View Full Version : No Fog????????

04-09-2004, 03:48 AM
Is it just me or am I really seeing a new trend of wearing the no-fog sticker from your JT mask? What's the point? Why would someone want to block part of their vision, since it's meant to be removed. It's almost as dumb as flipping up the chin on the Flex 7 mask.

I'll post a pic a soon as I find a few. I know there's one in the new Viewloader catalog and saw a few players at LA PSP with them.

Head knight of Ni
04-09-2004, 07:07 AM
It's pretty stupid, why do people flip the chin on the flex's.:confused:

04-09-2004, 07:31 AM
i hear flipping it up is for better communication...i think that is completely bogus, ive eaten paintbefore..it is not good..lol

04-09-2004, 07:40 AM
Im gonna agree with the fog thing, this is one of those games where its see or get lit up

but the chin thing....., I've got a Pro-flex, and the first weekend I had it I rolled the chin between games or when waiting for the start. My general impression was people were trying even harder to stop fogging, when you roll the chin there is nothing stopping your breath from leaving the mask at all. Communication is my second guess.

Neither of these really makes a whole lot of sense, the mask is so full of holes that it never fogs anyways, and it works the same for talking, I've never had some one approach me and say, "sorry man I couldnt hear what you were saying"

and for that matter, the rubber used in that portion of the mask tends to let your face take most of the hit anyways

Head knight of Ni
04-09-2004, 08:17 AM
That's what I thought it was maybe for. But I don't think its even good at doing much but new dental work.:D

04-09-2004, 10:01 AM
I have a flex 7 and I personally like to fold it. The main reason is I feel (not sure if it does or not) that the fold adds some structural stability to the rubber part and reduces the impact of shots I take there. As far as not protectinf my mouth etc. the only part that stays exposed is the hair on my chinny chin chin. So I worry not about denist bills. I guess it's personal preference and my own madness that lead me to these conclusions.

As for the stickers on the lenses that would bother me to no end

04-09-2004, 10:26 AM
I flipped up the chin on my mask when I first got it, but realized that you are more likely to get a bounce on a thinner piece of rubber rather then thats double the size.

04-09-2004, 10:28 AM
All of the above are correct. The Flex 7 rubber is very pliable, so folding it up about one inch adds stability. Also, the Flex 7 has a very long profile, so if you tuck in your chin or pull your marker up to your eye level with the back bottle into the pit of your shoulder, the Flex 7 will get in the way. It's certainly not safe to have an oversized mask that could reposistion itself on your head in the course of natural movement. I think it does help with ventilation quite a bit, and it still doesn't expose your chin or mouth unless you roll it up nearly in half.

A teammate and I bought the Flex 7s in '97 when they first came out ($110!) as the Spectra replacement to the Elite Crossfires, and we both had the same thought of folding up the mask a little after our first game.

As for leaving the stickers on the lense, I have no idea.

04-09-2004, 12:21 PM
I think its BS to say that it improves your communication when you flip up the chin. That's why there's air vents. For breathing and voice. Have any of you seen the No-Fog sticker on the lenses? They don't take them off when they buy the mask. Maybe it's just a southern California thing.

04-09-2004, 01:30 PM
It's agg to keep them on. It's a trend right now and you see it all over pbnation. You gotta love a trend that actually obscures your vision so you can be cool. I'll stick with my profilers thanks.

And has anyone had fogging problems in the last two years anyway? I can wear my old vforce or my profilers in the shower with steam powering out and I have no problems.

04-09-2004, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Tron

And has anyone had fogging problems in the last two years anyway? I can wear my old vforce or my profilers in the shower with steam powering out and I have no problems.
When i first started playin paintball my friends and my mask would always fog. (Back in 93) Now no one I know ever fogs.

04-09-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Chris42050

When i first started playin paintball my friends and my mask would always fog. (Back in 93) Now no one I know ever fogs.

Ohh ya that happened to me I started playing then also. I had a scott and wished I could afford the JT with thermal!

04-09-2004, 03:18 PM
no one should have fog problems, get a thermal lens! It's just dumb to keep the sticker on your lens. To purposly block your vision.

04-09-2004, 08:30 PM
Some player of high status does it, so it must help performance and it will make you look like a bad *** balla:rolleyes:

04-09-2004, 10:43 PM
I actualy went up to my room to find my old flex 7 n i found its realy uncomfortable to roll that thing least for me ne ways... as for the sticker i dun mind goggin a guys cuz he picked to leave anotehr blind spot on his mask .

as tron said ill stick with my profiler

04-09-2004, 11:38 PM
actually, it makes communication much easier, first off, there is no sound bounce back, so you can hear others while you scream as well.

also, no sound is distorted by going through the mask, making it easier to hear and decipher over the noise of the game

also it looks cool

the sticker thing was started by dynasty i think

04-10-2004, 01:16 AM
amish country? you aren't supposed to be using a computer let alone know what electricity is. lol