View Full Version : Classic....Backup?

04-16-2004, 07:31 AM
would a classic mag be a good backup to my rt?

04-16-2004, 07:51 AM
Mags don't need backups. :p

But yes, it would.

Chojin Man
04-16-2004, 07:55 AM
Sure why not. You don't need an entire setup just a spare valve to pop into your current setup.

04-16-2004, 08:51 AM
but more guns are cooler! I say get a classic and set it up real nice.

You might even get another RTCustom since theyre so cheap now.

340 for the base model from the AGD store :eek: ;)

04-16-2004, 09:20 AM
It would be easier to have a whole Mag as a backup, but in a pinch a spare valve and sear could get you through if you already have a Mag.

04-16-2004, 09:41 AM
Heck yes, a classic makes a very reliable back-up. Just gas it up and go.

Yesterday, I rebuilt my classic MiniMag. I figured it was about time since it'd been on all original parts for the past 7 years, and the velocity was beginning to get a bit erratic - anywhere from 260 to 290 from shot to shot.

So, I strip it apart, crack the valve open, clean, and replaced the on/off assembly, reg piston, reg seat, bumper, and spring. Total, about $40 in parts and five minutes of my time. A couple drops of oil in the ASA, fresh lithium grease on the velocity adjusting nut threads, gas it up, and wouldn't you know ... the darn thing worked. Grab my chrono, go into the backyard and fire off a few shots: 280, 280, 279, 281. :D

I've tried breaking my MiniMag, I mean I've really tried, and I can't. Anything that goes wrong takes less than 5 minutes to fix, including a complete replacement of all the internals.

There are really only two things I've found on any mech Mag that could become an issue at a tournament. One would be leaking problems associated with the Level 10, in which case you could just drop in a Level 7 bolt until you have time to work on it, and the second would be leaking outside the gun, through the gas lines or fittings.

04-16-2004, 12:29 PM
If you're really interested in having a 'backup' gun -- a gun whose basic purpose is to keep you playing in the event of something happening, then you should consider buying a gun which is basically the same type as your primary. If something goes wrong on your primary, you can go to your backup. If something goes wrong with your backup, you still have a chance to cobble something working together if the parts are interchangeable. I think this is what most people fail to understand when buying "backup" guns.

That being said, a classic mag makes an excellent backup marker for the higher end mags. You can pick them up quite cheap used, the parts are almost completely interchangeable, and the classic valve is at least somewhat CO2 tolerant.

Between my two mags, an X-Valve'd ULE and a classic mag, there has to be some sort of major catastrophe to keep me off the field. If something happens to my barrels, I have two barrel types to choose from (mag or cocker). If something goes wrong with my X-Valve, I can take the whole valve assembly out and drop the classic back in. If the field runs out of HPA that day, I drop the classic valve in there (I usually run my classic with the AIR gutted, and a palmer stab providing regulation + almost complete CO2 tolerance). Same with the grip frame, rail, body, drop/bottomline, front ASA, foregrip, air lines, etc. etc. And let's not forget AGD's solution for ending reactivity once and for all in the mech RT's ("use the classic on/off").

Plus, they make awesome "buddy guns". If a friend wants to go play, I slap a stainless barrel on the classic and just hand them the gun and tell them to have fun.