View Full Version : ***WHEN DID FORUMS CHANGE?***(I was in Florida the past week)****

04-18-2004, 12:00 PM
What happened to the Forums....I was on abut 4-5days ago and it was the same...what happened?...and when?

...I guess ill have to figure out this forum style now... :mad: :rolleyes:

04-18-2004, 12:02 PM
Its evil isn't it? :(
Liek 4 days ago I guess.

04-18-2004, 12:08 PM
...Oh...ok thanks...but why did they change it?

...This style hurts my eyes...

...really large post boxes...and the white-baby blue and all... :(

04-18-2004, 01:19 PM
It's all part of the master upgrade that they're doing from one vb version to another, there are a couple threads on it already... but on a happier note, attachments are (somewhat) fixed, and this look should be changed before too long. :)

04-18-2004, 02:05 PM
Wow!! Attatchments!!

04-18-2004, 05:43 PM
i dont like the new look...

04-18-2004, 06:54 PM
I like it... It seems more "organized" to me... or more similar to other forum formats so when I go from one forum to another my eyes dont have to adjust.