View Full Version : Worst places to get hit.

04-19-2004, 10:04 AM
I know everyone gets hit there sooner or later. People say getting hit in the groin is the worst. However I got shot in the neck. It stings like a mofo. I noticed it was green fill. Didnt think anything of it. So I play another round and get shot in the back of the head. Green fill again. Its just coincidence but 2 more rounds after that I was also shot in the head. I sat the last three games out for fear of a concussion from repeated blows to the head. Anyone care to share their worst paintball injuries? :D

04-19-2004, 10:10 AM
I got hit in the back (while reffing) from 5 feet away by some kid shooting a Tippy 98. I chrono'd the gun and found it was shooting 324.....

04-19-2004, 10:12 AM
The Two N's

Nads and Neck.

Load SM5
04-19-2004, 10:16 AM
My worst was during a game of rec play. I was in a wooden house type structure when an opposing player ran next to the building without me noticing and the kid who was supposed to cover me did'nt say a word or warning. This tool stuck his gun through the window, because he could see me, and blind shot. I felt the tip of his barrel rest up against my right temple a split second before he pulled the trigger twice. The next thing I knew I was on the ground and could'nt even focus my eyesight. I had been wearing a pair of Flex 7's with the soft foam earpieces and they did little to lessen the impact. I had a lump the sized of a canned ham on my temple and could'nt even put my mask back on after that game. I suffered from headaches for a good solid week and it took another week before I could even sleep on that side anymore.

I questioned everyone but the coward never owned up to it. I don't go to that field anymore.

04-19-2004, 10:18 AM
cphilip knows the score...

Followed by shots between fingers.

04-19-2004, 10:20 AM
My second time playing i was at my local field and didnt think to wear gloves since it was 80 degrees outside. I got bunkered and shot twice in the back of my right hand from about 3 feet. This was over 2 years ago, and the scars are still visible.

04-19-2004, 10:30 AM
By far, the worst place I've ever been shot is in the small of the back, right at the base of the spine. There's a one inch square area right above the beltline that absolutely paralyzes you and drops you to your knees when you're hit there.

Thankfully, modern waist hugging harnesses virtually eliminate this shot.

04-19-2004, 10:38 AM
Given the way the sport has been going lately ... I would say the worse place to be hit is the wallet :)


04-19-2004, 10:42 AM
By far, the worst place I've ever been shot is in the small of the back, right at the base of the spine. There's a one inch square area right above the beltline that absolutely paralyzes you and drops you to your knees when you're hit there.

Thankfully, modern waist hugging harnesses virtually eliminate this shot.

Yup, that's where I got hit.

*points to above post*

04-19-2004, 10:58 AM
took one to the collar bone yesterday, makes wearing a seatbelt damned near impossible now.

at least until the swelling goes down

I would have to say between the fingers is probably the WORST. I've been shot there twice, once I had gloves on and it didn't even help.

04-19-2004, 11:09 AM
Well I'd have to say the Navel...if your as fuzzy as I am it takes months to clean all that goo out of there.... and its a long story... just Imagine a Shirts vs Skins game..

04-19-2004, 11:14 AM
in the

04-19-2004, 11:17 AM
from 8 feet away in the colar bone.... trust me.. it hurts like a bastard....

Im taken hits most every were including the groin and well that pain went away... my colar bone hit still hurts

04-19-2004, 11:17 AM
hehehe is that a Before and after pic?!!? AHHAHAHAA!! :eek:

04-19-2004, 11:19 AM
getting shot in the arse hurts so much right when it happens :eek: , but after it doesn't hurt.

04-19-2004, 11:38 AM
hehehe is that a Before and after pic?!!? AHHAHAHAA!! :eek:

rofl, i didnt even think of that

GA Devil
04-19-2004, 11:42 AM
After this weekend I would have to say in the trakia (sp?) with the barrel about 2 feet or so away. Was doing a run thru and bunkering a guy who shot right as i got to him. I got him out but he about knocked me out..lol The throat closed and had to strain to open it back up...couldnt yell much the rest of the day...lol.

