View Full Version : 7-man tourney in NC

04-08-2004, 09:53 PM

Black River Paintball introduces its first ever Southern 7 TOURNAMENT. As far as we know, this is the first of its kind in NC. Following the success of the almighty BRUTS tourney, the BR crew is taking a massive step to again put paintball in your face! The rules are similar to those in the BRUTS tournament, however, we will allow one Amateur player to be rostered with the team. We're still giving back 50% and trophies to the top three finishers.

Entry Fee $300/team


ROOKIE, NOVICE or AMATEUR players will compete in a 6 game preliminary round. Depending on the turnout, we will take either 4 or 5 teams to the finals. 1 - 19 teams, 4 teams go to finals; 20-25 teams, 5 teams go to finals.

We are limiting the number of teams to 25.


Check this out; Black River is going to give back 50% of the tournament take plus trophies to the top 3 teams!!!! That's right. How big can that be? Check it below:

10 teams 50% $1,500
17 teams 50% $2,550
25 teams 50% $3,750


Registration must be completed and turned in with full payment no later than close of business the Saturday before the event.
6 game prelim
Schedule will be determined by draw
BYOP or buy ours.
Reffing provided by team LOCKDOWN and TopChoicePaintball.com
Key Rules:

Captain's meeting at 8am the morning of the tourney
No steel cleats
No profanity
No staining paint
No physical contact
Random debounce checks- one ball per pull
Field speed limit is 300fps
Random chrono checks
7 minute games
Other rules to be discussed at captain's meeting
Registration not complete without full payment

If you have any questions feel free to visit www.brpaintball.com to answer any questions or just call 910-822-9777 or 99-567-9977

04-08-2004, 09:54 PM
thx for the info, sounds cool