View Full Version : Ability to self clean - Evil Pipe vs Empire kit

04-16-2004, 11:03 AM
Both barrel kits shoot great from all I've read. Right now, it all comes down to which one clears better after a break. Anyone?

04-16-2004, 07:10 PM
Freak Kit by far. best fiting and even if you do break a ball, which hardly ever happens it takes about 2-4 shots to fully clear itself out, it's really nice, but pricey. Otherwise Evil>Empire from my own personal oppinion.

04-18-2004, 04:46 AM
I've never used an Empire kit, but the Evil Pipes clean up pretty fast.

From my experiences, Freaks take forever to get the paint out of the porting. Could have just had a bad break though....or multiple breaks.

04-18-2004, 05:06 PM
I've shot a freak for a couple of years and I don't know what viper is talking about, the Freak is not self cleaning. SpecialBlend has it right: it's a pain in the *** to get paint out of the porting in a Freak tip. My new barrel is an Evil Pipe and it does a MUCH better job than the Freak about cleaning itself out, though it's still not anything like just using a squeegee. Thankfully I hardly chop anymore since I use a Mag with a LVL10.

I hear that carbon fiber barrels, like the Stiffi self clean really well.

04-18-2004, 08:09 PM
My empire kit cleans itself pretty well. After about 3-4 shots, it is back around normal. Providing you have a good paint to barrel match that is. Then again, that is shooting it on an excalibur and an eblade..havn't had a chance to shoot it on a mag yet.

04-19-2004, 12:26 AM
With a freak tip, you will get a lot of paint sitting in the porting and dripping back in... AA tips clean up pretty good though. If you dont have a good anti-chop system go with an AA tip if you do get a freak kit.

As for pipes I find them pretty much the same as a freak with AA tip.

Never tried Empire though.