View Full Version : EMAG saved my daughters!!

04-15-2004, 07:58 PM
Well, it was the Saturday before Easter when I decided to get the egg hunting out of the way. I went into the front yard and hid the eggs for my daughters age 2 and 4. Basically that means put them in plain sight. After the kids had found all the eggs, they wanted to do the hiding for each other. This kept them occupied as I took a breather on the front porch. I then noticed several 'dusty ol crows' as my daughter calls them trying to swoop down and get the eggs off of the ground. I thought this proved to be sweet pickins for the new EMAG so I ran inside to get it, since my gear bag was just inside the door.

Now all you animal rights folks pipe down, it is legal to shoot crows and blackbirds year-round, any way you'll see.

So there I sat just waiting for a chance to pop a crow, and what do you know, they don't come anywhere near our yard after I'm sitting out there with the EMAG in hand. The kids continue to play with the eggs in our yard which is fenced in except for the driveway, when a cat hauls booty down the street being chased by a boxer, I chuckle at the sight actually hoping that the cat gets it, since there are too many roaming our neighborhood because of irresponsible owners. Not too long later, the boxer has given up the chase of the cat and heads back up the street, straight into my driveway while my 2 daughters are picking up eggs in the grass. As soon as it crosses the property line I notice it is foaming at the mouth, and in the blink of an eye, I jump out of my chair and rip off 2 shots and yell GET OUT'A HERE at the top of my lungs. The dog tucked tail and ran off soon to nabbed by its owners. All family members safe and sound.

I waited untill it crossed into my yard because this is Kalifornia, a sue crazy state, and in the end the owners were outside trying to catch the dog.

My shots were in front of the dog as to impede its path and would not have been targeted at the dog its self untill it hit the grass which lead to where the girls were playing. Then it would have had more to worry about than paintballs.

I guess I should thank God for sending the 'dusty ol crows' in the firstplace which caused me to get my EMAG out, and thank Tunaman and AGD for a marker that rips.

<img src="http://www.deafchurch.net/EMAG.jpg">

04-15-2004, 08:03 PM
I live in MI.. they would have had an easy time getting hold of the dog to bury it.. the animal control has flat out asked me when a neighbors pitbull was on my porch if I owned a gun. Im like I live on 40 acres.. arent I required by law to own a gun for each...

04-15-2004, 08:07 PM
I know some Liberal Left Whacko is going to say this in all seriousness but I will go ahead and ruin them by saying it in Jest:

" WTF were your daughter wearing a MASK while they were hunting Easter Eggs and you were out there patrolling the yard with your EMAG?!? The cost of an eye is not worth saving your daughters life... Sheesh...."

But Bravo....anyone ever notice how you used to only see Vultures and other Carior around Road kill? Now more and more I see Crows eating at the Dead things... Never remembered them Eating Dead stuff about 10 Years back.

04-15-2004, 08:17 PM
Well, no they didnt have masks on but my back was to them as I shot at the dogs path.

04-15-2004, 08:20 PM
Just a joke Bro, I know you were looking out for their safety and never would have shot twoards them or near them.

04-15-2004, 08:21 PM
totally taken as such. :D

04-15-2004, 08:24 PM
totally taken as such. :D
You should join us in a AO SoCal day sometime. A few of us are making a trip out to Murrieta (Adrenelane) on Saturday. Nice looking Emag too.

04-15-2004, 08:33 PM
last year this stray dog kept wandering into our yard and fighting with my golden retriever, so i took out the mag and shot it. twice. it ran FAST. PETA can huff a fatty.

04-15-2004, 08:40 PM
Too bad you didnt get some crows though :)

I've never seen a Dye Xcel on an emag before, how's it doin for you? I have one myself but I never, ever use it cause its for another gun

04-15-2004, 08:48 PM
tis truely a magnifacent story!!!!!!

the crow crow shooting makes you sound like a hillbilly

Loud Tim
04-15-2004, 08:57 PM
why use the emag when u have a perfectly good m-4 :D ;)

04-15-2004, 09:03 PM
Screw scarying the dog, kill that sucka!

04-15-2004, 09:11 PM
I live in MI.. they would have had an easy time getting hold of the dog to bury it.. the animal control has flat out asked me when a neighbors pitbull was on my porch if I owned a gun. Im like I live on 40 acres.. arent I required by law to own a gun for each...

LOL. I couldn't stop laughing with the way you worded that. "A gun for each acre."

