View Full Version : E-Mag's and warp feeds take second in WTC Tourney (LONG)

Rob B
10-02-2001, 11:09 AM
On Sunday the 29 of September, my team, "Color Blind" sent two 3 man teams to a local tournament to raise money for the World Trade Center relief fund. Our sponsor, DNR Paintball in Dover, Delaware, paid for the entry fee's and air fills, Thank's DNR, you guys rock!" I am captain of the Black team, and I shoot an E-Mag with warp feed. My next player shoots the exact same combo, and the third was shooting, um a, well... Impulse. Hey, he has a warp feed system on it at least! Well, the warp systems saved our butt's! Not one hopper hit! On the hyperball field the warp systems were the key to winning. The beauty of our team is in our set up's. I am left handed and can take advantage of the left side of a bunker really well with the warp system. The other team mate with the E-Mag and warp is right handed and takes advantage of the right side of a bunker. See were this is going? We would sit in the back just raining down paint out from behind a shared bunker. Our third team member would swing left and take some ground and push hard. You should have seen the people watching us play. They were amazed that not once did our opponents have a chance to get a flag pull or send some one up the center of the field. The E-Mags held them all at bay! On one occation we lost our "swing" man and it was just us in the back. The other team tried to flank our left but couldn't get close enough for an elimination or flag pull. The game ended with time running out and it being a dead heat.
On the inflate-a-bunker field the E-Mag's pounded out enough paint to allow us to send our man to the "50" for first flag pull and a nice field position. While we were dumping paint, our flag man would weasel his way to the nearest opponent and try for a bunker move. It worked well 80% of the time. After all was said and done the only thing that took first place away from us was a hot gun from that darn impulse! Just 4 points sepperated first from second. I didn't mind not getting first place because it was to our sister team Color Blind "Gray"! It came down to the last game of the day between us and them. They won due to the hot gun penality.
The tourney raised $1,500 for the World Trade Center relief fund, and they are the true winners from this tourney. A big thank you to Newport Paintball and Skate/ECX Paintball Park for a great tourney for a great cause. Thanks!!!

10-02-2001, 11:48 AM

Do you have any pics of the game?

Rob B
10-02-2001, 11:52 AM
Film is getting developed right now. Also check the up coming issues of Paintball 2Xtremes and APG for some coverage. If I can figure out how to transfer video to my computer I may have some clips of the tourney. I will post pic's as soon as I get them.

10-02-2001, 12:39 PM
That's an awesome story!!
E mag dominance. I also found your stategy very interesting. Keep it up and make others respect the mighty E-MAG!