View Full Version : NXe stuff is better

04-08-2004, 12:51 PM
Following Havoc_online's advice, I recently sold my REDZ packs off in favor of the NXe Pro Harnesses (http://www.nxepaintball.com/harnesses_detail.php) . I got a 3+2+2, which I really like. Its more flexible than the REDZ, and more secure... Holds more pods, plus it looks smooth.

On top of that, Its cheaper, and it comes in one unit... you dont have to buy the pack and belt.

I was recently checking out their site and saw they do tank covers, (http://www.nxepaintball.com/tank_covers.php) too. So I ordered one. Similar styling to DYE, but it looks smoother, imo. Just as rugged and tough, plus its not DYE (a plus for me...)

Anyways, it came with a barrel sock that is built in much the same way as Roguefactors. (with the chord that loops thru, instead of being sewn in)

It seems NXe is slowly expanding their line, too... Maybe they'll make pants and jersies before too long. I need a new pair of pants, my Dye's suck...

Check em out (http://www.nxepaintball.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc)

04-08-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
my Dye's suck Blasphemy!

... there products look pretty nice.

04-08-2004, 12:56 PM
There products OWN! We are sponsered by them and the harnesses are freaking sweet, the gun case/holder is sweet it has a barrel holder also inside of it. We should be getting some of there condoms and covers here soon also to.

Seriously Redz is old school now... Get NXe!

I could post some pics of my harness and gun case up on here if people wanna see it.

04-08-2004, 12:57 PM
Do you guys have their Gear Bags? I'm thinking of getting one...

How big are they?

04-08-2004, 01:07 PM
No we don't have those. But we talked to them about them and they are supposed to be HUGE and nice.

No sKiLLz
04-08-2004, 02:47 PM
NXe had the hottest girls working for them at Huntington NPPL, so I will be buying their gear.:)

04-08-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
NXe had the hottest girls working for them at Huntington NPPL, so I will be buying their gear.:)

LOL- Thats marketing for ya...:p

04-08-2004, 06:21 PM
You know, back in my day, a separate pack/belt was considered a feature. I know my belt's seen more action than the pack I bought it with.

How is the pack 'more secure'? By more secure, do you mean the pods are more secure, or the thing is more secure on your body? And by flexible... do you mean it can hold more pods, or the material in general is more flexible?

04-08-2004, 06:50 PM
If only they made packs for fat people...I'm not skinny enough for their gear...no matter how well it's made...being 6'4"/250 sucks sometimes..

04-08-2004, 07:04 PM
NXe makes great stuff. Heard all about it at Tex-ball. Saw some of it at Ultimate Madness.

04-08-2004, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10
I could post some pics of my harness and gun case up on here if people wanna see it. Do eet... do eet NOW!! :)

04-08-2004, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy
...How is the pack 'more secure'? By more secure, do you mean the pods are more secure, or the thing is more secure on your body? And by flexible... do you mean it can hold more pods, or the material in general is more flexible?

Well, in reference to both questions, at the risk of sounding like I'm hyping the product... Both...

How is the pack 'more secure'?

The belt is designed in a similar manner to that of the REDZ dimension belt. You have 2 main flaps with Velcro, then you have 2 smaller ones that over-lap the larger ones for adjustment. On the redz pack, the smaller straps wrap to where they meet about in the middle. On the NXe, they overlap, just like the larger ones. That way, the pack is universal and more adjustable. My REDZ, you could move it around a little bit. No matter how much I tightened it, it would jostle when I ran. This one doesnt. It sits there and doesnt bounce.

As well, the loops (for additional pods) are tighter and much harder for pods to come out of. Plus they have small elastic loops at the bottom you can loop over the pod lid. There were times with my REDZ that either a pod would open up, spilling the paint, or it would fall out completely (thats only happend once, but still).

And by flexible... do you mean it can hold more pods, or the material in general is more flexible?
The way the flaps are designed, the pack will flex with you when you move. Twist, turn, crawl down the snake, this thing is comfortable and stays in the same spot on your back.

As well, the 3+2 model actually holds 7 pods. All the "pro" models have extra flaps on the side just in case you want to drop in 2 more. I usually carry 3 pods into a game. Usually, I'll use all but a hopper. Bigger games, I'lll take in like 5 pods. (but that was my limit with my REDZ 3+2) Now If I'm really feeling generous, I can go in with 7. (not saying I would, but some might find it advantagious)

can'tthink of1
04-08-2004, 09:40 PM
I will pick one up I don't ever get my Kaner and Mantis pack...

04-09-2004, 01:08 AM
NXe is a local company for me also... as is CP, Equation, and Ricochet. Anyhow avalanche recruit Pepe Escuta formerly of oakland assassins took up gear making recently and founded NXe...

Um im sure some of ya all remember me sporting the NXe 4+3 pack at Texas Throwdown then subsequently loseing it during the final battle. stupid old me.

04-09-2004, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Cryer
There were times with my REDZ that either a pod would open up, spilling the paint, or it would fall out completely (thats only happend once, but still).

Personally, I just put those in the other way (lid facing up)

04-09-2004, 03:16 AM
yeah, I have heard only good things about all the NXe products. I should probably pick some stuff up myself...

