View Full Version : barrel leak need help!!!!

04-08-2004, 03:51 PM
i just ordered an automag, and received it about 3 or 4 weeks ago. i have used it 3-4 times in games, but have shot it a lot at home. recently air has been leaking out of the barrel, and any shot taken after the air leaks will not shoot; i have to hold the trigger down, then release it and pull it again to shoot, otherwise i'll get a two-ball blowup. the problem showed up about a week ago, and has steadily gotten worse. i took it apart, and found out that the rt bumper, the rubber washer that the bolt hits as it decelerates, is ripped up a bit... its sort of hard to describe how its torn. could that be the problem? (i have already ordered a replacement, but dont want it to arrive and then find out it doesnt solve the problem) if not, what could the problem be? and why did this piece wear out so fast? it says that its supposed to be replaced once a year, and i havent even had the gun a month. i have been shooting a lot, though... i have a scuba tank and drained it down from 3000 psi to 1800 psi in a few days, having fun sweetspotting. could that have worn it out? or worn out something else?

04-09-2004, 01:17 AM
Sounds like your Level 10 bolt (comes with the X-valve) has broken in nicely. You probably just need to take the o-ring from the carrier and move down one size. That should take care of it.