04-19-2004, 12:17 PM
:mad: The worst I ever had it was the first game I ever played. I was ambushed by a team of cockers at very close range. I was low crawling through some grass close/on the side line to flank them (to this day I swear they were out of bounds) anyway they all opened up on me. Guess it was because the paint wasn't breaking or something they just kept on shooting. Even after the first balls hit me and I yelled out I was hit they didn't stop! You name it I was hit there. After that I was done for the day. That day is what caused me to buy a mag.

04-19-2004, 12:29 PM
Adams Apple or fingernail.

04-19-2004, 12:47 PM
Honestly, getting shot in the back of the legs is pretty bad. After gettin shot there its usually hard for me to walk :( .

04-19-2004, 01:21 PM
Wow I feel much better now. I realize now that mine was nothing lol. :D

04-19-2004, 01:32 PM
i aint really had a shot that was paintfull :) .....................yet :(

but getting shot point blanc in the fingers dosen't even hurt one bit, and thats without gloves. Don't know about you but i hardly feel it

04-19-2004, 01:39 PM
I'd have to say the top of the head, but that's probably because I wear a cup and neck protector so those shots don't bother me.

Took a hit in the nail of my pinky once - that stung like a b***h as well. Nearly dropped my marker.

Nearly anywhere from a hot marker at close range.

04-19-2004, 01:48 PM
yea, i was runnign to bunker a guy, he popped out at the last instant and blasten me in the left nad point blank, i was just laying tehr for like 15 min, it was terible.

i snap shot at a teammate during rec ball, hit em 4 times tright in the center of the throat, he complaghned the rest of teh day

after i got shot in the nad, a guy that works at teh feild told me about an event where he went over the top on a guy in the snake, but the guy was waiting for him, and hit em twice in teh nuts as he sored over the guy, he said the refs screamed at him to get off the field (tourney) but then realized he wasnt wearing a cup and just let em lay there

04-19-2004, 02:03 PM
By far, the worst place I've ever been shot is in the small of the back, right at the base of the spine. There's a one inch square area right above the beltline that absolutely paralyzes you and drops you to your knees when you're hit there.

Thankfully, modern waist hugging harnesses virtually eliminate this shot.
My 2nd time playin paintball my friend asked if he could shoot me before we played (back in the splatmaster days) I said yes thinkin he would give me a sec to prepare. Nope. He just instantly shot me point blank in my lower back right in the spine. :eek: I couldnt belevie how bad it hurt. And yeah I got real weak in the knees and kinda fell down. Still have the scar.

04-19-2004, 02:05 PM
I took one to the ear back before whipper snappers had ear pieces. That hurt something good and made hearing very hard for awhile.

The worse shot I ever took was to the neck. Right to the soft spot next to the trachea where the jugular is. It damn near knocked me out. The was the first (and last) time a hit had actually made me pack up my gear and go home for the day. I ended up with a ugly green bruise that was about the size of a grapefruit.

04-19-2004, 02:06 PM
I got shot across the chest while reffing a few guys, i accidentally got caught in a crossfire due to balls flying oddly, and i got shot in the nipples. That was quite possibly my most paintful hit. My nad shots dont hurt much since I wear padding. But the neck ones sure can sting when they hit right.

04-19-2004, 02:14 PM
I got shot across the chest while reffing a few guys, i accidentally got caught in a crossfire due to balls flying oddly, and i got shot in the nipples. That was quite possibly my most paintful hit. My nad shots dont hurt much since I wear padding. But the neck ones sure can sting when they hit right.

I add:

A direct hit to a PIERCED nipple is even worse.

Eric Cartman
04-19-2004, 02:51 PM
My worst was during a game of rec play. I was in a wooden house type structure when an opposing player ran next to the building without me noticing and the kid who was supposed to cover me did'nt say a word or warning. This tool stuck his gun through the window, because he could see me, and blind shot. I felt the tip of his barrel rest up against my right temple a split second before he pulled the trigger twice. The next thing I knew I was on the ground and could'nt even focus my eyesight. I had been wearing a pair of Flex 7's with the soft foam earpieces and they did little to lessen the impact. I had a lump the sized of a canned ham on my temple and could'nt even put my mask back on after that game. I suffered from headaches for a good solid week and it took another week before I could even sleep on that side anymore.

I questioned everyone but the coward never owned up to it. I don't go to that field anymore.

