View Full Version : Easter Idea For Field Owners!

04-09-2004, 11:18 AM
I know its been done before, but I varied it a little, nonetheless, its fun! (I am by no means saying that this was my original idea, it IS borrowed!)

Easter egg hunt, paintball style.

Start by buying a million little plastic eggs and a few large plastic eggs.

Fill the small eggs with paint, the large eggs with small prizes like free air or free field fee or a barrel condom or a bonus re-insertion to a normal game, or whatever, be creative.

Hide the eggs all over the place on your largest field (preferably wooded, but we dont all have that luxury, do we?...

Divide your players into two teams. Make sure everyone's hoppers are empty and noone has any exra paint on them. The paint they use must come from the small eggs. (you could be mean and vary the amount of paint in the eggs..) everyone starts with NO paint upon insertion.

Small eggs are worth 1 point with no paint in em. Large eggs are worth 5 points. Eliminated players keep their eggs and their team keeps the points. When all is done, tally up the points and give the winning team a big bag of candy... Or whatever.. Keep it cheap so there are no hard feelings, and its all for fun.

For larger fields with many many players, you could add the evil easter bunny.. A ref with bunny ears or something that has a hopper full of paintballs, gives all kindsa heck to both sides and is invincible. Should be fun!

04-09-2004, 11:23 AM
sounds kinda fun, but i wouldn't want to fill up all those eggs, or pick them all up after the game

04-09-2004, 11:25 AM
the field by me is doing something like that, i think its only 15 paintball limit on your hopper then you have to find eggs on the field that have paint in them

04-09-2004, 11:26 AM
make your reffs fill eggs during breaks :D It would suck filling em all, but I think it would be worth the effort! (and the eggs are worth points, so alot of em would be picked up for you)

04-09-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by sps16
the field by me is doing something like that, i think its only 15 paintball limit on your hopper then you have to find eggs on the field that have paint in them

wap? by chance up for les and debbie and a great time, Ive been the last 2 years

Nick O time
04-09-2004, 11:47 AM
dang that is a great idea. lol i would definately play it.

04-09-2004, 01:38 PM
This is the add from my local fields website
EASTER EGG HUNT April 10, 2004 2-5pm
(find eggs and win some cool prizes)

Then at Thanksgiving they've got a turkey shoot.
Shoot the turkey targets and win prizes.

04-09-2004, 01:56 PM
I actually did this a couple of years back. One of my friends and I picked out the field we would be playing at and on the day before we hid roughly forty eggs with varying amounts of paint in them. Before everyone got loaded up we had them chrono and then walked them out to the center of the field. Neither myself or him play but we watched the other twelve or so guys scramble like mad.
There was only free-for-all game played and the winner only found one egg with five balls in it.

Everyone thought it was a great game and it set a very silly atmosphere for the rest of the day.