View Full Version : Leak at air up on my X valve

04-07-2004, 08:11 PM
When I gas my RTP up (X valved) it leaks at the hole on the back half of the valve.
Normally if I fire it several(50ish) times after oiling quite a bit it stops.I have also noticed it stops after about a minute of being aired up.
I have recently put all new orings in.I oil every time I use the marker with gold cup.There are no other issues with the marker.
What causes this leak?Is it normal?

04-08-2004, 11:52 AM
A leak out of the back can mean a few different things.

Could be the reg seat.

Could also mean your velocity is too high.

Could also mean you need a new rig piston.

What are you chronoing at?

04-08-2004, 06:17 PM
I assume its got a level 10?

Put the next shorter spring in it. turn down the velocity. Should fix your prob.. If it doesn't, probably a screwed up O ring, but since you replaced em all... I would assume that is not it.

I assume too much.