View Full Version : Thinkin about my next marker

04-16-2004, 08:22 AM
Just got my IR3, now it's time to think about my next marker.

I'm compiling a list, and willing to save for it for a while.

Race Halfblock Cocker
Nexus cocker
Upped E-Orracle
Some kind of timmy (maybe an Alias)
Thunder Vision Impulse or Rat Impulse

Opinions of one or the other? I'm leaning towards the X, Race, or viking, with the E-orr in a distant 4th.

04-16-2004, 08:48 AM
i believe I have shot a race cocker, I know my teammate has one, but I can't remember if it was his I shot or his another ebladed cocker.

If you got the cash I think I would say go wtih the race halfblocked cocker, those things are DAMN beautiful!!!

besides keeping it in good working order, I would have no qualms about getting one!


04-16-2004, 10:49 AM
Have you considered the Cyborg? It is a really sweet marker for the money. It is light, extremely efficient, has eyes and is very easy to maintain. Just a thought.

04-16-2004, 10:54 AM
I say go for a Phantom. Light weight, super accurate, and it'll help your game alot. Play with the pump all the time in practice and rec, and when you grab your Angel in tournaments, you'll have both a high ROF, and increased skills from playing with a pump.

Go for it.

04-16-2004, 11:31 AM
the nexus eblade, raced halfblock cocker, or an alias i would say get. they are very nice marker, looks and performance. The DM4 is also a great gun, but to me it gets boring after a while, you can't do anything with it. it has already hit its peak. i like being able to upgrade my guns and do stuff to them.

04-16-2004, 12:37 PM
I say go for a Phantom. Light weight, super accurate, and it'll help your game alot. Play with the pump all the time in practice and rec, and when you grab your Angel in tournaments, you'll have both a high ROF, and increased skills from playing with a pump.

Go for it.

Already got one ;)

I hadn't considered the cyborg, I'll have to look at it.

04-16-2004, 12:50 PM
i would consider going with the cyborg or a viking and you know you are geting great quality productsa from macdev

04-16-2004, 02:46 PM
X-Mag - I feel that it is over priced for what you get.
Race Halfblock Cocker - Nice. Make sure it has eyes. Only caution is that i believe race frames are no longer supported in the US
Viking - Fast, nice. No longer made though, that might be an issue for you.
Nexus cocker - Very very expensive.
Upped E-Orracle - Nice, just be sure you like the feel of eblades. Some people do, some dont.
Some kind of timmy (maybe an Alias) - Timmys own. If you get an alais, make sure its a newer one, as the first batch seem to chop pretty badly.
DM4 - Pretty nice, light, pretty good speed, but expensive
Thunder Vision Impulse or Rat Impulse - Rat impulse is probably the best impy for the money. Theyre very nice.

04-17-2004, 05:15 PM
Ok, so what I'm hearing is that the viking, the race halfblock, timmy and cyborg are all really worth looking at?

So a viking is around 1K
A half block is about 1.4K
alias or ND timmy is about 1.2K or 1.4 K
cyborg is ?????

Any other info or sources to look at these suckers?

04-17-2004, 08:12 PM
cyborg is found is circa 1000. A little bit less I believe. It comes with a gladiator inline and matchstick barrel. if it is the kit, then that is awesome, but still a good deal

paintballkingdom.com may have some.


04-17-2004, 08:27 PM
Not real fond of the cyborgs looks.

Vikings would have to be milled which would cost more yet.

Perhaps I'm on the path of a nice freeflow upped E-cocker/race cocker, Xmag or Alias.

04-17-2004, 08:37 PM
im alot liek darkling

i love my phantom

its cost effective (only around 200 bux) as well as yopu wont rip through ammo
reliable nto real timing issues like cockers no batterys like the dm4

but i dooo love them dm4s they fast n the milling grows on ya

04-17-2004, 09:09 PM
I've already got an acid blue VSC phantom, so that's not really an option.

The DM4 did indeed cross my mind, but I've never laid my hands on one. I've seen them in person and they are very hot looking, but I'd have to at least dry fire it first.

04-17-2004, 11:33 PM
if i could afford it, id pick up a half block, or borg

04-18-2004, 01:07 AM
How about an 03 shocker? They are alright. All of my friends have no problems with theirs. I have had a few with mine, but now it has been good. I also heard that the new SP HE bolt is awesome.

04-18-2004, 06:09 PM
Comes down now to a Race halfblock cocker or an intimidator. Leaning toward the race halfblock because its unique and I've been looking at a cocker for a long time.

04-19-2004, 12:05 AM
Just got my IR3, now it's time to think about my next marker.

Why don't you just enjoy your IR3 for a while? Or are you that much of a consumer?

My recommendation:
Split up the money that you would have spent on another marker and apportion out:

50% for paintballs
50% for a charity of some sort.

04-19-2004, 12:16 AM
Why don't you just enjoy your IR3 for a while? Or are you that much of a consumer?

My recommendation:
Split up the money that you would have spent on another marker and apportion out:

50% for paintballs
50% for a charity of some sort.
Since it'll take me about 4 months to be able to purchase this marker, and I get free play for working at our field...what else will I do with it?

04-19-2004, 12:22 AM
You can't think of anything to do with $1000+ other than purchase a fourth or fifth paintball marker? :confused:

If I had $1000, I'd be putting it away so that I could pay off bills, school loans, etc.. etc...

Or, you could donate to a few charities. If you apportioned $100 each to three charities, that would give you $700 banked and $300 going to help those who need it.

The consumerism that we feel here in America (i.e. I HAVE to get another paintball marker!) is NOT universal. It's scary how easily we're coerced into wanting even more stuff after we have just made a purchase!

DYE's marketing strategy plays off of this. Guess what people, the 2002, 2003 and 2004 jerseys, gloves, pants, etc are ALL THE SAME PRODUCT. The 2003 core pants are now repackaged as PROTO pants, and sell for half the price.... They're the same thing.


04-19-2004, 12:43 AM
If you are going to get a Timmy.... save up and get an Alias or one of the alias style guns.... they absolutly rock. Also they have been lightened considerably, I was pretty amazed at the difference.

04-19-2004, 09:12 AM
rob are you joking me. You have so many markers. Anyways I say you get a x-mag only so tha I can shoot it. Be unique and get the x-mag. No one else down here have one, but they do have cockers and timmys so get the x.

04-19-2004, 09:14 AM
Wait rob the Ir3 you just got is that caseys?

04-19-2004, 11:44 AM
You can't think of anything to do with $1000+ other than purchase a fourth or fifth paintball marker? :confused:

If I had $1000, I'd be putting it away so that I could pay off bills, school loans, etc.. etc...

Or, you could donate to a few charities. If you apportioned $100 each to three charities, that would give you $700 banked and $300 going to help those who need it.

The consumerism that we feel here in America (i.e. I HAVE to get another paintball marker!) is NOT universal. It's scary how easily we're coerced into wanting even more stuff after we have just made a purchase!

DYE's marketing strategy plays off of this. Guess what people, the 2002, 2003 and 2004 jerseys, gloves, pants, etc are ALL THE SAME PRODUCT. The 2003 core pants are now repackaged as PROTO pants, and sell for half the price.... They're the same thing.


Oy. So now spending my own money in my own way is disallowed? I didn't ask for an accountant, I asked for an opinion on what marker to get.

I don't feel the NEED to have one, I feel I would like one. And if I can afford it, why not.

I donate to my charities; SPCA and LBEH. That's good enough for my conscience.

Yeah, it's casey's IR3, all nice and lubed and cleaned inside and out. The X may be the reality. The halfblock is nice, but I'd like to start with something a little less first, and learn it from scratch rather than having it all put there for me. I've gotten rid of all the spyders and such, with 2 exceptions. And I've still got the phantom.

04-19-2004, 03:48 PM
hey pete do you have a problem with him buying my old ir3?!

no i am jk. rob i have talked to you about this many times but you always change your mind then i just talk you into the halfblock again so just get it

oh yeah i dont need a ride home from the shop on thurs thanx though. cya tomarrow

04-19-2004, 08:50 PM
The DM4 is also a great gun, but to me it gets boring after a while, you can't do anything with it. it has already hit its peak. i like being able to upgrade my guns and do stuff to them.

It's Peak??? It has only been out 6 months. Their are already the XSF and WAS chips, and Evolve is coming out with a bolt hopefully soon. It is no where near its peak, new products are just now starting to roll out for it. CP also just released their roller bearing triggers for the DM4. Much more to come, I promise.