View Full Version : Do double triggers help rof?

10-03-2001, 10:54 AM
I was thinking of getting a double trigger frame + double trigger. What would you guys recommend, or would u say that they are just a waste?

10-03-2001, 11:09 AM
But only if its a Z-Grip or intelliframe. Double Triggers have the potential for higher rate of fire. it depends on how coordinated you are at shooting.

10-03-2001, 11:16 AM
and why are those the only 2 good double trig frames

10-03-2001, 11:20 AM
Actually, the name of the frame is Intelliframe. I think skipdog only recommends the z and intel because they are both made by AGD. the z is no longer produce so they are a little more difficult to get, but speaking from experience (i have both a z and intel) they both shoot great.

The added leverage makes the trigger pull lighter.

10-03-2001, 11:23 AM
between the intelliframe and other double trig frames (DYE for instance)?

10-03-2001, 11:25 AM
No double trigger will help your ROF by itself. Practice will. Having a loader system that can keep up will also help. All frames, set aside electro's, require you to move your finger fast and regular. That is what is important for high ROF. Most people I have met still use only one finger moving even with at double trigger. All things aside stick with a AGD grip it will have the best fit and trigger match up.

10-03-2001, 11:39 AM
do they use middle, or flick finger back and forth? Or just use index like on a normal trig frame?
If I didnt get an AGD double trig frame, ccould it potentially cause future problems?

10-03-2001, 12:11 PM
The main reason people are suggesting AGD trigger frames is to avoid future problems. ADG has its products mfg. to very tight specifications. They will fit and opperate correctly without a lot of extra work. You could get either a Benchmark or DYE 2X trigger frame but you would run the very real risk that it didn't work perfectly on your gun.

10-03-2001, 12:49 PM
I love dbl triggers, I have shot many different guns with dbl triggers and like them much more than a single trigger. The reason is not the rate of fire, but finger placement and lighter trigger pull.

My shooting style is kind of a strange one. I only use my middle finger on a dbl trigger. I don't even rest it in the finger groove on the trigger, but place the tip of my finger on the very bottom edge of the trigger. I also do not grip my gun, I let it rest between my thumb and index finger. I accually hold my gun with my left hand. I'll ahve to post a pic some time.

12-27-2001, 09:36 PM
Which trigger pull is the shortest: Intelliframe or Z-Grip (or stock)? And finally, which trigger pull is teh softest?
Thanks a lot :rolleyes:

12-27-2001, 09:46 PM
They are pretty much the same Lobo...

12-27-2001, 10:51 PM
you may want to wait til the new z grips come out

12-27-2001, 11:07 PM
K, thanx :p

12-27-2001, 11:17 PM
its all the person shooting it i think, a person who loves single triggers can probly shoot just as fast as a person who loves double...

12-28-2001, 03:34 AM
I love single triggers ...
On a double i tend to shortstrocke my Mini easier, than with a single - but I think itīs only personal preferences!

12-28-2001, 03:39 AM
I like double because I can alternate fingers.

12-28-2001, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by markhauguel
No double trigger will help your ROF by itself. Practice will. Having a loader system that can keep up will also help. All frames, set aside electro's, require you to move your finger fast and regular. That is what is important for high ROF. Most people I have met still use only one finger moving even with at double trigger. All things aside stick with a AGD grip it will have the best fit and trigger match up.


IMHO, using one finger for a double trigger is kinda a waste. They put a second finger groove for a secong finger to pull it. When there are 2 fingers pulling a trigger versus having only one finger pull the trigger, guess what? OMG, the pull seems half as light!

But when it comes down to it, its all preference. My fried still shoots his Spyder with double trigger with only his middle finger. I use two fingers (my middle and ring fingers) and the pull seems light on my Benchy 2x (expecially with a different power tube spacer and trhe z valve).

They even have double triggers for electros for Gods sake? The trigger is as effortless as you can get! Do you relly need a double?

Its seems to me that double triggers and frames seem to be just a standard trend on most guns. It comes down to just preference. Double triggers arent necceasrily better than single. After all, do real firearms have double triggers? (rhetorical)


12-28-2001, 07:46 AM
Well, when I started this thread I had a stock frame..now I have a Double Trigger + RT.
I like the double trigger better, because its easier to hold the frame and fire with my middle finger. The way I see it, since the trigger extends downward farther, I don't have to have my hand as far up on the frame as I would with a single trigger, in order for my middle finger to reach the trig.

Oh yea, and about real guns not having double triggers...
First off, when you're looking for stability, and long term comfort, a double trigger is not the way to go, when we're talking real fire arms. Paintball is way different, and we are trying to achieve superior ROF through semi-auto pball guns.
And second, real fire arms have burst and full auto...not that pball guns don't...but I shure as heck don't use full or burst at fields or tourneys.
Finally, ROF isn't as important with real firearms\ fighting than with pball....eh, but I'll stop here...time to get food, yum

12-28-2001, 10:17 AM
if u pull on the trigger at the very bottom with a dbl it will be lighter but longer, because u have more leverage from the fulcrom(sp?). still all preference