View Full Version : WDP mini-reg and co2

04-13-2004, 12:18 PM
Does anyone know if the WDP mini-reg will handle co2? I'm asking because I have seen some regs freeze up and start leaking like mad... and I am not sure if teh minireg will do the same.

*note* I am not trying to run this on an angel, but a cocker project and the mini-reg would be the best fitting for the projects size.

Thanks :)

04-13-2004, 01:21 PM
You shouldn't have any trouble with it freezing up, unless you try to snuff it down to like a hundred PSI (I don't think the minireg will even go that low).

I ran one on my classic mag for a long time, as a last defence against liquid CO2, and I never had a problem with it.

But as always with free advice, its only worth as much as you paid to hear it. :D

Good Luck

04-13-2004, 02:58 PM
Thats cool, thanks for the reply. I figured I can always try it, and if it doesn't work then run a female stabilzer and gut the mini-reg to be used as a tiny expansion chamber. :p