View Full Version : Yard Work question

04-15-2004, 01:01 PM
Hey. I am doing a project and I was wondering how often you guys and girls mow your lawns or do any yard work that requires gas. If you could please post how long you are using the machine and an estimate on about how much you spend in gas for it. Items that fall into this catigoriey are:
Lawn mowers
Chain saw
Weed wacker
Hedge Clippers
any thing else gas powerd that might be used for yard work. Thanks guys. I would like to thank all of you that help me out with this.

04-15-2004, 01:12 PM
I just finished chopping down 3 small trees with my gas powered chainsaw. Very tired right now. Used gas!

Not much gas, maybe $1.00 worth.

04-15-2004, 02:50 PM
How are you tired from using a chainsaw? Use an axe like a man :)

04-15-2004, 03:31 PM
I mow my lawn once a week and it takes about an hour to do the front and the back.

04-15-2004, 05:40 PM
I mow the lawn once a week. Takes about an hour. Every 2 weeks I use the weed wacker, that takes about 20 minutes. I trim the hedges about every month or so. That takes about 15 minutes. Thats when I'm here at school.

I dont really have a schedule at home. My dad and I divide it up.

04-15-2004, 05:44 PM
How are you tired from using a chainsaw? Use an axe like a man :)

Try dragging three trees to the curb for the garbage man one branch at a time. It took for ever. Besides a chainsaw is not an "easy" tool, it takes quite a bit of effort to use it right! :rolleyes:

04-15-2004, 05:53 PM
I cut the grass, weedwack, and edge once a week. It funds my paintball career along with some other chores :cool:

04-16-2004, 11:08 PM
I have the small Homelife red chainsaw, a full tank will last me a good days work of cutting trees and such. I'm not positive how much gas I use though because it requires the 50/50 mix and I have a seperate gas container for that.

04-17-2004, 01:03 AM
I just finished chopping down 3 small trees with my gas powered chainsaw. Very tired right now. Used gas!

Not much gas, maybe $1.00 worth.

man that reminds me of a joke my grandpa used to tell.

"so this polock goes and buys a wicket good chainsaw and get home cuts down one tree and is tired. He thinks to himself it's gotta be broke. So he calls the shop up and asks if it's normal that you're tired after using one. And the clerk say " well yeah" So he goes back outside and and cuts down another tree and is REALLY tired. Comes back inside and calls the clerk and goes "man I might as well be using my axe to cut this down, you sure it's working right?" The cleak thinks a minute and goes, "well I suppose the chain might be dull, go ahead and bring it in and we'll take a look."

SO the polock drives to town and throws it up on the bench. After a few minuted of checking the chain, oil, filters n stuff hes baffled and grabs hold of the rip cord and give it a good pull. The saw starts right up to which the polock flinches and goes " woaw, what's that? what's making that noise?"

1de, are you polock? just making sure?