I had a similar experience although not as bad. I was on the second floor of a structure (playing attack & defend - we were defending), when some kid stuck his gun up through the hole in the floor (no stairs, just ladders coming up in the middle of the floor) and blind fired. His shot came up under my mask and hit me in the throat from about two and a half feet away. I was bleeding pretty good when I got out of there and never did find out who did it. I haven't been back to the field since. It's a pretty dangerous setup IMO.

04-19-2004, 02:55 PM
I add:

A direct hit to a PIERCED nipple is even worse.

At that point, I'd probably pass out. That pain would just be excruciating.

04-19-2004, 03:21 PM
I took two shots to the throat once, thankfully from long range. The first one hit me dead in the throat, right to the side of my adams apple. I popped right up to walk off, and got hit pretty much right on top of the first hit.

My throat swelled up a bit, and it made swallowing a little uncomfortable for a while, but it was I think the most painful at the time.

I also took a shot from about 2' away to the head at NJAO2. HIt me right on the hairline, and raised a huge welt and bled all over. I had a .68 scab on my head for about a week, it was pretty nasty. Gave me a nice headache and whatnot.

Neither incident ended my play for the day though :)

04-19-2004, 03:29 PM
I add:

A direct hit to a PIERCED nipple is even worse.

Yeah, I throw a bunch of tape over mine when I play. Helps a lot.

Worst ones I've had have been mentioned, top of the head, neck, and fingers.

04-19-2004, 03:37 PM
I took one to the ear back before whipper snappers had ear pieces. That hurt something good and made hearing very hard for awhile.I played all of about four times with whipper snappers and went back to the store for the velcro, tie-on, foam ear covers that PMI used to make. Luckily, I avoided getting ear-holed the few times I played without ear covering.

However, now that I remember the whippers, I remember taking a nasty shot to the cheek from a friend's Razorback at about 15 feet. Broke the skin over my cheekbone and left a bloody ring in two perfect concentric circles - looked like a washer. I carried that scar for almost two months.

GA Devil
04-19-2004, 04:05 PM
A direct hit to a PIERCED nipple is even worse.

Personally I dont find that very painful. I took 3 in a row to mine the weekend I got them done and it even blew the ball off the ring but wasnt too bad. And I gte hit on them on occasion. They are actually one of the places it dont bother me a bit.

04-19-2004, 04:11 PM
Personally I dont find that very painful. I took 3 in a row to mine the weekend I got them done and it even blew the ball off the ring but wasnt too bad. And I gte hit on them on occasion. They are actually one of the places it dont bother me a bit.

Yeah I don't mind dead on much. But last time I caught one from the side, I thought for sure it was gonna be torn.

04-19-2004, 07:22 PM
abotu 23 shots to the stomach for a hot firing cocker... aghh i almost broke is fingers off after that because he was a "freind" He felt hte rath of my phantom ;) once i put the hpa on it and turned velocity up that thing could a ripped a hole in and old buick i think he wont shoot me that many times from that close agin

ya ne time when u have more purple skin then ur normal color

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
04-19-2004, 07:31 PM
1st worst place to get hit
-My Wang AKA Master Wang

2nd worst place to get hit

3rd worst place to get hit
-Everywhere else

Eatem Alive
04-19-2004, 07:42 PM
before we wore full masks, i took one in the mouth while i was yelling (that just sounds wrong don't it?) i took two consecutive shots from the same string of paint to the left side of my...uh.. "duffel bag" :eek: . neither broke, unfortunately, so i had to stay in and play with a horrible tummy ache. the ref was laughing his butt off. i've also dislocated my shoulder twice while playing...once pulling a flag that was hung on a nail. i grabbed it and turned to run and "pop...stretch" i was down for the count. second time, sliding onto a bunker in a tourney. my elbow caught the ground and out she came again. i finished the game and won a big sportsmanship trophy for it. :D

04-19-2004, 07:46 PM
Snyper: is that first pic on the zipper field?

I'd have to say the worst places are: neck, nads and inside of the thigh

04-19-2004, 07:55 PM
cphilip knows the score...

