View Full Version : aruba open

04-10-2004, 12:22 AM
i fully want to play this event but i know nothing about it. anyone know a web site or something?

04-10-2004, 01:18 AM
Anything Milt Call (Ultimate Air Ball owner and Madness promoter w/PGP) does rules. Period. If you can afford it, go. Or better yet, come play a CFOA event and WIN free entry and hotel to the Aruba Open. Try www.arubamadness.com or www.thecfoa.com

04-10-2004, 01:43 AM
personally i wasnt to impressed with madness this year. but aruba seems like it will be off the hizzle. i think im going to do everything in my power to throw a team together for that

04-10-2004, 01:48 AM
What didn't impress you? Other than the indoor venue, the six completely netted fields, the dedicated refs, the carpet floor, the free food and beer, the 120 guns in the prize package, the on-time running of the event, the climate control, the hotel food and entertainment within walking distance, the trade show, the sponsors, the media coverage, the music, the PA system, the free parking, the airball fields given away and the women's division. I mean, yeah, other than that it's basically just your average run of the mill, nothing too impressive event.
Can't imagine what there was to be impressed about there at all.

04-10-2004, 07:54 AM
Hey, the awards ceremony was so long, I was considering pulling my eyelids off!
At Any rate, We should all send a grats to Josh for getting 6th in the Am division.;)

Josh did you get any good photos of you illustriuos teamates? We could use one or two.


04-10-2004, 03:08 PM
the refs sucked really bad, food wasnt anything to brag about, im only 16 and the bouncer said no beer, never got to see any of those prizes (i know its my fault but still) my hotel had prostitutes living in it, the oowner kept trying to over charge me, i was impressed that it ran on schedule pretty well, that little disco lighted xball was one of the gayest things ive ever seen, i was pretty dissapointed in the sponsors that were there because they didnt have any spare parts just new stuff to sell, and man did i hate the set up of the field, but other than that i cant complain, and that charity event was pretty freaking cool.

maybe i was a little harsh on this tourney because i had to drive 22 hours to get to it, but i personnaly expected it to be more of a good time then it was

04-10-2004, 08:40 PM
Dude I am from aruba but am studying in the netherlands there is nothing more relaxing than the aruba open cause 1. You do't have to wake up early to go the field.
2. You can party till late.
3. If your 16 you are allowd to drink in any bar you enter. (you just entered the wrong place dude)
4. The weather is great all year.
5. When the games finish at night it is party time.
6. You can do what you want the whpe day cause the games start at 3.

I do not know what there is to complain here man it's just one happy island you just relax and enjoy and play paintball what else would you want ???

04-11-2004, 12:42 AM
bra, im cooming to live with you. im going to dedicate my time to going to this freaking tourney. is the actuall tourney prety rightous?

04-11-2004, 08:46 AM
I dont live in aruba, my family goes there every christmas. About the tourny i cant tell you anything but, there is plenty of stuff to do at night, bars clubs etc. And when i was only 16 i didnt have a problem drinking. They never asked me anything, it was free reighn the entire time i was there. PLus there new years parties kick ***