View Full Version : Most horrifying PBonTV experiance

04-15-2004, 09:03 PM
I was watching spike tv's oblivious show marathon a couple days ago

they had one part where they were talking to a guy and paintballing. THey had illegal masks (the frontpart and part of the ear was taken off) (i also now belive the show was fake heres why!) it was 3 guys one guy got shot moving and acted like he was bleeding and layed on the ground and there was red fill.

ttheye were shooting with tippy pro carbines.

and when they went to shoot they sprayed paint like a MUCH MUCH FASTer gun (about 15 bps) and they paint suddenly turned yelloow and was hitting a shed.. and when it showed their oppenot he was shooting a timmy at a Air ball field it was just soo fake it was bleh. and right when they supposably gogged the guy with a diff. color paint they immediatly took off there masks and started talking agian

04-15-2004, 09:08 PM
LIsten man I saw 1 paintball moviie, and a TV show where a challedge was to beat the naughty dogs in capture the flag. A// FaKe And OBviouslly acted out. Ever see straight mind for the gay guy, well I never watched it eighter, but one time I happen to change the channel and I saw paintball stuff. All the actors ran 2 one bunker and huddled in a circled and planned there attack ideas for about 2 mins, in the middle and break of the game. After the game there were talking about what they did, and this fat guy said he was my paintball B/+</-/.

04-15-2004, 09:26 PM
LIsten man I saw 1 paintball moviie, and a TV show where a challedge was to beat the naughty dogs in capture the flag. A// FaKe And OBviouslly acted out. Ever see straight mind for the gay guy, well I never watched it eighter, but one time I happen to change the channel and I saw paintball stuff. All the actors ran 2 one bunker and huddled in a circled and planned there attack ideas for about 2 mins, in the middle and break of the game. After the game there were talking about what they did, and this fat guy said he was my paintball B/+</-/.

Your story sounds fine and all.. But lets not liie about what we don't and do watch.

04-16-2004, 10:12 AM
I did see a commercial with paintball in it yesterday. Mayb eit is old, but I have never seen it. The sound was muted, but it shows two guysin a field with Spyders and masks looking down the field and when one pops his head up a little too high he gets gogged. THen the commercial pans to a scene of the new Suzuki SUV driving and they talk about safety or something, again the sound was down. I thought it was cool that they were talking about paintball and safety! Not making us look like a bunch of reckless weirdos!

04-16-2004, 11:37 AM
I did see a commercial with paintball in it yesterday. Mayb eit is old, but I have never seen it. The sound was muted, but it shows two guysin a field with Spyders and masks looking down the field and when one pops his head up a little too high he gets gogged. THen the commercial pans to a scene of the new Suzuki SUV driving and they talk about safety or something, again the sound was down. I thought it was cool that they were talking about paintball and safety! Not making us look like a bunch of reckless weirdos!

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* oh so sorry, the two men were using phirannas.

04-16-2004, 12:14 PM
I saw it too. The whole thing was obviously staged.

There have been hundreds of incidents on TV such as the one you described, they're nothing new.

Horrifying? Erm....

04-17-2004, 03:15 PM
Your story sounds fine and all.. But lets not liie about what we don't and do watch. Hahaha Thanks man

04-17-2004, 03:16 PM
yes it is horrifying like you going to get me this weekend :eek:

04-17-2004, 03:25 PM
Oh yeah and the crew was playing agaist the naughty dogs to top this all off lol. They were cool with it and everything though lol