View Full Version : OUCH! (This will teach noobs to wear their mask...)

04-11-2004, 09:14 AM
This was posted at another (non-paintball) forum that I frequent.

Well paintball is a fun game right.. me with my genisis marker.. and my buddy with my cheapo CO2 tank cob marker... made by brass eagle.. well here's a very wise tip.. if you get shoot in the face (mask) DO NOT take it off to clean.. leave it on to clean..

you know why ?

(See post below for pic)


there was a slight laseration of the retna.. which i wa slucky i got to the hospital within like 8 minutes of being shot in the eye..

because my eye i could not see anything out of .. and it was filling up with blood fast and the pressure increasing..

i had to go in for emergancy eye surgery..

to get things fixed up.. there is a 50/50 chance of me losing close 75 percent vision in my eye..

and a 95 percent chance that if it does heal i will not have a focused vision.. IE every thing is kinda blurry and at 15 feet or 20 i will not be able to read the letter K that stands 3 inches tall..

kinda sucks.. but the way i look at it the revenge is going to be sweet.. and well.. i still have one good eye to watch the fire with...

oh well im in good spirits about this for now..


Well kiddys, there ya go NOW WEAR YOUR F'ING MASK AT ALL TIMES!

Edit: well, the pic dosn't work due to the file name, but I'm sure you can guess what those 4 letters are...

04-11-2004, 09:19 AM
hosted the pic somewhere else with a different name;)


04-11-2004, 09:38 AM
:( At least he isnt raving and spitting about how evil paintball is

04-11-2004, 09:43 AM
Yea, he's actually joking about it saying he's offically a pirate now, lol.

04-11-2004, 09:59 AM
*evil laugh*

04-11-2004, 11:36 AM
I was just playing last weekend and a buddy pof mine got shot in the eye with his mask on. Well, it wasn't a ball, thank god, it was the splatter that went straight into his eye. Thank god the kid that shot him was shooting crappy paint, if it was good paint there would be shards in my buddy's eye. Any way. KEEP YOUR BLODDY MASK ON KIDS

04-11-2004, 01:28 PM

I especially like this part


Yea i hate it when i get shot in the eye its a real hassle!

No Seriously, I NEVER PLAY WITH MY GOGGLES OFF!!! when i get hit in the lense and cant see i have NO urge to take them off since the lense just saved my eye! I go APE poopy on the kids who take off their masks at the fields i go to. And whats suprising is some places i go the other players are more concerned with that than the Refs are...

SO what i think we should get are those threatning posters like "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DONT PLAY WITH A MASK" with a picture of a guy with no eye or the like

stuff like the smoking campaigns with a black lung from a 40 year smoker...

04-11-2004, 01:53 PM
I was shot in the face once by a friend who was being gay.

heres how it went: we were in the staging room n i was re tuning my rtc n he started shooting at me n it being the staging room i had no mask on n wasnt covering myself at all bam 1 hit right belo my eye. if my marker would have been gassed up n loaded he woulda been gone but insted he got the hardest kick in the stomahc ne 1's ever seen.

like most of you i do not take kindly to sum 1 trying to take 1 one my senses away from me. needless to say he got banned from that place for 6 months n i got a free hopper full of paint from the cool manager cuz i dint wana go home yet. n he had to call his mommy cuz i dint wana drive him home

04-11-2004, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by steveo356
I was shot in the face once by a friend who was being gay.

heres how it went: we were in the staging room n i was re tuning my rtc n he started shooting at me n it being the staging room i had no mask on n wasnt covering myself at all bam 1 hit right belo my eye. if my marker would have been gassed up n loaded he woulda been gone but insted he got the hardest kick in the stomahc ne 1's ever seen.

like most of you i do not take kindly to sum 1 trying to take 1 one my senses away from me. needless to say he got banned from that place for 6 months n i got a free hopper full of paint from the cool manager cuz i dint wana go home yet. n he had to call his mommy cuz i dint wana drive him home

haha your friend sounds like a dumbass.. I woulda kicked him in the nuts as hard as I coulda though.. This way the pain would last for days :)

04-11-2004, 06:40 PM
i woulda hit him alot more then once... with my tank... or that 18 inch bum beater...

04-12-2004, 12:45 AM
ouch the pic doesnt show much, but i know were u r comin from..
kinda. i got hit probably 1 inch under the eye first time paintballing at a place we camp at. it sucked. and i didnt want my parents to think it was dangerous, so i told um it went under the mask... i am so dumd, cus i got busted.

04-12-2004, 04:05 AM
About 2 years ago when my buddies and I had a day in the back yard (setup a field, speedball and woodsball) two friends of mine were speedballing. My friend to the left of me gets the bright idea to make the game 'alittle more interesting' and starts taking pot shots from the sidelines (we were all eliminated). One of my buds that is being shot at turns around, and as he turns trips on a rock. he falls and his gun hits the ground, firing. What happens? The ball smacks my stepbrother right on the side of the nose about 1/2 " away from his eye. Yeah, it was his first time paintballing too. At first I was worried, then I started laughing my butt off, because what are the odds, ya know? Oh well. It was still scary :eek: