View Full Version : D-day 2003

04-15-2004, 09:31 AM
D-day 2003 was my first time there and although it was very enjoyable I was shocked of the lack of control there. I have sympathy considering 2x the people showed up that they expected but some things were uncalled for. No offense to the germans at d-day but I saw a lot of cheating going unchecked. Im sure the allies were to but i heard the germans were worst. I hope they restrict entries this time because there were just to many people. Feel free to comment but reframe from the flaming plz.

04-15-2004, 09:35 AM
Some of the things i noticed:
1. cranking up the fps after chronoing.
2. Putting paint of dry ice.
3. not going out after getting hit.
4. i even saw a ref wipe off a german who got hit.

When paint is blasting the bark off the trees something seems wrong.

04-15-2004, 09:47 AM
Which D-Day scenario game are you talking about, the one in Oklahoma or at Skirmish in PA? I was at the one at Skirmish last year with a buddy, and we had a great time.

04-15-2004, 09:50 AM
The one in Wyandotte, Oklahoma.

04-15-2004, 10:00 AM
What's the turnout like in the OK game? At the PA game they draw about 2,000. All in all, I think the scenario runs pretty smoothly at Skirmish, with a good amount of smaller objectives and missions to keep things interesting. The paint could be cheaper, though.

My favorite part was the storming of beach at Normany: I was a German, hunkered down in my bunker, unloading hopper after hopper at the surging waves of Allied troops...

04-15-2004, 10:08 AM
The germans won surprise surprise :rolleyes: BTW they also had more than 2x the tanks and where were all the antitank weapons? Germans. Im not being biased when I say this there cheating was totally unacceptable.

04-15-2004, 10:22 AM
Also I hope the Germans feel sorry for the kid whose lens they cracked open with theyre 300 fps dry iced paintballs.

04-15-2004, 10:30 AM
Dry ice paintballs?

04-15-2004, 10:44 AM
They put their paint and froze it in dry ice. Dont ask what it feels like to get hit by one :(

04-15-2004, 10:49 AM
Heres a hint about what it feels like. Think about a 300 fps marble.

04-15-2004, 11:08 AM
Those people should be arrested, and charged with assult. That could probably crack someone skull easily, damn scumbags. Learn to control yourself you worthless unless watched like chilren society (you know who you are ofcourse, meaning not all of you guyz hehe). This is something nobody should have to deal with, and after dwelling on what excatly that is I lose it.

Keep it up and all the fat mommies are gona gang up on paintball like they did everything else, while there manly sons come back from soccer, you know how it works political people in da house.

04-15-2004, 02:36 PM
I guess they made good nazis.

04-21-2004, 12:00 AM
they're restricting it to 3,000 people max this year, and after a certain date, registration will be jacked up to $100. This is to encourage preregistration so that they'll be prepared for the # of people there this year.

Also, from what I hear, the allies will have a special surprise for the Germans. The Allies (which is who I'll be playing for) do NOT intend to let the Germans even get CLOSE to a victory this year. Also, the Germans will find the base security in the Allied base to be as tight as their own during the night game. The French Resistance is tired of having their side lose, and is prepared to win at all (non-cheating) costs. The allies intend to win fair and square this year with no cheating ;).

04-21-2004, 08:19 AM
1. happens in rec ball too....its nothing new
2. never heard of it...sure it wasnt just crapppy paint?
3. we were out numbered like 2-1
4. uhh....not to much to say there. Friends?

04-21-2004, 01:04 PM
Germans will be Germans I guess :( ;)

04-21-2004, 01:36 PM
eh, I was a German in 2k3.. no cheating here. Although, with 3k+ people running around, I don't doubt that it was there. I also doubt it was restricted to the German side of the field. I dunno, with DDay, the SS has seemed to just always come out on top.

I personally don't care which side wins, I'm not there for the drama... I just like shooting people :)


04-21-2004, 02:21 PM
"I'm not there for the drama...I just like shooting people"---My thoughts exactly, thats why I play. Wait...is that weird..oh well :p

04-21-2004, 03:06 PM
It wasnt crappy paint it was dry iced. Theyre not going to restrict it either. They make to much money off of it. As long as the moneys is coming in why should they care? BTW on the Atlantic Wall we werent outnumbered 2 to 1. We had far more but they were bunkered in and werent in the open :rolleyes: Also there were supposed to be 500 on the wall at d-day. then y were there 800?! we only came off like 15 at a time with 1 stinking boat. The landing could have been far more efficient if they filled up all the dead boats too so itd be more realistic if 4 boats opened at once then just 1. Plus had to wait like an hour when the boat broke down. :mad: All the other teams had to wait only like 30 min. So note dont be the 1st division unless they get it better organized. Also might wanna get there early so u dont wind up camping on the road from lack of space. ;)

04-21-2004, 04:43 PM
If you want to donate $10000 for four boats to land at once, go ahead and do it.

04-21-2004, 05:20 PM
No dude you dont understand. Im saying they should have filled up all the dead boats for the first landing giving it more of a realistic effect.

04-21-2004, 05:37 PM
For the invasion they should just limit the number of germans to make it fair for the number of americans landing

04-21-2004, 07:06 PM
Why does everybody want to be the germans? Is it caused they looked cooler during the war, or just because its fun being the bad guys?

I'd probably sign up as a kraut too, I was always the kid who rooted for Cobra to win on GI Joe :)

04-21-2004, 07:29 PM
Haha thats sad man anyway... just jokeing with you haha. I'ed love to go again to d-day dunno if I could afford it. My father came with me, he refused to be on the axis's side.

04-21-2004, 07:37 PM
Its nothing like d day to me, I mean theres no beach or water, its pretty cheesy. I just want to come to walk in the woods while its pitch black out and get ambushed, or ambush the enemy by accident. Me and 8 of my friends got atleast 30 guys on the beach! We decide to have some balls and move into the german side of the beach that we all sat ready waiting for guys to come threw in, it was pitch black out and we were scared shizzel. After ten mins we were all setteled in the german bunker (a hole in the ground, its cheesy like i said)We were all talking most the time haveing a good time, then half an hour later german guys werer moveing up, about 20 30 mins later they were infront of us by 300 feet. We snuck up about 50 ft from there backs and holy crap ahaha, It was a once in a life time thing.