My Dad's ratio is a "bit" higher, but we only own 5 acres. ;)

04-15-2004, 09:15 PM
why use the emag when u have a perfectly good m-4 :D ;)

thats what i was wondering :)

its all good, i pop off rounds at the stay cats when they're in my yard. We have a fish pond and the cats like to sit and fish at the ponds edge. This of course drives my pened in dogs nuts. So if my gun is put together, i go out there and fire off a few rounds at them. that usually scares them away for a few days. :D

04-15-2004, 09:19 PM
Nice story. Paintball guns really come in handy as a way to get rid of unfriendly animals w/o hurting them (too much) Works alot better than the Bear spray I used to use :p

04-15-2004, 09:20 PM
I've shot people with my guns before....ofcourse we were playing paintball so it was alright.

04-15-2004, 09:37 PM
do you have the 4.0 softwear on your Emag?

Anywho you really should have let that dog have it. i Can just see 2 little girls doing this > :eek: < while you poped thoughs shots off

Recon by Fire
04-15-2004, 09:41 PM
In the city we used to live in, we awoke one holiday weekend to find a stray Rott hanging out in the neighborhood. We assumed he was not a very friendly dog by the number of cats (ours) that were mangled and dead on our lawn and street. Animal Control wouldn't come out because it was a holiday! The police likewise wouldn't come out until the dog actually attacked someone (I asked them if they would come after I put some 9mm's into the dog). I was kind though and just sent the mutt on his way with his noggin' bruised and painted :)

Paintball, the less-than-lethal home defense system.

04-15-2004, 09:50 PM
:D Not bad for an old man eh? :D :D

04-15-2004, 10:05 PM
Have you ever seen an animal with Rabies?
I assume this is why you put the reference about the foaming at the mouth.Boxers have a tendency to produce lots of saliva when they are excited.
Although given the type of dog I would have fired a few warning shots at it before it came near my children also......

04-16-2004, 12:53 AM
Road Dawg - i'd love to join sometime, but this weekend i will be at HSP in bellflower.

Falconguy - I really cant compare it to any thing else except the 2 twist lock barrels i had on my classic mag and it far surpasses them, this is the barrel that Tunaman provided me with the gun, and i must say that i like it.

Nofear Paintballer, i am a hillbilly, i was raised in Louisiana and only moved to socal about 8 yrs ago.

Loud tim - well lets just say i like livin on this side of the bars.

Sniper king - i have ver 3.2 on my EMAG, ans as fo my girls doing this :eek: they are used to me dry firing in the garage and on the porch when cleaning my equipment after playing. also they have seen me shoot frenchfries (at low pressure) across the room into my friends mouth. :o

Tunaman - I love it, what more can i say, the BKO is sold.

Punkncat - i don't think it was rabid, but still a large dog that did apear a bit wound up. I know boxers are droolers too.

04-16-2004, 02:23 AM
I'm really glad to hear that your daughters are safe...

Next time try an FN 303 :D

04-16-2004, 07:14 AM
Well, call me a redneck all you want, but I would'Ve done the same, except sent a few more calls flying his way. My lab used to get alot of strays up in our yard when she would go into heat, and they werent all that friendly. Hehe, this one just wouldnt let up till he got a nutshot... I didnt mean to, but the owner came to my house and asked what in the hell I did, because his sack was 'as big as a soccer ball'. It was funny as nothing else I can remember. Oh well.

Good times, good times.

04-16-2004, 07:28 AM
why use the emag when u have a perfectly good m-4 :D ;)

Ditto! You should have popped it between the eyes! Just use the South Park Defense and yell,"It's charging right at us!" First! :eek:

04-16-2004, 07:41 AM
Man I wish I could go around my neighborhood with my mags, but then I would probably get shot for real by the police here in NYC. I was just reading how one of the cops who shot Amodou Diallo wants his gun back. See he only put 5 of the 41 shots in the guy so he got aquitted. That man was carrying a wallet, so imagine if these cops see me with a paintball gun. I will become the paintballer formerly known as madmatt151! Glad to hear the daughters are alright. Did you have a talk with the owners of the dog?

04-16-2004, 08:22 AM
...ok so next time make sure the neighbors know to put a mask on that dog before they let him outa the house! I too have discouraged a few wild packs of dogs with a well placed shot or two. But I aim to hit them. I want thier owners to see the paint when they get home. Send a message. And not only that to sting the dog so he might think twice about coming back. Cause if he comes back and is being destructive he is not going to get but a couple chances to learn and eventually its not the Mag he is going to be seeing.

