View Full Version : Full Auto...on an RT Classic

04-08-2004, 10:50 PM
OK, the reg piston on my RT Classic is out, so I ordered a new one. Well, yesterday I went to shoot it around, and if I hodl the trigger, it goes full auto!! And it sticks, like an ultimate sweet spot. I don't play tourney ball so I doesnt really matter too much, but I would like to know what the heck is wrong.

Any ideas?


04-08-2004, 11:16 PM
Your on/off pin may be on the short side from wear. The on/off pin is the small pin found inthe RT valve in that brass chamber that is flush with the valve. You can check it with a pair of callipers. It should be 0.750 inches long if it is in spec. You can buy replacement ones from GD on their website.

On a side note, if you have an adjustable HPA reg on your tank, and you have turned the input pressure up the gun will start to rapid-fire like what you are describing.

Something like this? (QuickTime Movie) (http://www.zakvetter.com/Videos/rapidfire.mov)

04-08-2004, 11:18 PM
Yeah, that vid about describes it. Now, if I just tap the trigger lightly it will shoot single fire, so I bet its that rapid fire thing.

04-08-2004, 11:27 PM
Should I just buy the pin or should I buy the whole assembly that they offer?

Also, any other parts that might go broke soon, or should I just send the thing in to AGD to get it freshened up?

04-08-2004, 11:46 PM
Well I do often suggest that option if you have not before. Eventually many parts of the Automag wear down from use and sending it to AGD for a rebuild is always nice. If you have never sent it back before, you can get your first one free! You pay for the shipping but AGD will rebuild, install and tune any parts on your Classic RT and get it back to you ready to roll.

The only caveat is that AGD might take up to a month depending on how busy they are. If you can handle the wait, it's worth every moment, they do a great job above and beyond what they are "required" to do.

04-08-2004, 11:47 PM
yea its probably the pin. you can order the one u need on www.store.airgun.com