago? The gun isn't much smaller or lighter so we won't even say anything about that. The gun has debounce so it can cheat like every other gun that has a debounce setting, really our gun is just as fast as every other gun out there. Nothing really is that much different, hell this thing is just an A4 with some eyes, nothing really special, you should consider dm4's, they are definitely better then our new Fly A4. Hell, how is this thing even knew? It is using the exact same system we have been using since 96."

Give me a break...

04-07-2004, 03:33 PM
i saw all of those Angel ads in a pbgear.com magazine i got with a purchase. I almost posted them here because some of thier claims were just so rediculous. Its sad that people need to make up a lot of false claims and use a lot of fancy names to get people to buy a product. Heaven forbid they let the product's own quality speak for itself like a certain other paintball company...

EDIT: I was wondering why angels even need 6 modes of fire. It makes them look like some glorified e spyder

Angry Man
04-07-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Do it to an AGD ad. ;)

Or at least the specs on the Xmag box. :D

AGD's probably one of the few companies that doesn't overhype something. With AGD, a spade is a spade. Not a diamond crusted spade.

What a lie. Remember the roller trigger thing where Tom said it would revolutionize rates of fire? Remember how the ULE trigger didn't turn out nearly as "walkable" as any of the hype--and even videos--said it would?

All companies hype stuff up about equally, only you're blind enough to only buy the hype from one company.

04-07-2004, 03:47 PM
Because people want them. Why do cars need DVD players?

04-07-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Angry Man

All companies hype stuff up about equally, only you're blind enough to only buy the hype from one company.

Well put*thumbs up*

04-07-2004, 03:51 PM
-We put little wheels on the setscrews. "Vernier" sounds more high-tech than 'dial-a-bounce'.


04-07-2004, 03:53 PM
Tony, if the ad were like yours, it wouldn't be an ad. The point of an ad is to make something look good. It is true that AGD doesn't do things like this, but it would help them a lot more to hype up their markers. There's not enough advertising for mags.

04-07-2004, 03:59 PM
Exactly, WDP is making their product look good, some of the stuff might sound stupid but the un-educated player will take it in like chocolate pudding. They are hyping their products, AGD does the same thing, so does WGP, so does Mac Dev, so does AKA. Everyone does, so I don't really see what the big deal about WDP's add really is...

04-07-2004, 04:00 PM
6 modes of fire

-None of which you can use in a tourney, but are included like the built-in thermometer, to attract the noobs who judge a markers' performance by the number of shiny objects it has.

Funny story about that. The reason I really liked my friend's Angel was because he told me you could set it up to shoot to the tune of a song, and the fact it had the thermometer. Of course by then I had my Mag, but it didn't have a thermometer! Long story short, I bought it for $500, then sold it to my friend. I'm over the pointless hype and quite happy with my Mag. Dropping quite a lot of money on her now. :D

04-07-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by xXHavokXx
Because people want them. Why do cars need DVD players?

To keep the 7 and 4 year olds in the back seat from being slaughtered by their parents for driving them insane!;)

Funny analysis by Doc!:D

04-07-2004, 04:06 PM
You know because he's in Alaska and i am completley ignorant about Alaska in general, plus I have no idea what he actually looks like, I always picture Doc looking like Robert Redford in "Jeramiah Johnson".

I can just see him working feverishly in a frontier cabin, equiped with all manner of machinist tools, up in the mountains....he will probably read this and call me a moron:p

04-07-2004, 04:10 PM
Thats exactly what I'm thinking when I read those ads too. Doc is my hero.

Hell I own an iR3, and I'm still not sure what all the modes do...

Chojin Man
04-07-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Custom Fly Back-plate.

-It has a picture of Jeff Goldblum engraved on it. Bling-bling!

:D Its about time someone put him on a marker.

Jack & Coke
04-07-2004, 04:48 PM
Which company has the most ridiculous and over-hyped ad claims?





04-07-2004, 04:53 PM
when i read the jg note i instantly thought of you chojin.

04-07-2004, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Woogie12
I guess...that's cool.......:rolleyes:

It's advertising, everyone does it, you could do it with any marker ad.

Or pretty much anything else,that's what 'advertising' is,if you actually want to sell some of your product.

04-07-2004, 05:12 PM

04-07-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Do it to an AGD ad. ;)

Just for fun....

