View Full Version : What's up with this NPPL Junk!

10-01-2001, 07:51 AM
I took my Novice level paintball team out yesterday to a tourney. The tourney was advertised as Rookie/Novice only. I saw some Amateur A players, and teams there, and supposedly, they found a loop hole and since the WHOLE team wasnt Amateur A, it was allowed by NPPL. Cant they perform in their own ranks? My teams division was playing almost all of these teams. there was 5 of 7 in my division, was that fair? I don't think so. Should these teams be allowed to pull one of their players, and put in a novice player, and play a novice tourney? I was very dissatisfied, and some of my B team was very discouraged from tourney play because of this.

What do you all think? Do you have any enlightenment for me about this rule that I couldnt find in the rules?

10-01-2001, 08:41 AM
A 10 man Am B team can only have 3 Am A players. I believe a 5 man can have one.

10-01-2001, 01:38 PM
What tournament was this?

Crap happens alot, just get better and beat them. I've played tourneys to where very very very good teams have played, and even under the rules, they were amature (and it was a novice tourney).

10-01-2001, 02:19 PM
I find it very interesting that at "amateur" events (like the IAO and others) teams that play in NPPL events are allowed to play. What part of the word amateur don't they understand?

10-01-2001, 02:21 PM
I think some of those teams would play against a group of five year olds just to chalk up another win. The fact that they bunkered all five of the kids would only make it better.

10-02-2001, 05:46 AM
Thaqts exactly what they did Tramp. They would lose the "rookie" and clean house with the rest. I can hold my own, but my team is rookie/novice. they were simply out-experienced

Ninja B0Y
10-02-2001, 11:26 AM
I think a 5 man Nov (Am B in the nipple) can have one Am A player and an Am A team can have one pro. With these local tourneys, you can't really expect much against sandbagging.

10-02-2001, 12:12 PM
yeah ninja...sux though...try telling that to my ego filled, head strong B team that was highly po'ed. I liked the competition, but they were seriously upset. the rules are 2 Am A in novice class....found out on an updated rules.

Toxic Dave
10-02-2001, 03:57 PM

I live in NY, and play for GZ Silver, I know most of the teams in the area, which team did you end up playing at this local event? The only am a team from the NY/ NJ/ southern PA area I can think of is Tidewater, and they are from MD(I think) What field was the event held?

Dave/ GZS