View Full Version : Air blowing thru my emag when first turning on tank

10-02-2001, 08:17 PM
When I first got my E-mag, I had a bad time getting anyone to fill it, because the air would just blow thru and out the barrel. I finally put enough oil in the ASA and got a guy to keep putting the air to it long enough that it sealed. Everything should be great right? Not quite...

I have the same problem every time. Here is my game day procedure.

-Clean, wipe, polish, and kiss my emag
-Put 6 drops of oil in the ASA
-Attach Max-flo air system
-Turn on tank, listen to the air fly out the barrel, and gun attempt to cock (sound kind of like firing), until it seals with a huge "WHOMP!".

This makes me sad because it seems my mag is getting beat up on the insides. Is this a normal problem with the emags, or is there something I can do to stop it? I end up leaving my tank at least a little full every time I play, so I can get the gun to seal before the field operator has a fit.

comiseration accepted, help appreciated,


10-02-2001, 08:51 PM
you need to air the gun up fast
that is fine that it makes the wump noise
turn the tank on as fast as you can it's just the nature of the retro valve

10-02-2001, 08:55 PM
Keep the gun in Manual Mode, and hold the trigger down when gassing 'er up.

10-03-2001, 09:34 AM
Question: do you only have this problem when you initially gas up or even during the day when shooting?

I also have the E-mag/maxflow setup. I had that problem once when I turned on the air too slowly. Make sure that your tank is sufficiently full (say, 1000 psi and over), your output pressure is at the right amount (I use 700 psi) and turn on the on/off lever in one smooth motion.

10-03-2001, 09:50 AM
Russ is right. Hold the trigger while you gas her up.

10-03-2001, 12:30 PM
Just my two bits...
Holding down the trigger or any other technique is a workaround for a PROBLEM. Mine doesn't make that sound (just a little click) and if it did, I'd be on the phone with AGD asap. For the money you spent on that thing, it should work PROPERLY, out of the box.

10-03-2001, 12:39 PM
Mine did that too...at first. Now that I have played with it for awhile it doesnt do it anymore. I believe Rob said it was because the orings were still new and needed to seat or something like that. Dont worry, it will go away, it did for me.

10-03-2001, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by veteranmag
Question: do you only have this problem when you initially gas up or even during the day when shooting?

I also have the E-mag/maxflow setup. I had that problem once when I turned on the air too slowly. Make sure that your tank is sufficiently full (say, 1000 psi and over), your output pressure is at the right amount (I use 700 psi) and turn on the on/off lever in one smooth motion.

It only happens when I first turn on the air. I remove my tank at the end of the day, and I have problems when I turn it back on. It is a pain to have to get a fill at the end of the day so I'll have enough pressure to get everything to seal.

Thanks for the ideas, I'll try the trigger pull one this Saturday. Hopefully it gets broken in soon.

10-06-2001, 10:31 PM
Ok, I tried it today, much failure...

I had about 400PSI left in my tank, so I turned it on all the way, and it all blew out, even holding down the trigger. So I have to go to the fill station and beg the guy to keep putting air into it until it seals. They all look at me funny but fortunately they do it. This is not fun. Anyone else give me some ideas? Right now I'm just thinking of leaving the air on all the time.

Sorry to be such a downer, I love my mag, but this is frustrating.:mad: :mad: :mad:

10-07-2001, 12:27 AM
try it with atleast 1000 psi in the tank. It doesn't sound dangerous and it's not rare so just let it run its course.

10-07-2001, 01:20 AM
Good enough idea, but I can't always keep 1000psi in the tank, and it can only be filled thru the reg, with the tank turned on. So, if I have less than 1000psi in my tank, I have to let it blast out before I can get my air filled? Not a good option. Thank you though. I'm really hoping for a fix as opposed to a workaround. But, if it was a good workaround, i'll take it.

10-07-2001, 06:04 PM
Tubby, like I said earlier, after you air your gun up and play a few times, it will go away. The orings need to wear a bit. You are not hurting anything and the best thing to do is get an on/off for you tank so you can put a burst of air into the valve at one time. So the best fix is to play with your gun and not worry about the problem because it will go away.

10-07-2001, 06:33 PM
Am I to understand that when one wants to fill his/her MaxFlo air system, that the on/off lever must be in the on position to fill the tank?

Perhaps your quad O-ring on the on/off pin needs to be replaced. Kinda sounds as if it could be sticking a bit (or it just needs breaking in)

I guess a pro-connect would be an option, although a bit pricey. I agree that you should give AGD a call...

10-08-2001, 09:19 AM
Have you tried pulling the inside of your valve apart?

It may be a case of something like teflon tape stuck in your valve.

Quite a few weird problems I've experienced was due to a piece of teflon tape stuck in the valve.

When I mean stuck inside, I mean the actual power tube part...not the back part where you unscrew it.

10-08-2001, 10:35 AM
This problem is not that uncommon. If you turn on the air slowly it will leak. The RT valve needs a sudden burst of air to make the gun lock up and be ready to fire. Your problem I think is in the valve area where there is a small o-ring around the reg valve inside the brass reg.seal holder.
Be sure this is well oiled and like the guy said it should go away soon.

10-08-2001, 09:36 PM
I have this same problem out of the same setup (Emag, and max flo 3000psi). I finally had to get a new air system to make my gun work properly.

10-09-2001, 06:05 PM
umm, o'm not sure cuz i just got my e-mag, but i gas mine up in e-mode w/ the gun on. the first couple times i did this, i forgot to turn on the 'gun,(i'm a retard). if this is bad for the 'gun please tell me cuz i don't wanna jack n-e-thing up