View Full Version : Forget Warp, side-mount a Halo-B

04-08-2004, 11:16 PM
I like the idea of having the hopper on the side to keep a low profile, but using a motorized hopper WITH a Warpfeed unit makes for two noisy little motors and gearsets, and extra set of batteries, and more weight.

Here's an idea I'm considering:

1. Equip the Mag with a warp ULE body, with the left side feed port
Then, take one of these: http://www.odysseypaintball.com/images/gallery/halo-clear-1024.jpg
Do some plastic surgery to make the feed neck exit right, instead of down.

Connect the two together, add a bracket to hold the Halo steady. Result: Low profile, only one motor/battery, and no warranty on your Halo B.

Alternate method: If there's room, and the Halo has enough "push", make the feed exit upward, through the right side of the housing, then make a slight bend into the feed port on the mainbody. This would put the top of the Halo below the top of the gun.

In either of these cases, the Halo's IR sensor would be useless, so it could be eliminated. Instead, an Intelligrip switch would trigger the Halo's motor via the IR sensor input.

It would be nice if you could buy spare housings, in case the plastic work goes terribly wrong..

Anyone know if the Halo can push balls uphill, or what happens if it tries to run against a stopped ball stack?

04-08-2004, 11:56 PM
The problem you are going to run into (if I understand your idea correctly) is that while the Halo B prefeeds like 8 balls or so and can push them up or down or any direction, it still relies on gravity to have the balls fall into the drive cone to be "wound up." Unless you constantly get the Halo B pointed right-side up, it will quickly empty its small cache of balls and be stuck cycling with nothing.

Edit: the Halo senses then the balls are stacked up and cannot move and shots off. And it does not like black shelled paint or half black shelled paint.

04-09-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by Z-man
The problem you are going to run into (if I understand your idea correctly) is that while the Halo B prefeeds like 8 balls or so and can push them up or down or any direction, it still relies on gravity to have the balls fall into the drive cone to be "wound up." Unless you constantly get the Halo B pointed right-side up, it will quickly empty its small cache of balls and be stuck cycling with nothing.

The Halo needs to be modified so the feed tube sticks out the side, like this: http://webpages.charter.net/dwarner2/halo-clear-1024.jpg
The IR sensor removed, and the motor activated by an intelliframe switch, so it operates like a Warp, assuming the motor will slip against the belt while the balls are stopped by the bolt. I suppose one could replace the spring under the impeller with a slip clutch arrangement.

04-09-2004, 01:19 AM
why not carry 2000 balls on our backs with warp feed pushing them over our shoulder to the power feed in a tube. It and the Super sized Halo can make all the noise it wanrs to back there. It would be like a remote. Haha

04-09-2004, 10:17 AM
OH! I see what you are doing. I guess the big challenge would be to make it not too tight or sharp an angle that the balls still make the turn. If you go through with it keep us current with picts! I would like to see the result.

04-09-2004, 07:30 PM
Buy some weights and use them to get stronger,the warp motor is very quiet so what diference does it make.

04-10-2004, 03:08 PM
since the halo B is a pressure feeding loader, couldnt you just mount it on the side of your gun like a warp feed, and then have the warp feed hose go up to the body?

04-10-2004, 05:10 PM
This has already been done, and works quite well ;)

04-12-2004, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by cranky_fart
This has already been done, and works quite well ;)

I don't believe you :p! I want pics! LOL!

04-12-2004, 03:36 PM
doobie I think there is some in the workshop

04-12-2004, 05:44 PM
Yeah if its already been done then post some pics i wanna see it