"The RT ULE represents the state-of-the art in mechanical markers for serious players who need to get to the field and play hard with no hassles. as in,the same valve system trigger frame,barrel,etc we've been selling as 'state of the art' for the last 5 or so yearsIt features the world-renowned RT valve system, which recharges faster than any human can pull the trigger (26 times a second)and with a slight pressure adjustment,will bounce right along like a super ball on steriods,in case you don't have as fast a trigger finger as you would like,despite the fact that we constantly whine about the enhanced ROF of 'other' known cheater markers. The valve system is so tough most players just shoot oil through the system once a month for maintenance.like any good $99 blowback you can get a wally world

The new all aluminum ULE Mainbody, part of the UltraLight Engineering (ULE) series of parts from AGDwell we had to do something to compete with even the stacked tube imports that have been offering the same thing for hundreds less and for many years now, is available in vertical and Warp Feed varietieswe need a good reason for the peeps we suckered in with warp feeds to buy new product. By going with aluminum, we've created some exciting new changes that knowledgeable players will appreciate."and every newb with a spyder will say,"Yeah so,my shutter has always been aluminum,plus it comes in 6 colors and 5 different fades and I got a free 20co2 tank in the deal as well

Eh,that's enuff.



04-07-2004, 05:32 PM
Wow, that's awesome, thank you fire.

No sKiLLz
04-07-2004, 05:33 PM
Doc brings up a few good points, but a lot of that is disputable and/or ad hominem.

04-07-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by tony3
Yeah, Doc is right, instead they should of said this...

...Nothing really is that much different, hell this thing is just an A4 with some eyes, nothing really special, you should consider dm4's, they are definitely better then our new Fly A4. Hell, how is this thing even knew? It is using the exact same system we have been using since 96."

Give me a break...
Do you have a DM4? What makes it so good? Im not flamin I really want to know. Nobody says why they like the DM4 besides look and feel.

Major Jam
04-07-2004, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
... ad hominem.

It's not often you get to use a word like that in a paintball forum. :)

04-07-2004, 05:55 PM
Quiet, no recoil, thin as hell, shoots amazing, light clamping feed, made in California, comes with an ultralite, doesnt chop

04-07-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by xXHavokXx
made in California

Well, if it's from Cali, it must be good ;)

04-07-2004, 06:42 PM
Of course. That's where the majority of sweet lingo came from. For example, the DMfizzle is one agg muppet mowin straight shootin pimp dizzlin gat yo.

No sKiLLz
04-07-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Woogie12
Of course. That's where the majority of sweet lingo came from. For example, the DMfizzle is one agg muppet mowin straight shootin pimp dizzlin gat yo.

Swear to god. Unless Snoop bought one first.

Major Jam, forgive me if I missed the sarcasm, but I think if more people knew what it meant, it would be used in every thread.:)

04-07-2004, 06:47 PM

04-07-2004, 06:48 PM
SP has the most hyped adds

Winning - we have a patent on that to.

- looking at he new patents and SPs patent on winning (jking)

what the hell... that's not good

Doc Nickel
04-08-2004, 03:33 PM
Just as a clarification, guys, I'm not "against" Angels, nor do I "hate" them. I love Angels, I have two LEDs myself.

What I'm "against" is the over-hyped advertising, full of fancy buzzwords ('vernier'- which it can't be because the dial isn't marked in graducations) and pointless fluff.

There's no question that kind of advertising works, especially on the noobs who don't yet know any better, but that still doesn't mean I can't make fun of it. :D


04-08-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Chris42050

Do you have a DM4? What makes it so good? Im not flamin I really want to know. Nobody says why they like the DM4 besides look and feel.

No, I just said dm4 because it is a gun that is popular in the similar price range. My cousin does have a dm4 and it is very nice. Worth 1350? That's up to you. My timmy was 700 and is just as fast, just as consistent, more efficent, but then again, my timmy doesn't have the awesome milling the dm4 does. If you got that much money to spend you should also consider an alias.

04-08-2004, 03:55 PM
...its nice to see someone who knows what he is buying...

...excuse me for a second...

(Points and laughs at a 10 year old with a Fly)

...Angels (speed and up) are good...but not as good as they are hyped to be...

