View Full Version : Tippmann's RT tigger

04-17-2004, 08:12 AM
Does anyone know or think that the response tigger cylinder used by tippmann would work on an automag? I'm thinking of doing a little project but I don't want to waste money if someone aas already tried this.

04-17-2004, 08:48 AM
it is practically pointless....just use an X-valve and an adjustable tank...

if you crank the input up, you will get the same effect as using a Tippmann RT trigger.

There is a thread about it somewhere...just can't find it...

04-17-2004, 11:01 AM
he's right, why bother, and i used to have an RT and adjustable tank. the higher your pressure the more the trigger bounces back, the lower the psi, the less it bounces but the higher pressure made the gun less efficient so i kept it pretty low. and i'm not entirel sure but i dont know if that tipmann rt will work on a mag cuz the mags and tipmanns use completely different trigger systems, it would be really hard to get the tipmann rt to trigger the valve, besides, it would look like crap anyway. :)

04-17-2004, 01:02 PM
he's right, why bother, and i used to have an RT and adjustable tank. the higher your pressure the more the trigger bounces back, the lower the psi, the less it bounces but the higher pressure made the gun less efficient so i kept it pretty low. and i'm not entirel sure but i dont know if that tipmann rt will work on a mag cuz the mags and tipmanns use completely different trigger systems, it would be really hard to get the tipmann rt to trigger the valve, besides, it would look like crap anyway. :)

sry, but your wrong, higher pressure is more efficent...really, i just didnt want anyone to get mis-informed

04-17-2004, 01:46 PM
wouldnt it be a heck of a lot less money than just going out and buying an xvalve? i dont know but my gut instinct tells me that a used tippmann rt frame is going to be like 100 bucks compared to the 200 for a new xvalve

04-17-2004, 03:38 PM
sry, but your wrong, higher pressure is more efficent...really, i just didnt want anyone to get mis-informed


04-17-2004, 10:17 PM
then explain why my angel IR3 fly gets 1400 shots off of a 68ci 4500 tank
and then explain why my old RT classic got less than half of that. and why it more shots when the pressure was turned down then when i had the pressure up.
the trigger is bounced back by air, the more it bounces, the more air it uses.
and also what kinda tipmann frame we talkin about here?, an a-5? i dont even think that it will fit on the gun, and i know that it wont be able to fire the mag, cuz you need to use the mags sear not the tipmann, and the tipmann sear system is nothing like a mag's and also lower pressure is more efficient because it uses just enough air to get the ball rolling, with higher pressure there is excess air that really isnt doing anything because the air infront of it has already gotten the ball rolling.
my mag and every one of my old high pressure guns was nowhere near as efficient as my angel, and nowhere as efficient as any of my frineds low pressure guns.

04-17-2004, 11:39 PM
I'm not really sure which gets better efficient. But I know that a it is, mags don't get very good efficiency, but neither do older Matrices.

And I know a Matrix runs at a pretty low pressure...i think.

I dunno whether the RT frame would fit a mag, or if it would even work if it did. But if you figure out a way to do it that would be pretty damn cool!

Might have some problems with shootdown though.

Duck Hunt
04-17-2004, 11:45 PM
At higher pressure the gun RUNS more efficiently, eats more gas.


04-18-2004, 07:57 AM
you would not have any problems with shoot down, the RT valve is famous for that, it can fire at 26 bps before it gets shoot down, and i know that any tipmann valve could not even come near that. if anything the rt valve is the best thing for a response trigger, but there would still be the problem of making it work. the two guns are like apples and oranges.

04-18-2004, 08:52 AM
then explain why my angel IR3 fly gets 1400 shots off of a 68ci 4500 tank
and then explain why my old RT classic got less than half of that. and why it more shots when the pressure was turned down then when i had the pressure up..

well for one your RT was screwed up. I can get around 1400 on my current rtp.

I love all of these mags are not effiencient comments. I posted, about a month ago, an effiency table for hte most popular guns out there. there were only 2 that blow mags out of the water vik/excal and finely tunned cockers.

Beyond that they all shot about the same.

I still dont understand the question? You want a rt/x to bounce like a tippy?

<--------------- *WARNING* not responsible for your stuff if you screw up

real easy, buy an adjustible tank and shave alittle off of the on/off pin. or turn the input pressure up and unscrew, just alittle, your feild strip screw.

04-18-2004, 09:19 AM
chris99506, its called mod work. its being creative ;) he could modify the trigger frames, modify the sear systems, modify everything to fit and work. i dont think it would be that ugly if he did it right...there would be no external parts to it. its all inside the trigger frame. AND its much more practical to get a used tippmann RT for 60 then an X-valve for 200. Ive used the tippmann RT on model 98's, the efficiency is pretty bad, but i was using co2..it ate up gas.

04-18-2004, 10:20 AM
The reason your Angel is more efficienct then the mag is because they are two different guns. You can't compare one to the other because they have share in common. What he means is, within the available range of adjustment for the marker, you will generally experiance higher efficiency when using higher operating pressures. This is the whole concept behind the LPR.

04-18-2004, 10:33 AM
The tippmann rt will work on co2 this might be the reason he wants to try it. I know its an idea i had a while back. Some of us rec ball guys dont have the resources or the fields to use HPA. I have tried my hardest to get HPA (scuba, fill, tank, etc) for under 300 but i just cant find the right prices. So if he can get a rt grip for 100 bucks, and a little ingenuity, it might just work. Those are my thoughts.


04-18-2004, 11:13 AM
Would you run the RT off of a seperate bottle? Like a 4 oz. on a VA?

Unless you did that, I am not too sure how you would get an air supply to the RT.

Does anyone know the input pressure you are supposed to have with an RT?

04-18-2004, 11:52 PM
right on jdaniels, that was exactly my situation.

04-19-2004, 01:51 AM
The tippmann rt will work on co2 this might be the reason he wants to try it. I know its an idea i had a while back. Some of us rec ball guys dont have the resources or the fields to use HPA. I have tried my hardest to get HPA (scuba, fill, tank, etc) for under 300 but i just cant find the right prices. So if he can get a rt grip for 100 bucks, and a little ingenuity, it might just work. Those are my thoughts.


oh wow, i never thought about that. Sounds like a great idea.