View Full Version : AO Tag Question

Target Practice
04-19-2004, 08:42 PM
Uh, this is probably a stupid question, but here it goes anyway. What are the AO-CA, AO-IL, etc.? What do they signify?

Ok, so that was two questions.

I was gonna put an AO-CA tag in my Sig, but I thought I would make sure that I wasn't...uh..."overstepping my bounds". Thanks for the info!

04-19-2004, 08:45 PM
You have to be part of AGD to have it in your sig, sorry.

04-19-2004, 08:45 PM
it doesnt have any 'power' to it. I just shows where you're resided. its seen more than whats under the AO Handles since its bigger and more vibrant. I could get an AO-ON, but im too lazy.

04-19-2004, 08:49 PM
lol since nobody's really answered your question yet... JAM made up a logo for AO-VA (Automags.org Virginia) a while ago... and then the rest of AO decided to jump on board. :) There's pretty much one for every state, plus some other ones, like army, etc... there's even one for our 51st state up north!!

**edit** And feel free to go ahead and use one, they're not "reserved" for anybody special.

04-19-2004, 08:52 PM
Don't listen to these guys you will be sued for copyright infringement if you use AO logos in your signature. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!

04-19-2004, 08:53 PM
Don't listen to these guys you will be sued for copyright infringement if you use AO logos in your signature. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!

Hello Adam Gardner. ;)

Creative Mayhem
04-20-2004, 12:04 PM
it doesnt have any 'power' to it. I just shows where you're resided. its seen more than whats under the AO Handles since its bigger and more vibrant. I could get an AO-ON, but im too lazy.

Traxer... us Canadians can't use our provincial designations... the dumb yanks wouldn't understand and would bug us about it, "what does AO-ON stand for?" and you KNOW it would happen REPEATEDLY ;) :D

The Deacon
04-20-2004, 12:13 PM
Hey, all I need to know about other countires is their name and whether they hate the US or not. After that... forget it, too much effort. :p :D

04-21-2004, 02:52 PM
Yes, I have patented the AO-State tags and will be charging all of you for their use. Say, $1 a post or so? that should fund my new equipment. ;)