04-09-2004, 08:42 AM
Pepe's always struck me as a cool guy. I'd buy NXe just because hes involved (which I didnt know until now)...
I was out in pheonix a couple of years ago when I was barely coming into paintball... I didnt know who or what anything was. I came into Pepe's store and he just chilled at the counter and explained everything too me...
So far, thats the only time that I've ever had a store manager so much as describer the benefits of a single product, let alone introduce me to the whole market of paintball... Then, after I left, I found out he played for Bob Long...:) So that was cool.
Originally posted by FallNAngel

Personally, I just put those in the other way (lid facing up)
Thats what I did originally, too, but I dont like having to contort to pull the pods up and out of the loops...

04-09-2004, 08:52 AM
So where did you order the stuff from. I didn't see a way to order the cover of the harness on those links. I need one of those 2 pod harnesses.

04-09-2004, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by soccer4minimags
So where did you order the stuff from. I didn't see a way to order the cover of the harness on those links. I need one of those 2 pod harnesses.
I called them... At the time I ordered, they had just gone live with their new web storefront, so things were a little quirky. Might be still...

Phone: (480) 778-8401
or Email Sales: [email protected]

Just give them the item number you're looking for

04-09-2004, 09:06 AM
Placed an order,guess we'll see.

If I don't like it,I'm coming after you Cryer. ;)

04-09-2004, 11:09 PM
These packs are definitely nice. I like the way they ride...
very comfy. I also put the outer pods lid up...the only thing I found with these packs is that the outer pods are held so tight, they can be a PITA to remove. Possibly, with time, they will loosen up. I liked this pack so much, my other two redz belts/packs were sold in two days. This thing is comfy, and sits close to your body. Nothing wobbles at all. Nice pack overall, and, the price is right.,

04-10-2004, 12:36 AM
I just bought an NXe pro 3+2+2 pack yesterday and just wow that thing is awesome..Better than my old Dye pack and cheaper:)

01-12-2005, 08:18 PM
My redz pack is amazing i wouldnt trade it for anythign.

01-12-2005, 08:29 PM
Following Havoc_online's advice, I recently sold my REDZ packs off in favor of the NXe Pro Harnesses (http://www.nxepaintball.com/harnesses_detail.php) . I got a 3+2+2, which I really like. Its more flexible than the REDZ, and more secure... Holds more pods, plus it looks smooth.

On top of that, Its cheaper, and it comes in one unit... you dont have to buy the pack and belt.

I was recently checking out their site and saw they do tank covers, (http://www.nxepaintball.com/tank_covers.php) too. So I ordered one. Similar styling to DYE, but it looks smoother, imo. Just as rugged and tough, plus its not DYE (a plus for me...)

Anyways, it came with a barrel sock that is built in much the same way as Roguefactors. (with the chord that loops thru, instead of being sewn in)

It seems NXe is slowly expanding their line, too... Maybe they'll make pants and jersies before too long. I need a new pair of pants, my Dye's suck...

Check em out (http://www.nxepaintball.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc)

I got the same harness and i love it. Bought it at the Generation E booth at the world cup.

01-12-2005, 08:33 PM
look at the dates on the threads ppl... for real

01-12-2005, 09:30 PM
look at the dates on the threads ppl... for real

yea - at first, i looked at the thread starter.

i was like WOOHOO. CRYER'S BACK!!!!

thanks a lot you insensitive jerks

01-12-2005, 09:41 PM
my Dye's suck...

Most DYE stuff does these days..........

Load SM5
01-12-2005, 10:15 PM
I had an empire pack but the thing kept coming apart. I'd stitch it back togther and it pulled apart somewhere else. Grabbed a NXE 3+2+2 and it's far better so far. Very tough construction. I just wish it has some velcro to keep the loops, between the pockets, out of the way when they are'nt being used. I keep grabbing them when I reach back for a pod. Still the best harness out there.

01-12-2005, 10:24 PM
Most DYE stuff does these days..........

ooooohhhh nnoooooooooooo :shooting:

dyes old packs do indeed suck. they lasted me forever but the pod holders took forever to break in. the new c5 pack has to be the nicest one ive seen or played with. nice and coomfy, nice big strap fianlly, and new pod holder system ar enice

the nxe stuff is also really nice. i have seen these as well as their tank covers, really nice gear!!

01-12-2005, 10:29 PM
I still have my redz pack from 3 years ago. I would get an NXe pack, but I am to cheap.

01-12-2005, 10:40 PM
yea - at first, i looked at the thread starter.

i was like WOOHOO. CRYER'S BACK!!!!

thanks a lot you insensitive jerks

01-12-2005, 10:49 PM
I've got a NXe 5 pod pack. It owns my old Redz 5 pod long and hard. Extremely comfortable to wear all day, and the thing doesnt jiggle or wobble at all. Gets my vote! :headbang:

01-13-2005, 01:54 AM

That is all.

p u r e e v i l
01-13-2005, 10:39 AM
I just ordered a pack off of PBNation from some dude who hooked me up with a 4 pod for 36 bucks. That's a pretty sweet deal for a NxE pack. I haven't gotten it yet, but I'm excited about it!

01-13-2005, 10:48 AM
I have one of the NXe Pro's, they are great! ... thinking of getting a C5 AttackPack from Dye... how are those?