View Full Version : erratic velocity

10-01-2001, 06:38 PM
I am having a problem with erratic velocity. I don't mean just like +/- 10fps, I'm saying that I shoot one ball and it's 269 then the next one is over 300. Any ideas on what I can do to get it a LITTLE more consistent? I'm shooting an Emag by the way.

10-01-2001, 06:41 PM
Replace the reg. seat, clean the o-rings in the valve, oil it and make sure your paint is fresh and fits the barrel properly.

10-01-2001, 06:54 PM
I think I may have found my problem..I haven't chrono'd it yet to make sure (its 9:00 at night..and my neighbors in my apartment complex dont like hearing it late at night) but I think it was the barrel/paint match. The paint I'm shooting is Nitroduck (large bore) out of my zero-gravity barrel. HOWEVER, it looks like even the nitroduck is too small for it. It just rolls out the barrel after going by the nubbin. Any suggestions on paint for a zero-g barrel?

10-01-2001, 07:35 PM
Hmm... I wonder what the bore size is on that barrel. If you have a snap guage or some calipers, measure the I.D. of the barrel. It might just be the batch of paint you have. Even though it's suppose to be large bore, it might be smaller than normal. Try different paints and see what fits your barrel the best. Just make sure each time before you buy a new case that it fits your barrel. Or, get a few different barrels with different bores.