View Full Version : Double detents necessary?

04-17-2004, 02:30 PM
I've seen/heard of people having their ULE body drilled for double detents. Is this really necessary? With a lvl 10 bolt and maybe one of those magnetic detents being sold on here would double detents improve anything by much? I guess I just want to know if this would be a good investment or just overkill. I'm looking into those magnetic detents sold by kioeluakid or something. For $25 shipped I'm interested. I'd like to know though if having two would really help any.

04-18-2004, 03:55 PM
Personaly I havent had any issues with my halo and the stock detent at this point in time. Now I have a feeling that after I have another 10-20k rounds through this gun its going to shred the detent. I dont think that will be as much of a issue with the magnetic that you are talking about... especialy since they are user servicable.

04-19-2004, 03:00 PM
one killa detent would work fine. i use one on my emag and i have had no problems with it. just remember to use a small amount of BLUE loctite or you will lose the insides to the detent. don't loctite the detent to your gun, loctite the top of the detent to itself. you will see what i am talking about once you get one.

04-19-2004, 04:40 PM
I haven't seen (or heard) of these yet...

Where can I find out more??

04-20-2004, 11:22 AM
kilakid on here has them just search for amgnetec detents and i have two on my karta mag and I LOVE them they wear about 1/8 as fast as normal detents and wont jam either i highly recommend them