View Full Version : Capo's Autograph wearing off

04-17-2004, 03:32 AM
My Minimag was autographed by Clare last month and when I took it out to play on Easter, half of her last name wore off already. It says Clare Bena. I used a paint marker does anyone know of a better writing utensil? I knew I should have had it laser engraved on when I was at HB. I'm kinda sad because it looked perfect on there. Maybe next time I can get it resigned? :D (pretty please) I hope this thread is in the right section. It's somewhat paintball related I guess.

04-17-2004, 07:50 AM
ummm, a clear coat of something over it might help...or use some no smear/sealer art realted spray they use in ink/pastel etc that might work

04-17-2004, 09:31 AM
Why would you even care? Its a signature. To tell you the truth are you mad for making her sign your body. :confused:

04-17-2004, 11:46 AM
Have her tattoo it on your forehead, it will last a long time. :p

Otherwise, you could probably forge the rest of it and then seal it. Hehe.

04-17-2004, 04:59 PM
Just my thoughts. I don't know, why you gotta critisize? Thanks Miscue for the ideas.

04-17-2004, 05:01 PM
Have her tattoo it on your forehead, it will last a long time. :p

DO NOT let Clare near your forehead with a marker. Take it from me...I have first hand experiance:)

04-17-2004, 05:06 PM
well for starters quit humping it and the signature wont wear off so fast :P

anyhow seriously...

remember this is a stainless steel body... hell its like 1 step removed from teflon on the scale of pain in the arseness to keep a signature on it.

I would try a polyurathane spray but I think that wont even stick for long.

next time get that sucker acid etched on

04-17-2004, 05:26 PM
DO NOT let Clare near your forehead with a marker. Take it from me...I have first hand experiance:)

... you're not the only one... Heh, she got ahold of a bunch of people in SC. WITH MY MARKER. Buahahahaha

04-17-2004, 05:52 PM
The use a form of polyurenthane to make "clear bras" for cars. I have one on mine. Go to a shop that does it and ask for a scrap. You stick it on over the signature, and leave it on. Its incredibly durable material, and clear, so all you see is the outline of the edge. And when you want to take it off, just heat it up with a blow drier and peel it off. No residue. And it does not block uv rays, so the spot under the stuff wont be a different shade. Just make sure you wipe paint off it as quickly as possible.

04-17-2004, 06:54 PM
Clear nail polish/paint might work. It keeps signatures on a plate that my fiance's grandpa has for "special occasions". Good luck... even though IMO since half is gone it isn't worth keeping around. After all it is now someone elses name.

04-18-2004, 12:47 PM
Somone elses name? It's not just "somebody".

04-18-2004, 12:53 PM
It's JUST Clare! Not like the gun was signed by someone special... ;)

04-18-2004, 01:06 PM
It's JUST Clare! Not like the gun was signed by someone special... ;)

good one. Clare will like the point you have made. ;) In your words she's not "special". We could say she's half special because half of her name still exists on the Mag. ;) I'm gonna try and salvage her first name with clear nail polish. Maybe it's just me, the lone fan. Where's Traxer when you need backup? :)

04-18-2004, 01:12 PM
See...some of us Know Clare as the little girl trying to hacky sack in the hall way of the sheraton a few years ago...

She might be good at paintball, but she can't hacky:)

04-18-2004, 01:30 PM
Paintball is all that matters though.

04-18-2004, 03:51 PM
See...some of us Know Clare as the little girl trying to hacky sack in the hall way of the sheraton a few years ago...

She might be good at paintball, but she can't hacky:)

Next time, I will win! :D

04-18-2004, 04:23 PM
She beat you in Hacky Sack? :)

04-18-2004, 05:45 PM
I wouldn't really call it hacky sack. More like "Pelt eachother WITH the hacky sack"

04-18-2004, 06:10 PM
Clare stalker, oops... *ahem* Clare fan to the rescue! :p :p ;) Raven, get clear nail polish, that should work. OMG! Why are you using that now?! put it in a glass box in a museum with lasers and guard dogs keeping patrol! lol :D :p :p

This is why I got my signed card laminated. :)

04-18-2004, 07:53 PM
Somone elses name? It's not just "somebody".
You obviously didn't understand what I meant by someone else's name. It's now Clare Bena... no longer says Clare's full last name which means now... since it says Bena is a WHOLE different person. ;)

04-18-2004, 08:30 PM
I see what you are saying. I thought you were joking that Clare is a "nobody". Like: she's not "important".

