View Full Version : barrels

10-02-2001, 10:52 AM
Alright, i have a few bucks to spend and i was seriously looking into purchasing a new barrel for my mag. A few that i have looked at that i am considering:
Freak System
J&J Ceramic

Of the few that i like my favorites are the freak and the J&J ceramic, however i'm wondering if i should spend the extra 200 bucks to get the freak. Is it worth it? are there any other barrels i should look into and what should i look for in a barrel?
:confused: And if i did buy something other than a freak, would i really need more than one barrel to cope with the different sized paint at the various fields i play at?

10-02-2001, 04:37 PM
I love my freak, it is particularily handy seeing how the local field decides to change brand of paint from time to time, making my bore fit every time, not to mention it works great... seeing how you play at 'various' fields, and presuming they use different paint, to get the best accuracy you can, the freak kit would probably come closest withoug having to buy multiple barrels for various paintsizes.

10-02-2001, 04:45 PM
if u have the money, Freak.

10-03-2001, 04:53 PM
just a note, i was told a while ago by Robbo (for those of you that know your paintball) to look for the parts that pros use. obviously this makes perfect sense yet i don't see many of the pros using the freak. i can understand that most all of them have the money or funding to buy many barrels in which case they must be better than the freak. so, to kind of rephrase my question, which barrel is the best, and which is also the most economical?

10-03-2001, 05:03 PM
my ceramic works great- and though, i dot have one, my friend's autospirit is very accurate as well. ive also heard good things about the bigshot. and if you get all three, you can handle most sizes of paint (autospirit= small, j&j=small/med, bigshot=larger bore paint9, and thats 60 bucks cheaper than a freak

10-03-2001, 07:20 PM
Well really the barrels the higher level circuit players use mainly has to do w/ what company will sponsor them to shoot it and what you'll get out of it and what they'll get out of it.
But overall, i've honestly noticed a boomstick($100) is hella close enough to a cp barrel($35)
so it doesn't really matter, if ya can put out about 3 balls and not one of the three will come close to hittin the target then well there might be somin wrong. i think all the barrels are just as good

10-04-2001, 05:10 PM
anyone else have any comments or recommendations?

10-04-2001, 05:14 PM
A major part of barrel accuracy is "Barrel to Paint Match"...alot of people just turn that up because they want to use their barrel that looks cooler...like my friend mitch. Last game he used his All American because it looked cooler on his mag, but it was breaking paint and stuff...so I used my Minimag Stock and it worked excellent...not one ball break! Haha. It's still good to have a variety of barrels so you can always use the one that's working best.

10-04-2001, 09:51 PM
bigshot is medium bore...get freak if you can

10-04-2001, 09:59 PM
I usually use either my JJ ceramic, or my AllAmerican. I rarely use my Dyes...Mostly the AA

10-05-2001, 04:28 AM
it depends on your Position
do you get sponsor for the paints??? in that case you can have the specific barrel for the size of your paint.
eg. large bore=Palmer,zero-gravity
medium= smartparts (almost every series)
small=DYE ,BOA
but if you are using lots of difference brands of paints, you may find the Freaks more comfortable instead of buying the varies sizes of Barrels



10-05-2001, 08:01 AM
I have a BIG SHOT... I try lots of different paint in it.
Sometimes I get it as accurate as a mamma jamma, other times its like shooting a StingRay (SEVERE PAINT SUX!)

I've found ProBall to be awseome, hardly any breaks. Marbelizers seem more inaccurate. I think I tried RPS or PMI advantage, some purple\gold shell with purple fill, I think it was actually so big that the balls were blowing up in barrel as well.

Anyways I highly recommend the BIG SHOT, and Auto-Spirit, buy both and you should be set.

When I get N2, hopefully it should be more accurate due to more regulation of air, plus N2 is cool!

Now buy a BIG SHOT\Auto-Spirit, they're only 11.5in', listen to Static X- "Push It", and play some pball! --oh yea, messing with your velocity a lot will also help make yer gun more accurate.