View Full Version : AVP: Basic Story Line ....

04-19-2004, 07:57 AM
Wasnt sure if you guys heard the story line or not yet to AVP ...


1 -- The Preds help the human race to originally build the pyramids all over the world. The preds were considered to be gods by the early human race.

2 -- The pyramids were hunting/proving grounds for young preds.

3 -- The preds would drop off a certain number of young preds at the pyramids to hunt and kill aliens. If you killed an alien you were considered a "man" and brought back to the ship. If you failed, you dies.

4 -- There is a scene that shows three preds failing and one self destructing. This is supposed to explain the disaperence of several races of people for no reason.

5 -- Much later in the future, a pyramid is discovered under the ice in the artic. Group of scientists disrupt a party of five young preds on their proving mission.

6 -- No real mention on the number of aliens yet.


04-19-2004, 11:44 AM
I had heard this story line earlier before seeing the preview. At first I thought they'd ruin it by making it sound so dumb. I saw the preview and I must say I like it so far. Can't wait for more trailers to be released. Also my guess for the alien count is pretty good size. I say that cause in the preview they humans walk into the "egg patch" and there are quite a few eggs. I do remember something about how the predators had been around Earth for a long time. Hense that's why the leader in the 2nd movie gave Danny Glover the old pistol.

04-19-2004, 02:08 PM
Actually I believe the basic story line starts off like this:

Predator calls up Alien.

Alien: hello?
Predator: Hey Alien, its me Big P.
Alien: hey man, sup?
Predator: I was wondering if you noticed how our last movies totally sucked?
Alien: they was straight up wack!
Predator: wha?
Alien: nuthin....so what you planning?
Predator: I say we get together and do our own movie, and do it right.
Alien: awww yeah!! that would be off the hook, know what im saying???
Predator: uhm..not really...but anyways im just thinking this time no Sigourney Weaver.
Alien: ok....but no Danny Glover, ya huurd?
Predator: Deal! Now have your people call my people and we will set something up.
Alien: Fo shizzle,my nizzle!!
Predator: god, i hate you.


04-19-2004, 02:26 PM


04-19-2004, 03:52 PM
Which once again proves why J Dub is the funniest man on AO...