View Full Version : Do you think this would increase efficiency?

04-09-2004, 12:05 AM
Alright, I'm going to try to keep the details a bit thin so I don't go nuts typing pointless stuff (much like I'm already doing...)

A friend of mine was getting poor efficiency with an electronic marker of his (a Cyborg). At the time, he had his inline at 200psi and was using the LPR to adjust velocity. He was only able to get it to 260fps or so before he started breaking paint.

Before he did this, his efficiency was about 600 shots on 3k psi. After he did this, it was (through math) about 1800 on 4k. Several people disagree do not understand why decreasing the LPR and raising the HPR could increase efficiency. Is there something I'm just completely missing?

And before anyone says it (I have a feeling it will come up), I'm not saying either HP or LP is more efficient, I'm saying that tuning it as I asked could increase efficiency. If anyone wants to read the full thread (long), here it is (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=460273&perpage=21&pagenumber=1)


Nick O time
04-09-2004, 12:15 AM
i thought u werent supposed to use the lpr to adjust velocity. i only use my lpr to make it pinch and stuff never for velocity that is what the main reg is for.

04-09-2004, 12:31 AM
For whatever reason, MacDev recommends that you set the HPR to 200psi and use the LPR to adjust velocity. Personally, I'll be setting mine up like you said.

Nick O time
04-09-2004, 12:51 AM
lol that is weird. but i guess if they tell u too do it then there must be a reason behind it.

04-09-2004, 07:15 AM
All guns have a balance that will allow for the best efficiency.What works well on one often doesn't on another gun,sometimes even of the same type and model.

The trick is to understand what effect different changes to the set up have on the over all performance.If you can do that,then the rest is easy. ;)

Good for you if you properly assed the adjustments and made the correct ones.


Nice guess if you just took a shot and got lucky. ;)