View Full Version : Paint prices are on the rise.

04-16-2004, 12:18 PM
pretty sure this isnt a repost. sorry if it is.

American Paintball Supply:


Some of you may have heard rumors in the wind of an imminent paintball price increase. We here at American Paintball Supply felt it important to fully explain these rumors so that you may be better informed to explain it to your employees and customers.

As you all are fully aware, the price of gasoline and all oil- derived products have increased sharply in price. The second largest raw material to manufacture a paintball is a chemical called: Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG). This chemical is a by-product made from crude oil. There are only three primary manufacturers of this chemical worldwide, and they have decided to sharply increase the price of this chemical to everyone, in all industries. All paintball manufacturers must purchase this vital ingredient and now must pay this new (much-higher) price. All paint manufactures are operating on a margin that does not allow this cost to be absorbed on their end, therefore the price increase will be passed on all the way through the distribution chain.

What does this mean to you? All stores, fields, even the big-box stores can expect to see about a $3.00 per box increase across the board on all of their paintball purchases. This will translate into about a $5.00 per box increase in the retail price.

When will this happen? If takes a little while for these pricing adjustments to completely work their way into the pricing structure at the manufacturers level. Even though the entire industry’s manufacturing cost went up six weeks ago, that increase has not hit you...yet. They will, and you should expect this to occur within the next thirty days on all brands of paintball from all manufactures.

While the other manufacturers and distributors of paintballs have taken the position not to inform you of all the details of this critical development, we here at American Paintball Supply felt it was extremely important to let you know all the facts so that you may be better informed to run you businesses. We have not yet been charged a higher cost from the manufacturers but anticipate it beginning soon. Final determinations as to how this will affect our wholesale pricing policies have not been finalized.

04-16-2004, 12:20 PM
I've already heard of this increase. But I do work at a PB field so I tend to hear things.