Jack & Coke
04-08-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel

What I'm "against" is the over-hyped advertising, full of fancy buzzwords ('vernier'- which it can't be because the dial isn't marked in graducations) and pointless fluff.

There's no question that kind of advertising works, especially on the noobs who don't yet know any better, but that still doesn't mean I can't make fun of it. :D


Amen brudah...;)

04-08-2004, 04:28 PM
Doc is genious..and I do think WDP OVER hypes their guns. It makes noobs who don't know any better buy the gun and think its WAY superior to anything out there. Pretty funny if you ask me. I do think the Flys seem pretty nice though.

04-08-2004, 04:31 PM
Hey, I decided to do a "Doc" on the JT Quadra:


JT Quadra™ paintball marker

The newest marker offerings from JT™ are here for 2004!
(we repackaged last year's Excellerators with shiny new colors!
Our top of the line begins with the Quadra™ marker. This fully programmable electronic marker has it all...
In fact, it has 4 times of it all!
an information center with High-Definition, Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) Display Screen,
Uhmm...well it's just an LED screen....
Omni-Pressure™ (300-800 P.S.I.) Operating system (CO2/N2),
Crappy regulator that we throw in with the marker
Quadra-Vision™ (Count 'em, FOUR) Electronic Monitoring System
Our eyes are only half the strength of other eyes, so we need twice as many!
coupled with our very own Delrin™ Anti-Chop Bolt
Yep...it's a delrin bolt. :rolleyes:
Dual, Adjustable Ball Stops
triTouch™ (three-way) Adjustable Trigger
it's no different from the other tri-adjustable triggers out there, but hey, we gave it a cool name! triTouch! Damn straight.
Quick Strip Pin, the one and only Gorilla Grip™ Self-Sizing Vertical Feed Port
Yep, a field strip pin. And a clamping feedneck...but wait, it's the ONE AND ONLY! must go! Must buy!
PowerTransfer™ Bottom-Line
We hope that the PBNoobs won't realize that this is just stainless steel hose
High-Voltage (9.6V) Nickel Metal Hydride (rechargeable battery)
Fully-Adjustable Foregrip Regulator and Custom Aluminum Grip Frame and Valve-Spring with Dwell Adjustment making this the "Bling-Bling Marker Thing" for 2004.
"quick, what other pop-culture phenomena can we incorporate into our advertising??"
Exclusively designed by our JT™ Team for amateurs to tournament players. To be the best you have to BEAT the best!


04-08-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring

AGD's probably one of the few companies that doesn't overhype something. With AGD, a spade is a spade. Not a diamond crusted spade. And thats why no one uses them excvept the AO zombies!:rolleyes:

No sKiLLz
04-08-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
And thats why no one uses them excvept the AO zombies!:rolleyes:

Why do you post here?

04-08-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by PaintballSmurf13
and I do think WDP OVER hypes their guns. It makes noobs who don't know any better buy the gun and think its WAY superior to anything out there. Pretty funny if you ask me.
That's what every company does. Have you ever read a Kingman ad?

04-08-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Do it to an AGD ad. ;)

Or at least the specs on the Xmag box. :D

AGD's probably one of the few companies that doesn't overhype something. With AGD, a spade is a spade. Not a diamond crusted spade.

Offcourse AGD doesnt hype there product; they must advertise first!
Lets comapre it to an actual product they make that is not availible with a 10 month wait to people on AO.

04-08-2004, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel
...but that still doesn't mean I can't make fun of it. :D

And I completly enjoyed your fun! ;)

04-08-2004, 09:25 PM
The new JT line have the most tm's on any marker ever. That must mean it rules! :rolleyes:

04-08-2004, 09:26 PM
I still want a Fly.

04-08-2004, 10:35 PM
I think the Fly A4 is a nice gun, I agree with Warped. BUT, as stated...this thing is long overdue, and they are somehow advertising late upgrades a bit too much. When you can see your flagship team totally ignoring your COPS and Sensi systems then you have to realize its time for change. The eyes, that actually work pretty reliably, were SooOO at LEAST 3 years ago. But I do think lowering the pressure a bit on the new line of Angels has helped with kick, not that it was huge on Angels ever, but the ability to make it have practically none is something you can never get tired of.

And JT does win for overhyping products more than anybody. If you receieved the Paintballgear.com catalog youll see that JT marker is 500 bucks...yea..gotta pay extra for the extra eyes.