View Full Version : the trigger won't reset????

04-13-2004, 04:22 PM
Hey guys, I have just dropped a X valve in my micromag along with the LX and a ULE on/off. Now, aside from short stroking the thing every now and then because i have not gotten used' to it, every now and then, the trigger simply will not reset it's self untill i unscrew the bottle and let the valve re-charge after gassing it up again.
I may be wrong, but i would not think that this is susposed to happen. Has this happened to any of you? does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this?


04-13-2004, 09:46 PM
Possibly put more input pressure to the gun...

Eatem Alive
04-14-2004, 01:01 AM
just hit the back of your valve:D seriously...if it happens in a game, that's what i do.

04-15-2004, 03:54 PM
Mine does the same thing. It can be very aggrivating. Try adjusting the rear frame screw. I have found that loosening the rear frame screw solves the problem. However, everytime I take the marker apart and put it back together I have to readujust it. I have also found that temperature changes effect it as well. The problem seems to be that the tollerances (sp) for the ULT are so exact that a slight adjustment on the way it fits together (ie lossening or tightening grip frame screws) will cause it to act up.

I also keep a quarter stuck in the dye grip. When it sticks I use the quarter to depress the trigger rod farther back into the frame. This seems to un stick it.

Hope this helps.

04-15-2004, 06:24 PM
hi all
i have had the same problem with mine.i started on another thread. i found the thing is temperature sensitive and if you overtighten the thing it acts up. took me a week to figure out. the old bodies did not do this.

try this the next time it happens loosen the field strip(do not remove) when it is gased up. fire it. then snug it slightly. then do it to the front. do this whilr the marker is gassed up and then your done all alighned.

once it was set i checked it all day gas up fire a egg degass wait a hour gas up shoot a string wait 5 min fire a string never failed.

was off work and had cases of paint to blow. :D

04-16-2004, 09:22 AM
i just bought another from airgun.com so i had to deal with basically the same thing - new LX and ULT at the same time. there seems to be a break-in period with the pair (didn't have a problem w/ them individually). after about 15-20 hours of field time, now she's rock solid. i don't know that it'll take that long for you, i got lazy and stopped adjusting for a while with a slight leak. i would recommend adjust only the ULT. once thats right, then the LX carrier....and finally the LX shims. hope this helps!

04-16-2004, 09:29 AM
Is your level 10 bolt properly setup? You may be getting bolt stick which would prevent the trigger rod from resetting. Try going to a larger carrier.