View Full Version : Chronoing my RTP

04-07-2004, 08:17 PM
This may belong in the tech section , but anyway...

I know that when chronoing an RT you are supposed to pull the trigger , hold it back and quickly release and pull again to achieve proper velocity.(correct if I am wrong)

When I chrono like this I can get the marker to fire in the 150FPS range before it leaks out the velocity adjuster.When just firing with quick pulls and releases it chronos about 185-190.
This seems to me like you are cheating the chrono.THe first shot fires hot and then you can fire a string well below "hot".
It not that I am complaining but isn't this allowing me to fire at a higher velocity under normal operating conditions?

04-07-2004, 08:19 PM
i dont quite get what your saying...your post is kinda jumbled.... holding the trigger for a few seconds then firing and holding the trigger again quickly will raise your velocity because it keeps the valve open and heats it up, simulating rapid fire.

04-07-2004, 08:22 PM
Mine shoots slower when I hold the trigger before firing.
Thats what I am getting at...

04-07-2004, 08:37 PM
Sounds like you need a new reg piston...

04-07-2004, 08:37 PM
You are supposed to take three clearing shots. This warms the chamber. So that it minimizes any further expansion of gas from the next chrono shots. This way you crono at the maximum and avoid setting it to where it might get faster during rapid fire. The worst case senario then is a cold or low velocity shot. Thats what you want as its safer. Then when go over the crono and follow that proceedure of holding back the trigger. But even so you should not see much more than like 20 FPS variation from an improper proceedure and a cold chamber vs a hot chamber. More often even less than that in my experience. If you are then you have something wrong with your Regulator and need to do some maintenace and repair. I normaly see only like 10-15 PSI variation at all. From a really heated rapid fireing crono to a waiting five minutes and shooting one shot. It should not be a great large difference if everything is working properly.