Followed by shots between fingers.

yea one time I got bonus balled on the hand all of my nuckles on my left hand were swollen and it looked like my right hand had a growth stunt I got hit maybe ten times on the hand other than that the neck and nads neck 4 times at once

04-19-2004, 07:56 PM
The Two N's

Nads and Neck.

oh yes, ive never been hit down low, but either way bounces hurt more then breaks

04-19-2004, 08:18 PM
Additionally, shooting yourself in the hand is always fun as well.

04-19-2004, 08:23 PM
i got hit in the collorbone once from my friends viking shooting 324. that didn't hurt. it was the fact that everything i ran into or hit me seemed to hit that huge welt. :mad: ha, the price you pay for fun eh? :p

04-19-2004, 08:26 PM
in the tip of the...well, lets put it this way, i peed blood for 3 days. was bunkered when it happened.

04-20-2004, 09:21 AM
Well, the worst I got hit was when I was playing recball......
It was the end of the day, and we headed out to a field.
The rules were this, u weren't out till u could take the pain anymore.
Well, i ended up getting 45+(counted) welts within about 15 seconds.
I had to hold my arms away from my body because it hurt real bad along my sides. Several of the welts were bloody :D

o ya, i bunkered a guy once, we both round the bunker at the same time, I hit his gun, he hit the back of my hand from about 7 inches away, and I didn't have gloves :( bThe funny thing was, it didn't break the skin, it just popped the blood vessels under the skin, looked like I had a golf ball under the skin.

04-20-2004, 09:24 AM
I have gotten hit in the balls the neck, however the worst is this one game I was trying out a flex 7 and a ball bent the ruber and went on to the roof of my mouth. Now that was painfull especially because I choked on the ball coming in.

04-20-2004, 09:43 AM
Lol howd it taste :rolleyes:

WaStEd TaLeNt
04-20-2004, 09:52 AM
Just a link from another thread about this: http://mortonwebdesign.com/OUCH!.htm

But my personal worst place hit was at the point on the side of your hand, just above the wrist, were there is a little gap between the bones running down your hand to the thumb and first finger. There is a nerve there, and my whole arm went instantly numb and caused me to drop my gun...

04-20-2004, 03:24 PM
Suicidal nice pictures. They really speak a thousand words including son of a b***h and ow my d**k.

04-20-2004, 03:57 PM
I'd have to say my worst hit ever was just a simple bunkering in a tourney game. It was three or four hits up my arm and onto my chest (I was still in the firing position) I have a circular scar on my arm to this day, it was over a year ago. I remember as soon as I was hit I immediatly turned around and started walking back as if nothing happened, trying to will myself in thinking that the pain wasnt that bad... but I couldnt hold it after a few seconds and just screamed the word OW really loud, but just once :) It was so bloody, they had to be hot.

My first day I played paintball I was shot in the ear from the back by my teammate 10 feet away. It shocked me, and cause of the pain I didnt even realize where I was even hit, I just felt around on the outside of my head and there was nothing so I just assumed it didnt break, but it was painful.

04-20-2004, 04:26 PM
Well, this wasnt the most painful hit, but it was the weirdest. One time when I was on the sideline watching and next thing I know a ball comes flying towards me and hit me right in the bottom of the mask while I was yelling at somone, and all of a sudden I stopped yelling, because a piece of the paintball shell had gone through the holes and into my throat. I started choking and coughing and didnt stop because I couldnt seem to cough the piece of the shell out of my throat. I didnt even look up and I knew everyone was staring at me wondering what the heck was happening. So, im still coughing and I finnally get myslef to puke up all this nasty stuff along with the shell. All the puke sitting on the side of the field. I was so happy I got the shell out of my throat (although of coarse it didnt look like I was). And then I just sat there and everyone was staring at me even the game stopped. Now, the problem was trying to explain to everyone exactly what happened and get them stop staring. I'll let you take it form here and use your imagination.

Smoking Nun
04-20-2004, 04:46 PM
I love these pain threads. Funny as heLL

Most painful was about in 96. Was playing in the winter, shooting rental ProLites. Shooting ProBounce. It was cold, cold, cold.

