View Full Version : if you could go somewhere for a weekend, where would you go?

04-17-2004, 11:06 PM
Well, this summer my uncle is getting married. there are two problems with this. one, I am in summer school and cant miss more than 2 days or I automaticly fail the course. two, it is on july 10th which is my birthday. so, I can't go. But to make it up to me for not being able to go, my parents will fly me anywhere I want to go. where should I go?

So, Im asking you guys AND girls where I should go. Ill only be 17, so it has to be somewhere where there is other stuff to do besides drink.

04-17-2004, 11:07 PM
They will fly you anywhere? I hear the russions are giving great trips to space, if I could fly anywhere thats definatly where I would go.

04-17-2004, 11:16 PM
go some where in europe....or australia

04-17-2004, 11:30 PM
Save it till your 18 then fly to Amsterdam and find all the hookers you can.
(see, no drinking in that)

04-18-2004, 03:12 AM
Anywhere to Europe will require a 8-12 hour flight each way.

Australia is something like 28 hours.

Honestly...with just a weekend I wouldn't fly anywhere. I fly regularly to visit my parents in Florida, and you will be spending 2 hours at the airport, plus flight, plus an hour on the ground at the other side, plus transportation to where you are going. Heck flying NY to Orlando you'd be spending 6 hours at the airport and in the air + driving to the airport + driving to your hotel from the airport. So now its 4pm Saturday afternoon. You need to be back at the airport Sunday by 3pm.

Personally, I enjoy spending time at the airport. I fly free (family works for the airlines) so its not unusual for me to get bumped from the first 1-2 flights I try to get on and spend 3-7 hours at the airport. That's half the fun for me. And I've done the short trips. I've flown to Orlando on a tuesday afternoon, and flown back wednesday night. Its totally cool for me, I love flying anyways. But if my goal was to do more than have dinner with my mom, there just isn't time.

Now if you can play with your schedule a little more...leave Friday afternoon, pack only a carry-on so you don't spend 40 minutes checking in, find sites close to the airport, leave for home late Sunday, that would change things a bit. You'd basically end up with a free Saturday, and Sunday morning to do stuff.

With that in mind, you'd be looking at visiting a major city. New york, San Francisco, Seattle, or where ever else interests you. That I can't help you with. I avoid major cities like the plague.

04-18-2004, 04:09 AM
Go to clares front step. and wait for her to get the morning paper and have her tatoo her name on your eyebrow.

04-18-2004, 07:33 AM
Go to clares front step. and wait for her to get the morning paper and have her tatoo her name on your eyebrow.
Umm, scarey.

04-18-2004, 08:49 AM
Go to clares front step. and wait for her to get the morning paper and have her tatoo her name on your eyebrow.


Oh and to answer the question, I'd get a hotel room in Times Square and spend the weekend in New York City.

Or go to Oilcan Harrys ;)

04-18-2004, 09:42 AM
Go to clares front step. and wait for her to get the morning paper and have her tatoo her name on your eyebrow.

did traxer get your login info?

as far as the trip goes, i would pick an ao event to attend that you normally would not be able to go to. say shatnerball or an ao day in a part of the country you would rather not drive to.

04-18-2004, 10:50 AM
Personally, I would fly to my boyfriends house. I'm from the south, so I'd like to visit New York City for the weekend. Off the top of my head that's all i've got so far. I'd need to think a little more for more places. Now for a week, I'd go to Europe. My dream vacation is to tour Europe for 2 weeks.

I like the suggest of flying to an AO event. You could also fly to the beach or fly to Chicago and take a tour of AGD (if they do that sort of thing). Look up in google for event happening within the US and see if any of them strike your interest.

Have fun

04-18-2004, 10:56 AM
the problem with going somewhere is your age. unless you are going to travel with someone, then you cant rent a car or a hotel room. thats why an ao event seems logical. there is always someone who can pick you up from the airport and there is always someone you can split a hotel with or crash at their place. going to new york or chicago would be fun, but alone and 17 might not make it all that great.

04-18-2004, 11:53 AM
Hef's mansion.

04-18-2004, 02:46 PM
away... and forget the plane ticket back home

04-18-2004, 02:59 PM
anywhere? saturn :D don't know why I just thought it would be cool to go to saturn

04-18-2004, 03:44 PM
Damn, if I had to go to summer school my parents would never let me go anywhere. You fail to many classes this year?

04-18-2004, 07:32 PM
No, I did not fail any classes. its actually a lot better to take classes in the summer. 3 hours a day for six weeks... not the most fun I could be having but its better than taking the class durring the year AND I dont have to take the exam. it also frees up my schedule to take the more fun classes.

04-18-2004, 08:14 PM
No, I did not fail any classes. its actually a lot better to take classes in the summer. 3 hours a day for six weeks... not the most fun I could be having but its better than taking the class durring the year AND I dont have to take the exam. it also frees up my schedule to take the more fun classes.
-MarkWell, on the flip side, not taking summer school frees up a good bit of my summer schedule... :)

04-18-2004, 08:21 PM
I would either go to Ireland, my ancestoral homeland, or to some tropical islands in the Carribean. I love warm weather and beaches...there isn't much better than that. :)

04-18-2004, 08:44 PM
you want my mom's address, or sister's?

04-18-2004, 08:49 PM
find a awesome national pb event, and go to that :D

04-18-2004, 08:58 PM
Real: Likely Tahiti, I want the warmth.

Fantasy: Middle earth, LotR style :)

04-18-2004, 10:27 PM
find a awesome national pb event, and go to that :D

Like the CPPA 2004 National Gathering to be held at RM Sports in Texico IL.



04-18-2004, 10:43 PM
Well, this summer my uncle is getting married. there are two problems with this. one, I am in summer school and cant miss more than 2 days or I automaticly fail the course. two, it is on july 10th which is my birthday. so, I can't go. But to make it up to me for not being able to go, my parents will fly me anywhere I want to go. where should I go?

So, Im asking you guys AND girls where I should go. Ill only be 17, so it has to be somewhere where there is other stuff to do besides drink.
go to an AO day some were

or WDW thats always fun

or ask if you can get a new gun instead hummmm