View Full Version : Mags and Cockers

10-01-2001, 06:47 PM
Mags vs. Cockers.
So far I have had stunning accuracy with my SuperCocker. But for rate of fire the RT deffinently wins. I would like to know your Mag/Cocker expiriences. Be honest. No one likes a liar.

10-01-2001, 07:08 PM
Well My emag wins over ROF of my cocker hands down. The look of both I belive is tied. The Cocker seems like it is more accurate( I shoot an AA off the Emag and Boomer off the cocker) so that could be the reason why...


10-01-2001, 07:38 PM
I have to agree cocker win in some cases but automags win in other cases.

Speed = automag
accuracy = cocker

my friend has a cocker and it is very constant and accuracy but it cant match the speed of my ReTro Mag.

10-01-2001, 09:10 PM
and that is what ticks me off....

the reason why one gun is more accurate is how you handle the marker. if you take an rt, and rip on it, your accuracy won't be as good because of all that recoil. if you shoot your cocker nice and slot, it will be more accurate.

10-01-2001, 10:02 PM
So true Cha0tic. So true.

10-01-2001, 10:49 PM
I haven't used a cocker yet, but I sure like my mag. I think a cocker will be my next gun though. I have always wanted one. It is my dream gun. I don't know wny. Maybe its just the look. IMO the cocker is the sweetest looking gun on the planet. The Emag, Minimag and Angel tie for second.

10-01-2001, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by LeadBasedPaint
I haven't used a cocker yet, but I sure like my mag. I think a cocker will be my next gun though. I have always wanted one. It is my dream gun. I don't know wny. Maybe its just the look. IMO the cocker is the sweetest looking gun on the planet. The Emag, Minimag and Angel tie for second.

In part it is because the Cocker looks sweet. Heck, I admire just looking at it.

In part it's also because people follow the crowd, and currently a 'cocker' is the thing to have. It's the mentality of it, although some would be hard pressed to admit it.

If I had the extra money lying around, I'd buy a cocker too. That's after buying another RT Pro with a modular body, two warp feeds, another Intelliframe and HALOs to finish the collection when it's out. ;)

10-01-2001, 11:39 PM
It's not really following the crowd around here. All the kids I play with are morons whose minds have been warped by the resident "paintball god" who warped them into thinking that if you have a good gun you are evil. People have critisized me for upgrading from a T98 to a mag. But that critisizim is disipating after they have seen the mags performance. And also the evil influence from the aforementioned player is disipating. He once ruled a dynasty, but now he is gone and we are ushering in a new era!! JK. Although all that was true. We are breaking away from the forests and are playing speedball, and there are people looking to get nice guns now. Even the evil emperor upgraded before he left. He bought both a cocker and a mag. So if i got a cocker it would not be following the crowd at all. It would be breaking the mold. Which is exactly what I am going for. I threatened my brother that I wouold beat him up if he coppied me. I bit extreme I know, but hey, I wanna be unique. Just a note, i'm not as crazy as I sound in my post. Its late and I got carried away, but I think it sounds cool anyway so i'm gonna leave it.

10-01-2001, 11:54 PM
LeadBasedPaint - Don't worry, you don't sound crazy. Well...

j/k :)

10-02-2001, 12:09 AM
The crazy thing is that its all true. Ahh the fun of small towns and even smaller minds. What really sucks bout small towns is that there is no HPA!! I might be able to talke the firemen into filling my tanks though. :)

10-02-2001, 04:51 PM
Look people, I was firing both aafast as I could, and that is fast. My friends I should not get ELCD whne I had a Spyder cause I already shot fater than an Angel with a Semi.
So I was going as fast as I could. To put it simply, I like both guns, RT for speedball and Cocker for Forest style matches. When I need accuracy, Cocker, if I need ROF RT. That simple. I amk alos a Tourney player so variety helps.

10-02-2001, 05:51 PM
ight well 1st off the an autococker isn't more accurate than a mag, a tippman or anything eles.....
but w/ the cocker its set up is more consistant than a stock mag.
and who ever said somin abut a spyder being able to out shoot any angel in ROF is not too bright.

I'd rather shoot a cocker over a mag(its just my preference) but if it came down to a really nice cocker w/ a piviot frame or an RT pro i'd still go w/ a cocker, but if it was somin between a real really nice cocker and a microe-mag i'd go w/ the mag.
it s all my preference.
But honestly i don't care what gun i shoot, as long as it has the ability to shoot around 10+ bps. a electronic or cocker pull and well as long as ya can hit a door infront of ya from 10 feet away i'll use it.

10-02-2001, 06:07 PM
I'm with chaotic, i hate hearing that,
"cocker more accurate" BS.

I have a completely stock rt pro and a friend i play with has a KAPP cocker. I've shot his gun, and he's shot my gun. When using the same paint and barrel size our accuracy is (for the most part) the exact same. The only thing that ever makes a difference is when he changes barrels and has a better paint/barrel match.

10-02-2001, 08:21 PM
I can't really say that a cocker is more accurate because i havn't been using it long enough. Maybe it's the very little recoil or a phycological thing?

here's my cocker:



10-02-2001, 08:28 PM
ok.... hmm... well lets get into why i got a cocker. After going to the field and having my gun not work at all, running a parts kit through it, trying and trying to fix it. changing tanks and setups from 1 mag to another, and 2 hours later borrowing my friends cocker so I could atleast play a few games after playing $10 field fee and $10 air fee and playing no games.

