View Full Version : blowing fuses

04-18-2004, 12:24 AM
in my car i keep blowing my blinker fuses! it just started doing this today i put in 3 new fuses today in hope of it not blowing. but what do you think i should do go up a to a more amp fuse i think it is 12 or 13 amp fuse. and this is on my 64 riviera so probably nobody in town would know the electricals of it.

04-18-2004, 07:00 AM
in my car i keep blowing my blinker fuses! it just started doing this today i put in 3 new fuses today in hope of it not blowing. but what do you think i should do go up a to a more amp fuse i think it is 12 or 13 amp fuse. and this is on my 64 riviera so probably nobody in town would know the electricals of it.

Do not go with a bigger fuse. Track down the circuit. You probably have a stripped or nicked wire that needs to be replaced. Putting a bigger fuse in just covers the problem up and could result in more damage down the line.

04-18-2004, 07:27 AM
Why wouldn't they know the electricals of it? Alot of things on your 64 are probably much simpler to work on than a newer car. Or as he said find out where the damage is.