View Full Version : Team Tactics - Chatter on the speedball field..

04-19-2004, 10:54 AM
Not sure if anyone was at Badlandz yesterday, but I know one of the AGD factory teams was there, we played them, and were spanked in less then 3 mins lol.

But hey, it was a learning experience, indeed, I learned not to play them until we're better and more organized.

At any rate, for those of you who weren't there it was hot and windy as all get out. So windy in fact the airball fields were blowing all over, the tie-downs were useless.

My question is, as a team, we were working on communication and movement, however, with the wind blowing as hard as it was, We couldn't hear each other even standing right next to one another. Alot of people were complaining about that as well but theres nothing you can do about it really. I'm just wondering what other methods of communications can you use? I would think eye-contact wouldn't be that good because you'ld have to take your eye off the field momentarily and that could cause issues. So what do you all do when you can't talk/yell to each other on the field?

04-19-2004, 11:11 AM
Well there were 4 Deaf guys playing at my local field the other day and they were really really good... Not sure on how they did it though

04-19-2004, 11:16 AM
We had problems yesterday at the BFG tourney with not being able to hear each other because of the noise and teh fact that the room is so large. I couldn't hear my back guys at all, and that indeed hurt us abit.

04-19-2004, 12:05 PM
yea bfg is a pain to hear when your playing. my voice died by the end of the day i was yelling so loud. btw what place did ur team come in automagfreek?

04-19-2004, 12:07 PM
We came in 5th, and we were damn close to making the finals. Came up 13 points short.

04-19-2004, 12:21 PM
Why not buy some Motorola Talkabout 5200's and hands-free headsets? Brand new, you're looking at under $50 per player - and you can get them drastically cheaper on eBay.

We've been using them for the past three years, and frankly, I can't see how we ever got by without them now.

04-19-2004, 12:35 PM
Why not buy some Motorola Talkabout 5200's and hands-free headsets? Brand new, you're looking at under $50 per player - and you can get them drastically cheaper on eBay.

We've been using them for the past three years, and frankly, I can't see how we ever got by without them now.

Granted, it's for walk ons, but
A) they're not allowed in tourneys
B) If it's handsfree, it's activated somehow... possibly by sound... Which could cause a problem if the wind or marker is activating the headset

04-19-2004, 02:08 PM
at gpl on the 4th it was windy as hell and couldnt here anything soo we did a lot of pointing (haha didnt kno what else to do) we still screamed as loud as we could :D

04-19-2004, 03:25 PM
Why not buy some Motorola Talkabout 5200's and hands-free headsets?...We've been using them for the past three years...

Did the rules change? "Radios" use to be against the rules.