Truely the Paintball Marker is a great non lethal device for discouraging unwanted pests. Its worked very well for me in the past. And this is a true marketing gap that AGD should exploit! I think Tom should make a new marker to market as the "AGD Pest-a-Sidearm". There is a wide open market for this Tom!!!! :D

04-16-2004, 08:28 AM
Sniper king - i have ver 3.2 on my EMAG, ans as fo my girls doing this :eek: they are used to me dry firing in the garage and on the porch when cleaning my equipment after playing. also they have seen me shoot frenchfries (at low pressure) across the room into my friends mouth. :o

Funny you should mention that. We were doing that at work one night. Seasoned fries shoot pretty well.

And the Lvl 10 bounces off of them if you don't put it in the breech all the way.

Good times.

And good for you and the e-mag. I've used my mag to frighten deer from my gardens, and it's much more humane than shooting them with my .30-30.

Recon by Fire
04-16-2004, 08:47 AM
Indeed AGD should market the pest control industry! We used to have a rather LARGE tom cat come around and chase our local resident cats up on the roof and then proceed to throw them off the roof one after another. Every time I witnessed this, I would get my marker out and pop him a few times. It must have caused a change in attitude for him because now when I see that tom cat, he comes around and just hangs out with the other cats and keeps it cool.

I wonder if CPS would be offended if this method was used for children? :)

04-16-2004, 09:07 AM
i live in california too and i say we sight our guns in with foaming dogs. no more "missing them" on accident. put it on hybrid and give it an illinois facial, emag style

04-16-2004, 09:17 AM
Given the situation, I think I would have had an empty hopper before I realised the dog had turned and started running... :o
Sniper king - i have ver 3.2 on my EMAG, ans as fo my girls doing this :eek: they are used to me dry firing in the garage and on the porch when cleaning my equipment after playing. also they have seen me shoot frenchfries (at low pressure) across the room into my friends mouth. :o


Thats a damn nice mag, too!;)

04-16-2004, 09:24 AM
why use the emag when u have a perfectly good m-4

thats no M-4. Its a Cally legal M-4 :rolleyes:
stupid guns laws........

04-16-2004, 09:26 AM
If some dog was going after my kids, I wouldn't shoot to "scare." He'd get a hopper full of Big Ball.

04-16-2004, 09:52 AM
If some dog was going after my kids, I wouldn't shoot to "scare." He'd get a hopper full of Big Ball.

Hopper full my butt!!

That mutt would get a clip full of 9mm! :mad:

04-16-2004, 10:02 AM
Hopper full my butt!!

That mutt would get a clip full of 9mm! :mad:
Well of course, but he didn't have a Glock handy.

04-16-2004, 11:00 AM
[QUOTE=Cryer]Given the situation, I think I would have had an empty hopper before I realised the dog had turned and started running... :o

Well... not your fault... he should have called himself out after all! ;)

04-16-2004, 11:28 AM
Wow that is a great story!!

That dog is LUCKY, I would have unloaded my hopper into its face.

04-16-2004, 12:25 PM
my neighbor has monkeys and friends who have monkeys. one night he came over at midnight to see if i could shoot one of them off a phone line. needless to say i jumped at the chance. this is when i had a cocker so i turned down the pressure so i wouldn't kill the little bugger and shot him twice in the diaper. he moved to the pole and everytime he thought about going onto the wire agin i would whizz a few by him. eventually he came down and was secured. it was well worth being woken up at midnight

04-16-2004, 12:59 PM
Monkeys, Dogs and Crows......

Man, all I get to shoot is people :(

04-16-2004, 02:10 PM
Paint the monkey...but don't spank him:)

04-23-2004, 01:22 AM
When I lived in washington state my brother was playing in the front yard when two dogs, a pitt bull and some kind of mutt both beat up and diseased looking, came up to our front yard barking and being violent. My dad got my brother inside and called the cops seeing if they would come and do something about the dogs. They said since nobody had been hurt they would not stop by. So my dad loaded his Colt Python with two shot shells and the rest brass slugs and went out of our front door. The dogs came by again barking and changing towards him so he fired the shot into the pitt bulls shoulder and the next one into the side of the mutt. The dogs ran over and we never saw them again.
But we did see the cops in about 20 miniutes. They had gotten a call saying there was gunfire.
I think what we did was right but I think its sad it came to that. It would be great if some people would just do their jobs.