View Full Version : How do I make a paintball marker muffler?

04-09-2004, 11:52 PM
I want to know if any of you know how to make a really good sound muffler for paintball markers. I like to shoot my X-Valved Mag in my house anytime of day. But it's loud. Right now I tried using a long poster tube stuffed with foam. Then I slid that over the barrel and put a barrel condom on the end to hold it to the gun. It holds it really good. Is there anything that is better than foam? What about the tube i'm using? Let me know your ideas or what you have tried.
I want a better one than i've made.

04-09-2004, 11:56 PM
well there is that ninja silencer im not sure how well it works and i cant remeber who made it but its meant for people who like to wont on there guns inside

04-09-2004, 11:56 PM
I made this....


No I didn't. ;)

But you can find out about them here.....


04-09-2004, 11:58 PM
Take a barrel and drill as many holes in it as you can (for porting). Take a piece of dial rod the diameter of the barrel, stick about a 1.5" piece in the end and drill a hole through the barrel and piece of wood. Drop a bolt into the hole and tighten it with a nut. This will make it pretty quite. If it's still not good enough, loosly wrap foam around the barrel and hold it on with tape or a piece of PVC platic pipe with holes in it (1" diameter would probably work). You will ruin the barrel doing this, so use a cheap one. The longer the better.

04-10-2004, 12:05 AM
wow too much work for that one. I don't have a barrel to waste on that. I know about the Centerflag Ninja Muffler, it would be nice to have. The problem with that is the price. Have you seen the price????? It's ricoculous (yes that's a Adam Corolla word). $85. What's a dial rod?

04-10-2004, 12:36 AM
Wrap your barrel in like t-shirts or something and slide a 140 rnd pod over the end of it. Get it pretty tight and you've got yourself a quiet marker.

04-10-2004, 01:01 AM
cool idea

04-10-2004, 12:20 PM
I assume you mean to drill a hole in the pod so the barrel comes out the bottom? Just checking.

04-10-2004, 12:27 PM
OK at first I thought you were talking about a silencer, I mean "barrel extension". I know how to make those...

04-10-2004, 12:47 PM
Roll up a piece of a paper towel, or get a battleswab and stick it in the barrel. Then put a barrel sock over that. That should make it pretty quiet. If you want it to be quieter, wrap a towel or tshirt around it then stick a pod over that.

04-10-2004, 01:34 PM
The problem is you do not want to create a lot of back pressure. So you can't just plug the end and not let the air escape any where.

a dial rod is just a wooden stick. You can get them at any home improvement / craft stores. They are like a buck for a 3 ft piece.

04-10-2004, 01:41 PM
Muzik, what is back about to much back pressure? The only thing that happens is you get more blowback.

04-10-2004, 01:42 PM
Muz, i think you mean wooden dowel? i think thats how you spell it, now that i think of it i'm not sure

04-10-2004, 07:33 PM
those plans are complicated..

here's what you need:
-one empty can thing of torengos, or some type of plastic canister like that
-the lid to the canister thing
-elastic band thingy

just put a bunch of socks on the inside of the tube, then duct tape it. put the lid on and cut a hole out for the barrel. then put socks on the outside of the tube, and duct tape that too. then stick on the elastic (either duct tape or by making holes in the sides of the tube then tying the elastic through them)

-1 paper towel roll (the paper tube thingy)
-lots of duct tape

just tape all over the tube. lol easy :)

04-10-2004, 07:35 PM
Yea. Dowel. Them Pittsburg people talk funny! :D

I am about to make one of these myself.

I am using a ported barrel and I might even port it some more and going to plug it similar to what Muzik describes. but I think I am going to thread mine in if I can. Sort of like put a cap on it if you will. And then I am going to pack it half full of wadding of some sort. Not real tightly packed but lose so the air will flow through it fast. Not all the way full either but some of the way. At least to the last port anyway. Someone told me to use really corse Steel wool in there and it would work great. I going to mess around with that and see. I have seen some of these that they used a Deldrin plug in the end. I not certain those were threaded in or just press fitted and epoxied in. I figure I will take the barrel to the hardware store and see if I can find a pipe cap or fitting that will fit tight and then tap the thing or thread the outside. One or the other.

As to cost what you need to do is get a cheap scratched up one. Something someone doesnt want. It does not have to shoot well nor look good. Because you can paint it or something. Just needs to be good threads on the body end. You should be able to find one for like 15 bucks or so.

04-10-2004, 08:22 PM
i can send you the plans for a silencer that muffles an unported barrel. its built out of pvc and steel wool. aim=tjmpaintball88

04-10-2004, 08:57 PM
Easiest way would be to make a silencer, I'm sure Warpig would have some links hanging around somewhere and then plug the end with wire wool or what I used in the silencer I built years ago those plastic pan scrubbers sort of a cross between steel wool and a sponge. I reckon I still have my silencer in a draw some where that I could do what I have just suggested.