Anyway, I see a friend of mine behind this bus we used as part of the field. I crept up to bunker him. Rounded the bus and had him dead to rights in the back. I shot a short burst. He cursed, spun around and looked down. None of the balls broke. I turned around and tried running away (dumb, I know, but I was a newbie). He shot me about 7 times in the back while I rounded the corner of the bus. He followed, blasting the whole way. I jumped down in a foxhole/ditch jsut past the bus. Jumped right on top of this other kit. So, 1/2 my body was uncovered. He kept firing. About 5-6 more bounced off the top of my head. I jumped out of the foxhole and ran off into the woods to die. He kept shooting at me the entire time I was in range. I just layed down in the woods for about 15 minutes, with my head and back stinging unbelievably. The thing was, when I was getting lit up, I couldn't call myself out, it hurt too badly. He was blasting me from about 5 feet away shooting nearly frozen ProBounce. The damned things were like getting shot by marbles. It hurt so bad I couldn't talk, couldn't think. All I could do was run until I was out of range. Walking off the field, I had someone paint check me - not a single ball of about the 15 I got hit with broke. And, yes, I played out the day.

Anyway, that's the last time I will ever run with my back to 'em. I'd rather go down blasting from close range, face to face. Usually, most people, when you have the drop on them, and have blasted them with about 4 to the back, will not turn around, raise their gun, and blast back.


04-20-2004, 04:48 PM
I wear a JT proteus and i have a big head. So i get a lot of shots to the face, like chin or the worst was when i got hit and the ball travelled up the mask to my cheek, like on my jaw bone right side i swear it was gonna leave a scar.

Also i would say neck, but dang i got sot again in the jaw, under ear last time i played and that hurt alot, i like my mask not making me hot but its the pain is the price i pay

oh and the boys dont like getting hit either luckly it wasnt a direct hit, i would also say that the sides hurt alot too like side of waist or right around belt line, it makes it a pain to wear a belt tight.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
04-20-2004, 07:31 PM
Suicidal nice pictures. They really speak a thousand words including son of a b***h and ow my d**k.

ty ty, i still have the scar from that neck shot at AO-IL DAY I

04-20-2004, 07:48 PM
ill have to say my most painful shot had to be right in the shoulder where the joint is..my friend was shooting a pain wrecking 335..what a great friend he is..then shot in the index trigger finger from 10ft away nad then the nastiest shot ive ever taken was there inbetwee the collar bone and the neck..bleed for the rest of the day..and i had a few stories to tell on monday at school..hah

04-20-2004, 08:29 PM
Lol %$#@ dude that sounded painful. Lmao i love the one in the snow. Lol also I gotta try that ur not out til you cant take it anymore scenario lol. :D

04-20-2004, 08:32 PM
Lol dont you just hate it when you get hit in the neck and everyone thinks its a hicky. I just say o yea thats the good stuff ;)

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
04-20-2004, 10:47 PM

if that was a hicky on my neck it would have been in the weirdest location for one...plus it was a bloody one and had a ring of blood around it...

the girl had to have very powerful lungs to suck all that outa my neck

04-20-2004, 11:54 PM
So I was in this tower type setup and I knew the invaders had made it to the stairs and were coming up, but I didn't know how far up. (This was a 3 level tower.) But anyway, as i leaned across the opening of the stairs, first looking down, saw nothing, turned my head to look over the wall a little bit, leaving my neck perfectly exposed. The next thing I remember is a loud THUD and just instant pain. I just kept in silent agony until I started crawling down the stairs, "i'm dead, don't shoot" mingled with a few silent cusses. I got home later and took some pictures. The scars only lasted around a month, but it was interesting explaining what exactly that bruise was. Of course I have pictures uploaded. <br>http://casey.hubns.net/pictures/wounds/medium/wounds-01.jpg

04-21-2004, 03:10 PM
Lol so many fort accidents. I thought that forts were supposed to give an advantage :D

Slimm Jimm
04-21-2004, 03:21 PM
Those neck shots can be a pain to explain to girls. Espcially when the girls don't know it's a paintball hit and not a hicky.

Worst hit I've taken was a shot to my forehead. Knocked me flat on my back.

Worst I've seen, two guys were practicing, one in the bunker in front of the other person, both leaning out the same side. They were going back and forth, Front Man: "Don't Hit me." Back Man: "I'm not going to hit you." etc.
Eventually, the back man says his line, and th next ball he shoots flies directly into the back of the front man's ear. Need I say more?