Now than, I've been using my cocker for the last 2 months, and love it. Lets get into the differences

Mags have a shorter pull, its a pivoting trigger as opposed to a sliding trigger. That is all personal preference though. The mag tends to be faster than the cocker due to the pivoting trigger versus the sliding trigger, but if you know the trigger right both can rock. The mag has a different barrel system, which from my experience (I currently own 6 mags which I constantly play around with), I dont like. They tend to jam, scratch up, and are irratating compared to the screw in barrels. The mag is a single tube construction, not as millable, yet can look good for a very high price. Also there is no resale value, but thats not in this convo. Weight wise, my cocker is lighter than my mag when they're setup. Accuracy wise, setup properly they're both accurate, in my opinion my cocker seems to fit the paint better and get a little better range/accuracy (range to accuracy, as in they get about the same range but the range seems to be more accurate in the cocker compared to the mag, if you understand what i'm saying).

Now the cocker, tends to have a longer pull depending on your setup, tends to be slower, and has more of a trigger you must be able to adjust to. Mag trigger is easier to learn IMO. The screw in barrel system with pullpin bolt is favored by me, just take out the bolt and put a straightshot through the whole gun if you break paint. With a mag its the twistlock, then you still have paint on the bolt and inside the breach unless you hose it down. The cocker is twintube construction, which is bigger but I still favor it as i feel it weighs out better with all the aluminum. Also to make a cocker look good is easy, and there are a million different setups you can do.

Now as we get into personal preference, I prefer my cocker. Its just less problematic. True you need to time the thing after any mod, but if you dont touch the gun and leave that to the people that know what they're doing, you're home free. Besides timing which my friend who is a tech does, my cocker has worked flawlessly. The mag is simpler to fix, just an oring after you pull out the valve, yet the orings just dont seem to hold thier own IMO. All in all, I would take an Eclipse cocker with the blade pivoting trigger ANY DAY over any other gun, including any angel out there. So does my friend who owns the only one I've ever seen (those of you who remember the picture of the blue-silver fade eclipse cocker than everyone thought looked really tight and everyone wanted one, that's my friends gun). He has the tighest cobra angel (the silver with purple splash and stick trigger and all that for those of you that have seen it) I've ever seen, yet after using both guns I'd take the eclipse cocker any day. Its all about that pivoting blade trigger :)

10-03-2001, 09:08 AM
well untill you try the new swinging trigger frame for the cocker, dont be too quick to say that the mag is faster. iv been shooting a cocker for several months now and i love it. i recently aquired a shocker also which im very pleased with, but thats another thread. i used to say that accuracy go with cocker, rof, go with mag. untill i shot a cocker with the swinging trigger frame. i was amazed at the rate of fire when i sat back and finger bang the thing. its incredible. this isnt to say i dont like mags now, but the rate of fire is now there for the cockers.


10-03-2001, 02:17 PM
All this EVIL AUTO-COCKER talk makes my head hurt and my heart sad! "MORE ACCURATE, LONGER RANGE, ANY DAY OVER MAGS!"


10-03-2001, 02:21 PM
Mags are nice and small.

10-04-2001, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by PowerFedMag
All this EVIL AUTO-COCKER talk makes my head hurt and my heart sad! "MORE ACCURATE, LONGER RANGE, ANY DAY OVER MAGS!"


no one ever menstioned anything about longer range... just hear more accurate now and then. Possibly because of the very little kick. When i had an RT, my Warp Feed sensitivity thing was set on the lowest and it would spin on every shot. When i got my Cocker and tried out my Warp Feed, i had to set it so high that it would go off it's self once in a while when i'm just moving; just slightely less than it spinning on it's own. Shockers, and Matrices also tend to have very little kick.

10-04-2001, 04:03 PM
Im still new to the forum, but can say that it is honestly a preference thing. I chose the mag because my brother already had a tricked cocker, and I wanted to go a diferent path. Its nice to play paintball when theres more variety, not just ALL cockers on the field, or ALL Spyders. Variety gives you more distinction from all the other Cocker toting people.

I chose the Mag believing it wasnt as accurate as the Cocker. I also chose the Mag despite the advice I got from shops here saying that the Mag was obsolete, and that the cocker and the electros are the only way to go.

However, right now, My Mag with its setup is ALWAYS at the same consistency as my brothers cocker. We both run HPA and shoot at around +/- 3 fps. Its just a matter of time when the balls swell a lil too big and BOTH are consistencies are hurt. So can we honestly say which is more consistent.

As for range, both and all guns should be the same. Both are affected from the forces of gravity at the same rate. Given the same velocity (fps) the both guns (as ALL guns) will send the ball flying through the air until gravity pulls it completely to the ground.

Accuracy is different from gun to gun (even if the consistency is the same). My LP Spyder shot +/- 5 fps. However, with any blowback gun, theres alot of recoil. When I send a string of 5-10 balls, I could feel the barrel lift and my shots would be erratic. However with my Mag, the recoil is very minimal.

I hope this helps, sorry for writing such a long novel. "HyperSnyper"

2000 Black Micromag, Ricochet 2K, Benchmark 2x (w/ Hogue grips), J&J Full Tilt 2 piece barrel(10" and 14" tips), Proline Stretch D/F, Gutted AGD Valve w/ Galactic Z Valve (velocity regulated by a...) Palmer FEMALE bottomline reg, all powered by a 68/3000 Pure Energy HPA tank.

+/- 3 fps and shooting damn straight

10-04-2001, 05:58 PM

This will never end....never end.....just play the game and buy what gun you like. No need to write long winded explainations. No need. Its all so subjective. Don't you think that if one gun was substantially better than the other, someone would have documented proof?? There is no proof cause both guns have taken the .68 caliber paintball about as far as it can go! What we need is to change the paintballs, they are the wrench in the system. Just play the game fellows, play the game....