04-10-2004, 11:13 PM
You do realize, making a silencer to affix to a paintball marker (assuming we are not just thinking of shooting into a big barrel or soemthing) or sellign them online, is in violation of US federal law right?

04-11-2004, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Lohman446
You do realize, making a silencer to affix to a paintball marker (assuming we are not just thinking of shooting into a big barrel or soemthing) or sellign them online, is in violation of US federal law right?

A muffler isn't the same as a silencer. So it's not illegal and I also stated that I am using it at home. I will not be shooting paintballs out of it. I just want to make my Mag quiet enough to shoot indoors.

04-11-2004, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by Lohman446
You do realize, making a silencer to affix to a paintball marker (assuming we are not just thinking of shooting into a big barrel or soemthing) or sellign them online, is in violation of US federal law right?

...and if your refering to Marks use of the Term "silencer" then you have to remember he is British and that term may have a slightly different meaning to him than what your thinking about. Your thinking of something that will muffle the sound of a paintball marker that is shot. And even if he was then he is not too concerned about our Federal laws. ;)

04-12-2004, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Lohman446
You do realize, making a silencer to affix to a paintball marker (assuming we are not just thinking of shooting into a big barrel or soemthing) or sellign them online, is in violation of US federal law right?

Which particular US law prohibits building or selling a device to silence the report of a paintball marker?

Under US Federal law it is a crime to own a firearm supressor, parts for a firearm supressor, or tools for making a firarm supressor without a license.

That law does not define a firearm supressor, supressor parts, or supressor manufacturing tools in any more detail than that. The BATF has the authority to seize and examine items they believe may be firearm supressors, supressor components or tools for the manufacture of a firearm supressor. If they decide a device fits one of those three categories, they can act. The device does not have to meet any set criteria, they are allowed to arbitrarily classify it (I've been told that BATF Technology Branch Chief, Edward Owen even holds a patent on a rifle barrel with integrated sound supression that is sold without license - but he claims it's not a supressor since it relies on barrel technology not supressor technology.)

So, to make a long story short, if you have a paintgun silencer, there is a possibility that the ATF can review it, claim it to be a firearm supressor or part for a firearm supressor. They have done this to paintballers in the past. One barrel manufacturer had a significant amount of inventory seized and not returned.

They can similarly seize a pipe, paintgun, pillow, screwdriver, or drillpress, review them and claim them to be firearm supressors, supressor components, or tools used in the manufacture of firearm supressors. The law and structure of its enforcement gives them a fairly wide lattitide (not that a court might not overturn their decision but unless something proceedes to trial that's not an option.)

Mag Master 04
04-12-2004, 10:31 AM
i just fire into a pillow...

04-12-2004, 11:03 AM
This is what I use, and it works wonders. Get tube socks, and put one on a barrel, then slip another over that and another over that untill you have about 6 layers of socks.
get an old pod and drill about 15-20 holes near the bottom of it. space them out so they are evenly spaced for the last 3 inches of the pod. The holes should be no larger than 1/8th of an inch. Drill two holes neart the opening of the pod, so you will have somewhere to tie the string from an old barrel condom.put the barrel with the socks into the tube. it should be a fairly snug fit, if not, add socks, if too snug, remove socks. cut the socks about an inch longer than the pod, fold over the end of it, and electrical tape in place. It works wonders, its as quiet as you can probably get, cheap, easy, and re-usable.

04-12-2004, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by billmi

Which particular US law prohibits building or selling a device to silence the report of a paintball marker?

Under US Federal law it is a crime to own a firearm supressor, parts for a firearm supressor, or tools for making a firarm supressor without a license.

That law does not define a firearm supressor, supressor parts, or supressor manufacturing tools in any more detail than that. The BATF has the authority to seize and examine items they believe may be firearm supressors, supressor components or tools for the manufacture of a firearm supressor. If they decide a device fits one of those three categories, they can act. The device does not have to meet any set criteria, they are allowed to arbitrarily classify it (I've been told that BATF Technology Branch Chief, Edward Owen even holds a patent on a rifle barrel with integrated sound supression that is sold without license - but he claims it's not a supressor since it relies on barrel technology not supressor technology.)

So, to make a long story short, if you have a paintgun silencer, there is a possibility that the ATF can review it, claim it to be a firearm supressor or part for a firearm supressor. They have done this to paintballers in the past. One barrel manufacturer had a significant amount of inventory seized and not returned.

They can similarly seize a pipe, paintgun, pillow, screwdriver, or drillpress, review them and claim them to be firearm supressors, supressor components, or tools used in the manufacture of firearm supressors. The law and structure of its enforcement gives them a fairly wide lattitide (not that a court might not overturn their decision but unless something proceedes to trial that's not an option.)