04-19-2004, 02:24 AM
She's important?

04-19-2004, 10:20 AM
That was just cruel man. Joke or not.. ouch.

04-19-2004, 11:30 AM
For the people that are saying its no big deal, you guys probably see her a couple times a year, get to hang out with her, like she is a close friend.

but for raven4000sx, he probably really wanted to see her and only saw her once. I would be happy to get to meet her. shes a girl, shes beautiful, and shes plays paintball, what more can you ask for? so raven should should be probably asking how he can save her autograph before its gone.

now my last point, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GET YOUR MAG BODY SIGNED BY HER? obviously its going to come off. anything would have been better, like a napkin or mcdonalds burger wrapper, anything!

thats it

04-19-2004, 11:56 AM
wait lemme get this straight....Clare autographed your minimag, AND YOU ARE PLAYING WITH IT?!?!?! Are you freakin high??

That Minimag should be in a shrine in the corner of your room surrounded by lit candles. You know, right next to the tissue she blew her nose in and the tortilla that miraculously has her likeness burned into it. All hail the Holy Tortilla!


04-19-2004, 06:06 PM
wait lemme get this straight....Clare autographed your minimag, AND YOU ARE PLAYING WITH IT?!?!?! Are you freakin high??

That Minimag should be in a shrine in the corner of your room surrounded by lit candles. You know, right next to the tissue she blew her nose in and the tortilla that miraculously has her likeness burned into it. All hail the Holy Tortilla!


Good point, but it's the only Mag I have. I didn't think it would wear off after one day of play, since it was a paint marker. Something that I use in my dive shop to mark rental equipment numbers. I didn't think of the nail polish thing when I got it.

04-19-2004, 06:13 PM
For the people that are saying its no big deal, you guys probably see her a couple times a year, get to hang out with her, like she is a close friend.

but for raven4000sx, he probably really wanted to see her and only saw her once. I would be happy to get to meet her. shes a girl, shes beautiful, and shes plays paintball, what more can you ask for? so raven should should be probably asking how he can save her autograph before its gone.

now my last point, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GET YOUR MAG BODY SIGNED BY HER? obviously its going to come off. anything would have been better, like a napkin or mcdonalds burger wrapper, anything!

thats it

Thanks for the backup on this one. I thought of the Mag body signing before I went to PSP LA Open this year. I figured she is the AGDiva and she could sign something paintball/AGD related. So I thought of my Minimag which I've had for almost 4 years. By the way it increased my BPS by 5. ;) I managed to salvage her first name with clear nail polish; who knows how long it will last? Anyways besides the signing of my Mag, chatting about paintball/X-Ball with Clare for an hour at the tourney was really cool and fun. She's so nice and etc... I figured since I went through the trouble of going all the way to Pomona and waiting around for her, that saving the autograph might be a smart thing to do. Never know, one day it will be worth millions!!!!! :D

04-19-2004, 06:17 PM
Clare stalker, oops... *ahem* Clare fan to the rescue! :p :p ;) Raven, get clear nail polish, that should work. OMG! Why are you using that now?! put it in a glass box in a museum with lasers and guard dogs keeping patrol! lol :D :p :p

This is why I got my signed card laminated. :)

ROFL, funny how he *ahem* admits it.......

Bro, I'm just playing around you know.

