View Full Version : problem with emag not shooting

Wc Keep
04-13-2004, 02:01 PM
ok my emag wont shoot when its in electronic mode. it has 1.37 software. ill start pulling the trigger itll be fine but then itll shoot and then wont shoot for a few trigger pulls and then shoot again and then not shoot for a few trigger pulls etc etc etc. itll work fine in mechanical mode though. theres about 1200 in my tank left and i can hear the solenoid clicking. any help is appreciated.

04-13-2004, 04:26 PM
I'm having a similar problem. Haven't been able to fix mine, so that probably disqualifies my ideas:

Try oiling the crap out of the on/off assembly, pins, and o-rings at the base of the pin. Charge up the battery for a good 6 hours.

04-13-2004, 04:54 PM
maybe your solenoid is getting weak, or your battery is starting to go bad, have the output tested.

the tank pressure may also be a factor. a lxmag needs at least 800 psi to cycle, when getting down into the 1000 psi area it is normal to get some incomplete bolt cycles, this is because at lower pressures the tank's reg recharges slower. also if you have been using the same tank for a while the piston might need to be regreased.

also make sure that your trigger magnet is not too far in. The HES may be picking up some interference from the magnet being too close...also if you think that the solenoid might be to blame, look into the "solenoid wire switch fix" it has made a big difference in a lot of people's emags.

good luck!