Its all in the interpretation and enforcement. Its not clearly illegal unless they decide to go after you for it is it? But they seem to think they can and have published that as thier opionion on it. So they intend to extend the law that exists to cover it if they chose too. Very broad and vauge and mostly based on written opionions that we know that they will reserve the right to include it if they want too. Who wants to be the test case? Who knows if they ever will though but I can garantee you if someone uses a paintball marker to commit a crime by launching some stubstance with it then the ATF may indeed decide to start looking at it.

I once read this guys article on that. And it was pretty good. Might be of interest to some of you


04-12-2004, 11:47 AM
I just got a Cocker threaded Ninja from Centerflag at Ultimate Madness for $40. It works great! Quiets an X-mag down quite a bit. The $80+ price you have seen may eb for the kit that has different threaded backs. Quite happy with mine.

04-12-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by billmi

Which particular US law prohibits building or selling a device to silence the report of a paintball marker?

Under US Federal law it is a crime to own a firearm supressor, parts for a firearm supressor, or tools for making a firarm supressor without a license.

That law does not define a firearm supressor, supressor parts, or supressor manufacturing tools in any more detail than that. The BATF has the authority to seize and examine items they believe may be firearm supressors, supressor components or tools for the manufacture of a firearm supressor. If they decide a device fits one of those three categories, they can act. The device does not have to meet any set criteria, they are allowed to arbitrarily classify it (I've been told that BATF Technology Branch Chief, Edward Owen even holds a patent on a rifle barrel with integrated sound supression that is sold without license - but he claims it's not a supressor since it relies on barrel technology not supressor technology.)

So, to make a long story short, if you have a paintgun silencer, there is a possibility that the ATF can review it, claim it to be a firearm supressor or part for a firearm supressor. They have done this to paintballers in the past. One barrel manufacturer had a significant amount of inventory seized and not returned.

They can similarly seize a pipe, paintgun, pillow, screwdriver, or drillpress, review them and claim them to be firearm supressors, supressor components, or tools used in the manufacture of firearm supressors. The law and structure of its enforcement gives them a fairly wide lattitide (not that a court might not overturn their decision but unless something proceedes to trial that's not an option.)

I was under the impression that the BATF already ruled that a paintball silencer fell under the definition of readily modified to work for a firearm and was thus in violation of the law, though not tested in court. I don't have the exact rulings on this, at work, but will look for them later.

04-12-2004, 05:30 PM

this isn't really a law class or whether it's legal or not not. It just that it's being used at home and not a "silencer".:D

04-12-2004, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

...and if your refering to Marks use of the Term "silencer" then you have to remember he is British and that term may have a slightly different meaning to him than what your thinking about. Your thinking of something that will muffle the sound of a paintball marker that is shot. And even if he was then he is not too concerned about our Federal laws. ;)

Well I was talking about what you thought I was talking about but then I am not subject to your laws, I could rebuild it but plugged at the end and the sides vented as it wasn't expensive when I made it the first time, about $10...ah those were the days when you made nearly everything from the local hardware store ;) I'm the back right incase you were wondering and I still have all of the kit in the pic :eek:


04-12-2004, 06:26 PM
Mods or Rockers? Look like Rockers to me... :D

04-12-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Mods or Rockers? Look like Rockers to me... :D
Given the length of my hair when that pic was taken I would agree with you, but Rockers more in line with Greasers ;)

04-12-2004, 06:34 PM
The predominance of Black and the tough guy dressing style are the tip off. Greasers? Well.... that was kind of my point! ZING!!!! :P

04-12-2004, 06:41 PM
Hey ! black was the thing to wear on a paintball field back in 80's and to have Ideama gear was even better :p

04-12-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Lohman446
You do realize, making a silencer to affix to a paintball marker (assuming we are not just thinking of shooting into a big barrel or soemthing) or sellign them online, is in violation of US federal law right?

Thats why you call it an "extension". I have one somewhere. I dont know what happened to the company. Willy Pete I think. But we are talking about two different things here. One you use to fire air into, to make it easy on the ears. The other you can fire paint through.

04-13-2004, 08:37 AM
I have an odd way of making my marker "silenced" I get my realy big speakers and a good CD then voila no one will here ur marker at all n then u got cool music to work with. I sposed not every ones parents or significant other wouldnt see this the same way as i do but my mom don't care so i wont be wasting any socks pods or barrels on a silencer ;-)

04-13-2004, 11:55 AM
Well if you are so inclined here is a plan to make a muffler/sound supressor/silencer/call it what you will and it can't fire paintballs through it, you would have to experiment with the hole sizes but this would work the only issue would be that you will get some blowback as you do with the Ninja but then that is the trade off.
All the parts can be bought at any hardware store as they are basic plumbing parts.