I'm currently working with my local kennel on getting two German Shepards. I'm also getting plexiglass display case, and sound/motion sensors. ;)

04-19-2004, 08:53 PM
I own Clare's Femmes Jersey. :p

04-20-2004, 08:35 AM
I own Clare's Femmes Jersey. :p

and he even wears it too! :eek: :rolleyes: :p

04-20-2004, 08:39 AM
and he even wears it too! :eek: :rolleyes: :p
Actually, I do sometimes. She wore an XL, it fits me fine. Smells good too. :p :D

04-20-2004, 09:46 AM
LOL I wore it at SC AO Day

http://www.sprayingmango.com/SC_Photos/images/DSC01374.jpg :D

04-20-2004, 10:05 AM
LOL I wore it at SC AO Day

http://www.sprayingmango.com/SC_Photos/images/DSC01374.jpg :D
Oh sweet! So thats your beautiful smell I've been enjoying. Awesome. Hahahaha. :D Too funny Mango.

04-20-2004, 10:13 AM

04-20-2004, 01:16 PM
Oh sweet! So thats your beautiful smell I've been enjoying

Most definitely not. You wouldn't had wanted to get it with Mango's scent on it! :p :D

Chojin Man
04-20-2004, 01:45 PM
What does the nickname say on that femmes jersey? It lookes like Kristy or Rusty or something.

04-20-2004, 01:52 PM
It says "Kitty"

04-20-2004, 03:33 PM
What size is that jersey? If it fits you it must be huge on Clare. It's almost like a "sleep jersey".

I got and idea,
if Clare does a re-sign, next time i'll get it laser engraved. :D

04-20-2004, 03:42 PM
I own Clare's Femmes Jersey. :p

Did you have to buy it?

04-20-2004, 04:12 PM
I'd say get a life for starters......

What is with horny teenage boys getting their panties in a twist over Clare's signature? If you care so much about that signature, quit playing with your marker. And if not, then quit whining and roll with it.

I'm not too big on celebrities, let alone someone remotely famous like Clare. Granted even some paintball playing guys in Hungary knew who she was, asked me if she was hot in person, typical question I guess.

04-20-2004, 04:16 PM
I'd say get a life for starters......

What is with horny teenage boys getting their panties in a twist over Clare's signature? If you care so much about that signature, quit playing with your marker. And if not, then quit whining and roll with it.

I'm not too big on celebrities, let alone someone remotely famous like Clare. Granted even some paintball playing guys in Hungary knew who she was, asked me if she was hot in person, typical question I guess.


Don't you belong on shockerowners.com ?

*Edit: *registers timifanclub.org*
*echo "unf unf unf unf" >> /home/timi/www/index.html*
*sets up DNS PROPERLY*

04-20-2004, 04:57 PM
Here's what it looked like before I went to play with it.
I added my new Ricochet Apache that I got for only $60 and X-Valve that I managed to pay only $75 for. :) Since these pictures, I have moved the Warp forward because the loader was hitting my mask.

Hopper Right PF Minimag
32 Degrees Gas-Thru Foregrip
WGP Torpedo Drop with on/off
Warp Feed
Ricochet Apache Attack (18 bps)

Barrels: SP All American 12", SP Boss Progressive 12", SP Venturi 8", Taso Eliminator 8.5" chrome, ACI Zero Gravity 11.5", 2003 Dye Ultralite 10".

04-20-2004, 10:30 PM
She wore an XL, it fits me fine.

"Extra Large" :)

04-20-2004, 10:51 PM
"Extra Large" :)
Thanks for the translation of XL. ;) I didn't know that one.

I didn't read that line before I posted.

I noticed that Clare's Pride jersey is also big too. Is that an XL also? You can see the AGD Lion logo "falling" off her shoulder.

04-20-2004, 11:04 PM
[QUOTE=Raven4000SX]Thanks for the translation of XL. ;) I didn't know that one.


No prob Bob, just doing my job. :cool:

04-21-2004, 02:11 AM

Nice cRoOked fingers. :p LOL

04-21-2004, 08:04 AM
Nice cRoOked fingers. :p LOL



04-21-2004, 08:56 AM


um no. not yours. i guess you don't know the joke.

04-21-2004, 09:02 AM
Oh I know the joke

04-21-2004, 01:50 PM
Well anyways, I'm not a pro comedian.