View Full Version : drop forwards

04-09-2004, 10:26 AM
how come people dislike them so much?

04-09-2004, 10:28 AM
Because the pros all use rails or unimounts now. It's the cool thing to do. (Just like using drops was the cool thing to do before.)

Rails will, however, move the tank out of the way a bit so that your hand isn't at a weird angle. I'm going to try a rail system and see if I like it.

04-09-2004, 11:41 AM
Oh believe me you will like it, muahaha.

Once again with the pro's thing..I dunno who really started it, probably kids with rental guns that had straightforward duckbills, but in any case try a gun with just a rail or unimount. Youll be quicker at snap shooting, smaller gun, IMO you can shoot faster because your wrist isnt all jargoned, etc.

04-09-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Rails will, however, move the tank out of the way a bit so that your hand isn't at a weird angle.

In short, this is why I like them...

As well, it lets me walk the trigger faster, shoot more accurately, and provides a more stable shooting platform.

Once you switch from a drop to a rail, it will take a couple of games to get used to it, but once you warm up to the new feel, you realize theres so much more of an advantage to using a rail

04-09-2004, 12:18 PM
i liek a rail on mysetup b/c thats just comfortable for me just use whatever works best for u and your gun and dont listen to other ppl say oo thast gay

04-09-2004, 01:28 PM
warm up to it.
i fell in love with mine the first game after i put it on

04-09-2004, 02:17 PM
What is a rail?
How is it difftent from a Drop?

04-09-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Methylphenidate
warm up to it.
i fell in love with mine the first game after i put it on


Plus, they lower your profile because the takn isn't sticking 2 more inches down way out in the open.

04-09-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Paintball_4_Fun
What is a rail?
How is it difftent from a Drop?
With a rail the tank screws in just behind and below your grip.

04-09-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Chris42050

With a rail the tank screws in just behind and below your grip.
A rail basically is a drop forward without the drop forward. Its a dovetail mount that screws onto the bottom of your gripframe.

04-09-2004, 09:44 PM
I'm still not sure if i like mine. as of now, i dont use it, but i might this weekend.

04-10-2004, 02:35 AM
You know, I sort of don't think this is all "hype" or "the cool thing". It's kind of another step in the evolution of the game.

Drops are still normal for large tanks.

But remember, there was a time when the HPA tanks WERE the large tanks... compared to a CO2 tank, 68ci tanks (which are standard fare for now) were pretty large. The drops sort of eased the transition.

I figure now that we're all big boys and like to run around instead of spend all day in the backfield (well, some of us anyways), and we're all quite used to HPA tank size (or moving toward shorter tanks, like the stubby's or 45ci's), the training wheels can come off.

04-10-2004, 08:44 AM
I took a clinic with some of the guys from Dynasty and they were all "Get rid of your drops" They felt that to have the gun in a good shooting position, it needed to be out in front of your nose with the tank in your shoulder. A drop would force you to bring the tank in too close to your face or else hold it in the air without the tank touching your shoulder. Huge tank would be the only exception.

04-10-2004, 09:12 AM
For me it all depends on the marker and playing style. I love how tight my drop brings in my RTPro. All the arguments about wrist craning, and fatigue just don’t seem to affect me. It is very comfortable, and I have long arms.

On the other hand, with my Stroker, I prefer to use it like a pistol with a remote. It changes the whole dynamic of the game though. (I do have the ability to run the tank as a stock, and even a gas-through stock to be run with a remote…. So she is very versatile.)

And on my Spyders, I have moderate drops and the “closeness” they create is not as exaggerated as with my RTPro. But I rarely use them.

There is no right way, nor wrong way…. except what is right or wrong for YOU. One thing I like about drops is that it lowers the tank, not just pushes it forward. I am a tall guy and having the tank lower allows for a more comfortable placement in my shoulder and brings the marker higher, making for easier sighting.

04-10-2004, 09:16 AM
well said shartley

04-10-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by wobbles82
Youll be quicker at snap shooting, smaller gun, IMO you can shoot faster because your wrist isnt all jargoned, etc.

yes and meh you can have a smaller and tighter gun but ya your arm is going to be all messed up but since if you look at my gun and i play front i don't have to shoot fast so it really doesn't matter. its all about what feels right to you this whole sport is about personal prefrance. if some one says to me mags suck thats there oppion and if they don't like how they feel and shoot thats personal prefrance

04-10-2004, 11:10 PM
Been meaning to post this for a while. I've been using drop forwards for a very long time. They're comfortable for me. Haven't tried a rail yet - but just looking at them, they don't move the tank forward enough for me. I like my 'gun right up tight and close to my face. The tank still fits just fine at about my armpit, where I like it. In fact, I built a homemade drop forward, and it wasn't "forward" enough, so I made an adapter to push it forward even more...


So what if it isn't "cool looking"? It works for me. Made from Lowe's aluminum bar stock. Looking "cool" doesn't get you eliminations. Being able (and comfortable) to put the ball where you're aiming does.

(also note the ghetto trigger guard I home-built! Works great too. Made from airconditioning sheet aluminum.)

-- RayU

04-11-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Because the pros all use rails or unimounts now. It's the cool thing to do. (Just like using drops was the cool thing to do before.)

Rails will, however, move the tank out of the way a bit so that your hand isn't at a weird angle. I'm going to try a rail system and see if I like it.

im sorry but i don't think people are using rails just because the pros are!!!!!!!!! its probably the same reason pros use them, because they are comfortable and other shizit. everyone that starts out almost all love big drops and then move to rails. its just something everyone does, like puberty!

04-11-2004, 01:53 AM
i use a rail because it keeps me more compact, and my hand fits my marker better too. i know alot of people may think that fronts are the only one's to use them, but my teammate uses a rail too. i believe that a mag on a rail tank, with a no rise is like the smallest profiled marker height wise.

04-11-2004, 02:11 AM
I understand the argument about this and loved the drop on my cocker, but what about the y-grip. Anybody have a y-grip and use a rail?

04-11-2004, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer
im sorry but i don't think people are using rails just because the pros are!!!!!!!!! its probably the same reason pros use them, because they are comfortable and other shizit. everyone that starts out almost all love big drops and then move to rails. its just something everyone does, like puberty!
You like to toss out what everyone does don’t you? Sorry, but you are wrong. ;)

04-11-2004, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by shartley

You like to toss out what everyone does don’t you? Sorry, but you are wrong. ;)

Shartley, he didnt mean "everyone" everyone...

People say "everyone..." nowdays in a slang context. Alot of times, they just mean "alot of people...".

I've caught myself using it like that a couple of times.:o

04-11-2004, 10:21 AM
Another thing I found when going from a drop to no drop was I could swing the marker around muchhhhhhh quicker. I guess it evens out the center of gravity closer to the frame. It's nice. :)

04-11-2004, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Cryer

Shartley, he didnt mean "everyone" everyone...

People say "everyone..." nowdays in a slang context. Alot of times, they just mean "alot of people...".

I've caught myself using it like that a couple of times.:o

i think we have ao's official translator here:cool:

04-11-2004, 11:12 AM
I prefer a drop on my markers. I have no problems with wrist fatigue or any of the other things people complain about, and rails just DON'T do it for me. The thing that pisses me off is when people piss and moan about "lose the drop" or "the drop makes it suck". It ain't your marker, so back off. Some of us play better with a drop as opposed to a rail.